Direitos reprodutivos, reprodução medicamente assistida e a maternidade como uma escolha reflexiva

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Universidade Católica do Salvador


The present work aims to analyze how the use of medically assisted reproductive technologies contributes to the reflexive choice of motherhood without conjugality, in the perspective of reproductive rights. In order to do so, the general objective was to analyze the historical process of elaboration of reproductive rights and the contribution of the feminist movement to the affirmation of the right to the body and to filiation, and its inclusion in the catalog of human rights. It was sought in the field of bioethics and bio-law, to describe the ethical, legal and social repercussions raised by the theme, traversing the history of present time and interdisciplinary approaches required by the delimitation of the object problem. Regulatory aspects of medically assisted reproduction were mapped in Brazil, as well as the law-project on the subject that is in process. As a methodological choice, a qualitative approach was used in an interdisciplinary perspective. The dialogue of knowledge (rights, social sciences and feminist theories) becomes the theoretical basis of this study. Techniques and inves-tigation procedures of this nature indicated the analysis of official documents, histori-ographical and legislative revision, as well as interviews with women who opted for reflexive motherhood and the use of medically assisted reproduction. Approved by CEP / UCSAL / 2018 CAAE (03119118.2.0000.5628), a descriptive and historical analysis consolidated the course of writing production. As a result, one can point out the lack of state investment (both from the legislative point of view, institutions and regulatory agendas) and the growing dominance of the private sector (specialized clinics). Categories were extracted after interviews in depth and using "snowball" to approach, indicating the following central axes: motivation / reflexivity, economic and decision factors, reflexive choice of motherhood, planned single parent family, difficulties and daily scenes, reproduction medically assisted as a reproductive method and access to clinics in the reality of Salvador. Information and analysis were presented as results of the empirical research, bringing contributions about social and family dynamics that were built in the last decades. Finally, single-parenting planned through conceptual techniques and their economic and social developments were approached through the trajectories of women who performed the procedure and configuration of family groups with shades and relationships of a changing field requiring legal, regulatory and social mark differentiated and adapted to the dynamics already lived.



Família, Direito reprodutivo, Reprodução medicamente assistida, Maternidade, Monoparentalidade, Families, Reproductive rights, Medically assisted reproduction, Maternity, Single parenting
