Da suspeição policial a condenação por conta do cabelo: análise do caso Bárbara Querino
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
Composing a detailed study of the case Bárbara Querino de Oliveira, a
young black woman, resident of the outskirts of São Paulo, this article aims to expose
the informalities of the evidential act through personal recognition after the
photographic recognition, which ended up including yet another young black woman
in the prison environment after being recognized by white, upper middle-class victims
because of their curly hair and black skin. As well as demonstrating the presence of
police selectivity in relation to race / color and class that ratifies institutional racism.
Also, to highlight the existence of racial filtering - an expression used in the United
States in the face of selective attitudes of State representatives, brought about by a
study carried out with police in Pernambuco. The Brazilian judicial system sentenced
this young black woman to five years and eight months, through a single means of
Suspeição policial, Racismo institucional, Police suspicior, Institutional racism