Paternidade responsável para além do registro: sob a análise do projeto pai presente do conselho nacional de justiça.

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Universidade Catolica de Salvador


This article aims to study the issue of responsible parenthood, under the analysis of the Pai Presente project, instituted by the National Justice Council (CNJ), whose purpose is to encourage the recognition of late, gratuitous and voluntary paternity, dispensing in most cases the initiation of judicial proceedings. As well as, it analyzes the importance of the Project Pai Presente, and its application in the Brazilian society, emphasizing if there really is a guardianship of the minor regarding affective abandonment, considering the historical and social aspects of paternity. With this aim, the analysis of the Brazilian doctrine and several scientific articles on the subject was used. Thus, it is up to education to change values regarding the role of parents in raising their children, where, at present, the father is still assigned a minor role in the creation of the infant.



Paternidade, Afetividade, Projeto pai presente, Reconhecimento, Paternity, Affectivity, Project father present, Recognition
