Os modelos educativos das mães evangélicas com maridos não crentes: influências da religião e do processo de democratização nas relações familiares

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Universidade Católica do Salvador


In the contemporaneousness, north principles of the familiar educative models had suffered alterations in the direction from its democratization. This, assumed, over all by the middle classes, more permeable of determined modern perspectives, can be apprehended from the different dimensions of the educative process such as the qualities and aptitudes that the parents want that the children acquire; the pedagogical resources and methods that the parents use to transmit its values or to teach adequate behaviors to the children; the distribution of the educative papers between the father and the mother; e the attitude of the parents before the external agents of socialization. Researchers disclose that the system of beliefs of the parents is determinative in the relation that they establish with its children. The religion guides in direct way or not, the rules of behavior them individuals, rules that they attribute meant to the attitudes and forms to see the world and the "other". Inside of the religious sphere it is observed, the accented growth of the evangelicals. In the generality, they are the women who first adhere to the evangelical churches. The consequence is, each time, a bigger number of couples with evangelical woman and not believing husband, making with that the phenomenon of religious pluralism reverberate strongly in the Brazilian families. In this exploratory study, of qualitative nature, our interest was to analyze the educative models of the evangelical mothers - pertaining to the middle classes and whose husband does not share the same faith - being searched to understand the influence of the religion, as well as of the process of democratization of the familiar relations, on the adopted models. We claim a priori a tension for these mothers between two different educative models: for being women of married middle classes with a man, who does not share of the same faith, them they can adopt the democratic model; but for being evangelical, them they can adopt a more traditional model. Interviews half-structuralized with evangelicals, resident mothers in Salvador and married had been carried through with husbands who do not share of the same faith. For the analysis of the data, gotten by means of the interviews, we use the technique of thematic analysis of content. For the treatment and the interpretation of the data we construct two educative models: democratic and the evangelical, being the first one from the literature on the subject that is abundant and consensual and as elaborated from interviews with shepherds. The information supplied for the involved mothers in the research had demonstrated that most of them adopts the evangelical model, notably disciplinarian, what it discloses that the interviewed ones present characteristics that more approach them of that they differentiate them. But the data had also pointed with respect to the influence of the process of democratization in practical educative of these women, disclosing resonances of the modern perspective in the field of the education, marked for the individualistic psychoanalytical culture that introduces new ethos familiar. Thus, the two studied models coexist in the story of one same mother.



Modelos educativos, Mães evangélicas, Pluralismo religioso na conjugalidade, Processo de democratização das relações familiares, Educative models, Evangelical mothers, Religious pluralism in the conjugality, Process of democratization of the familiar relations
