Uma representação da família mestiça na ficção de Pepetela

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Universidade Católica do Salvador


In this study, I try to analyse, based on the historical novel The Glorious Family – (A Gloriosa Família) – The Time of the Flamingos (1997), by Pepetela, and the historiography, the representation of the mestizo family in Angola, pre colonial space in the XVII century, when the Portugueses, the Dutch and the Afircans lived the social economic and political changes during the seven years of the dutch domination in Luanda. The work by the Angolan author is here analysed under the perspective of study case. The Glorious Family , from 2003, was adopted by The Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), in its Entrance Exam, once the Law number 10.639/03 put the study of African Brazilian and African History in the school curriculum of the Fundamental and High School levels. The issue of patriarchalism, mestizoes, as well as the slaves resistance strategies are, also, taken into consideration, making a parallel with what was happening in Brazil, at the same time, once the two borders of the South Atlantic showed a connection between the two places for the maintenance of the colonial exploitation system that left deep marks in these two continents. This study also discusses literature as a source of research and former of the national identity in Angola. I aim at enphasizing the literary object to describe and analyze the voices of the colonizers and colonized ones. Thus, I investigate the narrative focus in the 1st person, elected by Pepetela, in the character of a mute slave, nameless and illiterate that conducts the narrative, in a transgressive way, about the time of the malufos in Luanda.



Família, Mestiçagem, Patriarcalismo, Literatura, História Colonial, African-brazilian families, Mestizoes, Patriarchalism, Literature, Colonial History
