Browsing by Author "Santos, Simone Ganem Assmar"
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Item Direitos reprodutivos, reprodução medicamente assistida e a maternidade como uma escolha reflexiva(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-02-01) Rodrigues, Poliana de Sousa; Cavalcanti, Vanessa Ribeiro Simon;; Xavier, João Proença;; Vargas, Hilda Ledoux;; Santos, Simone Ganem Assmar; http://lattes.cnpq.brThe present work aims to analyze how the use of medically assisted reproductive technologies contributes to the reflexive choice of motherhood without conjugality, in the perspective of reproductive rights. In order to do so, the general objective was to analyze the historical process of elaboration of reproductive rights and the contribution of the feminist movement to the affirmation of the right to the body and to filiation, and its inclusion in the catalog of human rights. It was sought in the field of bioethics and bio-law, to describe the ethical, legal and social repercussions raised by the theme, traversing the history of present time and interdisciplinary approaches required by the delimitation of the object problem. Regulatory aspects of medically assisted reproduction were mapped in Brazil, as well as the law-project on the subject that is in process. As a methodological choice, a qualitative approach was used in an interdisciplinary perspective. The dialogue of knowledge (rights, social sciences and feminist theories) becomes the theoretical basis of this study. Techniques and inves-tigation procedures of this nature indicated the analysis of official documents, histori-ographical and legislative revision, as well as interviews with women who opted for reflexive motherhood and the use of medically assisted reproduction. Approved by CEP / UCSAL / 2018 CAAE (03119118.2.0000.5628), a descriptive and historical analysis consolidated the course of writing production. As a result, one can point out the lack of state investment (both from the legislative point of view, institutions and regulatory agendas) and the growing dominance of the private sector (specialized clinics). Categories were extracted after interviews in depth and using "snowball" to approach, indicating the following central axes: motivation / reflexivity, economic and decision factors, reflexive choice of motherhood, planned single parent family, difficulties and daily scenes, reproduction medically assisted as a reproductive method and access to clinics in the reality of Salvador. Information and analysis were presented as results of the empirical research, bringing contributions about social and family dynamics that were built in the last decades. Finally, single-parenting planned through conceptual techniques and their economic and social developments were approached through the trajectories of women who performed the procedure and configuration of family groups with shades and relationships of a changing field requiring legal, regulatory and social mark differentiated and adapted to the dynamics already lived.Item Dores no corpo/ dores na alma: uma reflexão sobre a experiência corporal e familiar de mulheres mastectomizadas(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2010-06-18) Santos, Simone Ganem Assmar; Costa, Lívia Alessandra Fialho da;; Iriart, Jorge Alberto Bernstein;; Ferreira, Jaqueline Teresinha; http://lattes.cnpq.brThe female breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women. In last decades, the incidence of this pathology has increased worldwide and thus the mortality associated with this disease. In Brazil, breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in women, being considered, nowadays, as a public health problem. This research is aimed mainly at identifying the social representations that surround it, also that are translated into suffering that goes beyond the physical pain imposed by the associated treatments. So, here we deal with the "pains of the soul", a set of experiences of suffering that is expressed both as body, or mental illness. From a perspective based in the field of medicine, anthropology and analytical psychology, we analyzed specific cases of eight (8) women affected by this pathology. The subjects of this study are women, all patients affected by cancer at various stages and who underwent genetic evaluation at the Department of Onco-Genetics at Federal University of Bahia (Departamento de Onco-Genética da UFBA). In this qualitative study, two main techniques were used in data collection: semi-structured interviews (with 7 women) and a case study. In the interviews, we are interested in particular, narratives of suffering and anguish (the disease process, its impacts and the seek for relief and overcoming it) the case study (a patient who for three years, has chosen a psychotherapeutic treatment in the office of the researcher) was also important as a source of data, since from it, we could identify the most recurrent themes that were to guide the development of the script of questions made for the semi-structured interviews. The results show a strong association of cancer with guilt, punishment, physical disfigurement and death. Moreover, the doctor-patient relationship has also been addressed, taking into consideration the role of good listening of these professionals when experiencing suffering of the Others, and also the issue of family involvement in relation to social and emotional support being offered to the ill-founded when she confronts with the misfortune arising from the disease.Item Entradas e saídas pediátricas: famílias em contextos