Relação escola e famílias homoafetivas: visão de discentes de licenciatura em Pedagogia
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Universidade Catolica de Salvador
This research is a qualitative and exploratory, held in a public university in the
state of Bahia, aiming at knowing the vision of (the) students on the school's
relationship with gays families, and specific, we define: Identify contributions of
the course, focused on teaching practice in dealing with gays families; Check if
these were provided (s) students curriculum components that addressed the subject
in question if there was access to documents produced on issues pertaining to the
topic under study and present the opinion of (the) students, aimed at contributing to
the Degree Course in relation to subsidize the training to deal with gays families in
professional practice. Participants were five students’ graduates (the), Course of
Pedagogy having as conditions for such participation, are graduates of the
Bachelor of Education at 2011.1, women and men aged between 20 and 50 years.
For both the data collection was based on semi-structured interviews through a
script, the first part containing data on the characterization of the sample and the
second, questions based on the research objectives. Data were analyzed
considering the technique of content analysis, in which categories and
subcategories, analyzed in the study and through which it was possible to present
their results. With regard to the vision of (the) students on the relationship between
school and gays families, stood out in the statements, the existence of prejudice
veiled or explicit school. We also found that the course and outcome in question
did not contribute to professional practice in dealing with gays families in school
therefore do not address the issue during the discussion of teacher education, with a
kind of "denial" of this approach by stealth theme. The superficiality of the
approach of the documents dealing with the issue was markedly during declared
by (the) students. In testimony presented as suggestions to help with the course in
order to equip (the) students for professional practice, with regard to preparation for
dealing with gays families the school (the) trainees (the) reported the inclusion of
components curricular activities that address the issue of homoparenthood,
highlighting the complexity of the issue and requires interfacing with different fields
of knowledge. We emphasize that although (the) students participating in this
study have stated that the course offered little support in their professional practice,
are already teaching, and as such, represent a portion of the school, which may
indicate real changes in their attitudes in dealing with the diversity and, in
particular, same-sex relationships with gays families. Thus, the understanding
cannot be exhausted this subject, given the dynamics of science and society in
constant change, we hope to raise discussion and reflection that can help fuel further
Família homoafetiva, Escola, Licenciatura em pedagogia, Saber docente, Gays families, School, Professional practice