Cuidados de enfermagem ao paciente com síndrome coronariana aguda
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
Acute Coronary Syndrome affects the cardiovascular system and is associated with a series of risk
factors such as sedentary lifestyle, obesity, arterial hypertension, severe arrhythmias, among other
pathologies, which over the years can cause obstruction of the coronary arteries, which can lead to the
patient's death. This article aims to identify the nursing care provided to patients with Acute Coronary
Syndrome. This is an integrative literature review, in which articles were searched in the Virtual Health
Library databases, resulting in 11 articles to compose the study. Nursing care begins with risk
classification, where data collection from the nursing process begins so that the professional assesses
vital signs quickly and efficiently, performs anamnesis, physical examination, monitors, performs ECG ,
provides oxygen therapy and prescribed medications, always continuously evaluating chest pain, in
addition to establishing a bond, considering the social, psychological and biological aspects of the
patient. Thus, the study showed that the patient affected by Acute Coronary Syndrome needs
emergency care and that nursing care must be based on scientific technical knowledge, in order to
recognize and offer targeted, individualized and quality care to this patient.
Síndrome coronariana aguda, Cuidado de enfermagem, Infarto do miocárdio, Acute coronary syndrome, Nursing care, Myocardial infarction