Políticas Sociais e Cidadania
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O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Políticas Sociais e Cidadania é um curso de pós-graduação stricto sensu, voltado para a formação de competências acadêmicas, políticas e técnicas necessárias à produção de conhecimentos sobre as atuais configurações da questão social e à formulação, gestão e avaliação de políticas sociais, com vista à promoção do bem-estar dos cidadãos. Com ele, a UCSal busca atender a uma demanda histórica da sociedade, especialmente daqueles setores mais diretamente envolvidos com o enfrentamento das múltiplas manifestações da questão social.
O curso tem caráter interdisciplinar e acolhe graduados e mestres de qualquer curso de graduação com interesse nas temáticas contempladas na sua Área de Concentração, tais como, Direito, Serviço Social, Economia, Psicologia, Administração, Pedagogia, Ciências Sociais, Fisioterapia, Enfermagem e outras.
Vagas são oferecidas anualmente para Aluno Regular no Mestrado e no Doutorado, além das vagas para Aluno Especial, abertas no início de cada semestre e destinadas aos interessados no curso que ainda não passaram pela seleção para aluno regular ou àqueles que desejem se atualizar nas temáticas do curso.
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Item A pedagogia das competências no ensino médio e a redução dos direitos da classe trabalhadora: análise da produção do conhecimento Stricto Sensu no Brasil – 2017 a 2020(UCSal, Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2022-08-29) Santos, Ana Célia de Carvalho; Sá, Kátia Oliver de (Orient.)Esta pesquisa analisou a relação entre a educação e o trabalho em face da formação da Educação Básica no Ensino Médio, centrada na aquisição de competências e habilidades pelos jovens, filhas e filhos da classe trabalhadora e na crescente perda de direitos trabalhistas, considerando a contrarreforma educacional (Lei n.o 13.415/2017) e trabalhista (Lei n.o 13.467/2017) implementadas no Brasil pós-golpe parlamentar de 2016 e a regulação dada pela Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC, 2018). Tem como pergunta central: O que destacam as produções de teses e dissertações no Brasil (2017 a 2020) sobre a pedagogia das competências na contrarre- forma do Ensino Médio previsto na Lei n. 13.415/2017 e na Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), considerando a redução dos direitos trabalhistas da classe trabalhadora no Brasil e quais os indicadores de superação a partir de fundamentos de formação omnilateral preconizados pela Pedagogia Histórico-Crítica para o Ensino Médio. Objetiva destacar pelo balanço do conhecimento das teses e dissertações produzidas no Brasil (2017 a 2020), o que tratam sobre a pedagogia das competências na contrarreforma do Ensino Médio previsto na Lei n.13.415/2017 e na Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), considerando a redução dos direitos trabalhistas da classe trabalhadora no Brasil e levantar indicadores de possibilidades de superação a partir de fundamentos de formação omnilateral preconizados pela Pedagogia Histórico-Crítica para o Ensino Médio. A pesquisa de caráter exploratório, bibliográfica e documental, com análise de conteúdo, fundamentou-se na abordagem do materialismo histórico e dialético e em princípios teóricos da pedagogia histórico-crítica para levantar e analisar o que as dezesseis produções stricto sensu provenientes de PPG no Brasil no período entre 2017-2020 têm destacado em relação a seis categorias de análise: Contrarreforma do Ensino Médio; Pedagogia das competências; Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC); Redução dos direitos trabalhistas (Reforma/Contrarreforma Trabalhista Lei n. 13.467 de 13 de julho de 2017); Formação omnilateral e Pedagogia Histórico-Crítica. Destacou-se que as estratégias neoliberais centradas na Teoria do Capital Humano desenvolvida por Theodore Schultz nos anos 1960, revigora tendência em curso e se concretizam na atualidade na forma da Pedagogia das Competências preconizada na BNCC na forma dos percursos formativos e do protagonismo juvenil distinguidos na BNCC e replicados no Documento Curricular Referencial da Bahia (DCRB, 2022). Quanto aos resultados, concluiu-se pelo reconhecimento da importância dos ensinamentos clássicos para formação humana e, ainda, que o estudo da relação educação, trabalho e perda de direitos dos(as) trabalhadores(as) carece de aprofundamento pelos pesquisadores e pesquisadoras diante da possibilidade da educação, enquanto atividade mediadora capaz de contribuir para a transformação social, servir como instrumento de resistência da classe trabalhadoras em face a crescente perda de direitos trabalhistas.Item A tutela do direito à moradia no contexto da pandemia do coronavírus(UCSal, Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2022-09-27) Cardozo, Giuliana Vieira de Sá; Cunha Júnior, Dirley da (Orient.)A presente dissertação analisa a violação do direito à moradia decorrente de remoções forçadas no contexto da pandemia do coronavírus. A medida de isolamento que impôs à população o “fique em casa” como a melhor solução para combater a disseminação e o contágio do vírus fez emergir, com maior nitidez, o problema estrutural da desigualdade de condições de moradia no país. Inúmeras famílias foram removidas de suas moradias com a chancela do Poder Público, aumentando a vulnerabilidade de famílias economicamente hipossuficientes e maximizando o risco do contágio. Diante desse cenário de grandes tensões, o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) é convocado a pronunciar-se sobre a matéria, fazendo-o através do processo e julgamento da Arguição de Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental (ADPF) no 828. O direito à moradia adequada é reconhecido e protegido no âmbito internacional como um direito humano e está consagrado expressamente na Constituição Federal como um direito social fundamental. Entretanto, apesar da afirmação deste direito, tanto internacionalmente quanto no âmbito do direito positivo interno, persistem sérias dificuldades quanto a sua efetividade. A metodologia adotada foi a pesquisa bibliográfica e o estudo da jurisprudência nacional.Item Acessibilidade e inclusão: a eficácia do Programa Escola Acessível em escolas das Redes Municipal e Estadual de Salvador, Bahia, Brasil(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-05-29) Silva, Márcia Duarte da; Freitas, Kátia Siqueira de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1543244612205119; Miranda, Teresinha Guimarães; Lepikson, Maria