de reinternações hospitalares(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-07-30) Bastos, Aiala França Chaves; Cavalcanti, Vanessa Ribeiro Simon;; Silva, Dejeane de Oliveira;; Santos, Simone Ganem Assmar; diseases in childhood have a very high prevalence with implications for the child's own development and also for their family relationship and socialization processes. Taking care of chronic children can be a very difficult experience – whether for members of the health framework, or for family members responsible for the ethics and economy of care. Among the family components, especially in situations of vulnerability and health - care, attention and assistance fall on women (mothers, grandmothers, aunts, etc.), registered in contemporary disciplinary and interdisciplinary academic productions, as they are the figures in which the changes in their role in the public and private milieu had the greatest impact. Thus, the objective was to understand the dynamics in family relationships of children who experience prolonged hospital readmissions due to diagnoses of chronic diseases from pregnancy and birth. The study intended for the master's degree was developed in the first half of 2021, with family members (accessible only to women-mothers who, even in a pandemic situation, accompanied and accepted to be part of the research) who experience frequent hospitalizations of children in the Pediatrics Complex of a Private Hospital of Salvador, Bahia. Seeking to analyze the proposed theme, this work was based on a descriptive, qualitative research, using a methodological procedure of applying a semi-structured questionnaire with the use of communication platforms to capture relational situations narrated by the caregivers, whichever they are (list the categories centrals). The rationale for the study is to promote a reflection on the role of the family (division of the ethics of care, development and functions within the context) in the evolutionary improvement in the health of children with chronic diseases and in the understanding of coping strategies - that is, , the ways that families have to deal with the problem-situation (disease), extension of treatment and reliability/living with multidisciplinary teams. The investigation proposes to resonate with the complexity of the changes that occurred in family life and enable the restructuring of the family structure. As a result, it is concluded that family rearrangements are loaded with physical, emotional and marital strain. Maternal care is sovereign intra- and extra-hospital, while parents occupy only a providing position. The support network is limited and the feeling of loneliness permeates the trajectory of the mothers.Item A judicialização das políticas públicas de saúde: interlocução entre os princípios da integralidade e isonomia(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2015-10-23) Carvalho, Érica Rios de; Perreault, Michel;; Silva, Antonio Carlos da; Santos, Simone Ganem Assmar; Estevão, Carlos Alberto VilarThe research analyzed the phenomenon of the judicialization of social public policies under the principles of integrality and isonomy. This phenomenon is growing in Brazil, especially since the Constitution of 1988, which guaranteed fundamental rights to be densified through public policies enforced by the Judiciary, Executive and Legislative and also by the civil society, as a mark of the attempt to deploy the Welfare State. In this context, the Judiciary is in charge of guarding the Constitution and the citizens against the trespassings of the State (by action or default). The right to health, as a social right, is guaranteed in the article 1986 of the Constitution. Through the rights to access the Judiciary and to petition, more and more people sue the State in order to obtain access to the health system. On account of the principle of the inevitability of the jurisdiction, millions of sentences are ruling that the State shall provide certain things in individual cases. However, treating the right to health as an individual right is not consistent with its nature. The judge lacks much technical knowledge to decide over anything the State provides through SUS, or at least to decide in a socially responsible way. When he rules that the State must provide certain treatment in an individual case, the judge is interfering in the organization and general logistics of SUS, in the previously allocated budget to health (proposed by the Executive and approved by the Legislative – both composed by elected representatives who have democractic legitimacy, something the judges do not have) and in the order of treatment of the citizens who already stand in line (even though they are equal among themselves, according to the Constitution). Besides, data proves that the simple raise in investments in healthcare policies does not improve significantly the general health conditions of the people. Therefore, it seems irresponsible that the State reserves most of its resources to healthcare when, in truth, the economic development of the country as a whole improves more significantly the individual health. This paper attempted to understand the judicialization of the right to health in Brazil, the nature and impact of the judicial rulings to the civil society and to the State. By comparative institutional analysis, the study probed which is the better suited institution to deal with such claims. This was done through systematic literature review. In addition to it, the collective suit was discussed, as an option to decide more efficiently and isonomically than through individual suits, since the collective one was born exactly to deal with social rights. Ultimately, this paper discussed who is better suited to make the hard choices, ethically, about how to allocate the always insufficient resources to provide all the fundamental rights. All the while considering the human dignity, who must decide and how must such decisions be made about the distribution of the scarce resources among all of them?Item Mapeando os corpos femininos na história do tempo presente: diálogos e representações(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2014-10-21) Santos, Simone Ganem Assmar; Cavalcanti, Vanessa Ribeiro Simon;; Albuquerque, Carlos Francisco Linhares de; Santos, José Antônio Saja Ramos Neves dos; Bastos, Ana Cecília de Sousa Bittencourt; Castro, Mary GarciaThis thesis rises from a restlessness considering the social representations of the female body in History of Present Time, concept that not only holds the immediacy of facts, but to articulation between past, present and future. Taking from Maieutics and having as theoretic basis the social representations, the argumentation that references the ideas here exposed, part of an essayistic work turned to the concept of emancipation as well as the concept of subordination, on the bodily experiences of the feminine body. In order to do so, harbored in an interdisciplinary work, guided in the fields of Medicine, Anthropology, History, Analytic Psychology, Sociology, Ethics and Philosophy – the research pinpoints as its main objective, to investigate if the contemporary Brazilian woman’s body, facing the conquers reached mainly in the last six decades, has been acting as one of the pillars of the autonomy of the “self”, or as a factor of annulment, staring the social, cultural, media and aesthetic boundaries. Methodological, epistemological, and somewhat deontological problems were pondered with basis on the thought that in human species there are males and females, if this distinction is fruit of natural realities, social realities or both. Such questions, were articulated, were fixed as reference to ideas defended by Carole Pateman (1993) and Heleieth B. Saffioti (2001, 2011), regarding the persistency of patriarchy, and Judith Butler’s (2010) assumptions, and Beatriz Preciado (2008), among other authors which pore over gender, sexuality and performances studies. With the same value, the critics of consumerist society, inserted in the integrated social spectacle, in Guy Debord’s ideas (1997), were relevant analysis points, in this plural work, that while moving between tyranny of images and submission of feminine bodies, brought to reflection the power exercised by the media over the investigated object, hence fetichism.Item Trajetórias de pessoas usuárias de drogas: narrativas, contextos relacionais e (re) significações em Comunidades Terapêuticas(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2018-02-05) Gimba, Marcelo de Freitas; Dias, Maria Isabel Correia; Cavalcanti, Vanessa Ribeiro Simon;; Vargas, Hilda Ledoux; Santos, Simone Ganem Assmar; Petrini, Giancarlo; Silva, Antonio Carlos daInserted in the research line Family in the Social Sciences, this doctoral research deals with narratives of trajectories of people using drugs institutionalized in Therapeutic Communities in Brazil and Portugal. The historical-geographical cut is shaded by the years 2014 to 2017, with residents in the State of Bahia-BR and in the city of Porto-PT. It was observed, through a qualitative approach based on in-depth interviews, that vulnerabilities can be aggravated by drug use, interfering significantly in family, social and life projects. This put, this doctoral thesis aims to describe and analyze the history of life referring to a group of people who consumed crack and other drugs until joining Therapeutic Communities (CTs). It was elaborated through a bibliographical review and field research in five Therapeutic Communities. The interviews were: three professionals from the Government of the State of Bahia from the areas of Human Rights and drugs, six professionals from the Therapeutic Communities (Social Assistants, Psychologists, and Monitor (a)) and eleven people interned among the five Therapeutic Communities. Grounded Theory (Data Based Theory) was used as research methodology and three types of interviews were used as a collection tool: one for the professionals of the State of Bahia; one for the professionals of the Therapeutic Communities and another for the interns. Specifically constructed for this research, with scope to analyze: the beginning of use of psychoactive substances, process of access and acquisition of drugs, violence suffered and practiced, public policies on drugs developed in Brazil and experiences in Therapeutic Communities and relational contexts . The main results reveal that: the beginning of the use of psychoactive substances is influenced by groups of friends / people of intimacy, arousing curiosity; that the greatest violence (physical and psychological) and practices of crimes occur in the search for psychoactive substances; people are more susceptible to sexually transmitted infections (STIs / AIDS) because their bodies have become a "bargaining chip" and neglect security measures (eg, use of condoms); women are subject to unwanted or unplanned pregnancies; the need for adequacy of public policies on drugs and the Therapeutic Communities. In spite of the criticisms, they are important equipment, for the Governments (Brazil and Portugal) like policies of facing the dependence of the drugs.