de Fátima PessôaThis research had as object of study the Accessible School Program (ASP), created by the federal government to ensure that students with disabilities, global development disorders and high abilities/gift enrolled in regular classes, have the right to share the learning spaces through access to the physical environment, to teaching and learning resources and to communication and information. The main goal was to evaluate the efficacy of ASP in the perspective of space accessibility for students with physical disability, who use wheelchairs, in municipal and state schools of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The field of investigation was limited to two teaching units, one municipal and one state. The methodology was qualitative, through descriptive approach. The techniques to collect data were: document analysis of the legal and educational basis for the implementation of the program. Among them, Decree 5.296/2004, which regulates the Laws 10.048/2000 and 10.098/2000 and states the basic criteria to promote accessibility for people with disabilities or reduced mobility. ABNT NBR 9050 was also studied, as it addresses building accessibility, furniture, spaces and urban equipments. A questionnaire was conducted with eleven people: 2 school managers, 4 students’ mothers, 1 female student, 3 child development helpers and 1 civil engineer. At last, participative observation was conducted through tables adapted by the researcher from the Manual de Acessibilidade Espacial para Escolas: o direito à escola acessível, published by MEC (DISCHINGER; BINS ELY; BORGES, 2009) to evaluate the conditions for direction, mobility and use in the surroundings and inside areas of the schools. As theoretical basis, the theoretical premises which guide the efficacy evaluation of the ASP were searched. From a critical analysis, the obstacles that impair or hinder people with disabilities from safe access, movement, circulation and possibility to communicate or access information were identified. Thus, the inefficacy of the ASP was recognized. Suggestions were also made for it to reach its goals. The efficacy evaluation of the ASP allowed the understanding of how its goals are met, highlighting its importance in the guarantee of fundamental rights of students with disabilities and in the promotion of the democratic State.Item Acessibilidade para pessoas com deficiência em espaços públicos de lazer esportivo de Salvador(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-03-28) Pereira, Joacir da Costa; Carvalho, Inaiá Maria Moreira de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6436834586482218; Pinto, Isabela Cardoso de Matos; Sá, Kátia Oliver de; Freitas, Kátia Siqueira de; http://lattes.cnpq.brThe study in question was conducted in order to identify and point out what measures some of the main public sports leisure facilities in the city of Salvador (BA) are adapted to promote access and to be used by people with physical and visual disabilities. The research was guided by Federal Law 10,098 / 00, which regulates basic criteria for the promotion of accessibility of People with Disabilities in public places, as well as by ABNT NBR 9050/15, which stipulates the technical conditions under which these leisure projects should be designed. Through a critical-theoretical discussion resulting from bibliographical and documentary researches and also collected in the field through photographs, questionnaire application and systematic observation using field diary, metric tape and semi-structured script, the approach of this investigation highlighted the importance of public spaces for sports leisure for people with physical and visual disabilities, as well as the current accessibility conditions found in public squares and parks in different neighborhoods of the city. At the end of this research, it was possible to observe that, by projectual and administrative matters the squares and leisure parks of the city present several architectural and urban limitations that make them incapable of attending in a safe, comfortable and autonomous way the needs of direction, displacement and communication of people with physical and visual disabilities.Item O acesso à informação em universidades públicas no Brasil: transparência e eficiência em uma sociedade da informação, após implementação da lei nº 12.527/2011(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-03-22) Aguiar, Reinaldo Pereira de; Cunha Júnior, Dirley da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Freitas, Kátia Siqueira de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Portella, André Alves; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Bahia, Saulo Casali; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Soares, Ricardo Maurício Freire; http://lattes.cnpq.br/This research work was developed as a requirement of the Postgraduate Program in the Doctorate modality that deals with access to information in Public Universities in order to research how these educational institutions are complying with the determinations of federal law nº. 12.527/2011, the Law on Access to Information, entitled as LAI that allows, among other aspects, greater transparency, publicity and efficiency in public management, as determined by article 37, of the 1988 Federal Constitution. In this sense, the general objective of the research was to analyze what are the forms of access to information adopted by public universities within the scope of the constitutional and legal precepts provided for in the Brazilian legal framework, an opportunity in which a brief history of access to information during the early 21st century. In the methodology, documents available on the world wide web and dialogues with five Brazilian universities were observed, namely: UFBA; UFG; UFPA; UFPR and USP. Concerning the purposes of the research, descriptive and exploratory research was used, in addition to qualitative and quantitative research. The multiple case study technique was also adopted, confirming the hypothesis that the researched universities do not comply with the Law on Access to Information, according to the legal, normative and regulatory order, which can corroborate the commitment of efficiency in the end-and-middle activity of these institutions. The research provided numerous information that surprised the researcher, such as: a) the inefficiency in serving the internal and external public; b) insufficient internal communication; c) failure to fully comply with the role of the institutions surveyed in the middle and end activities with rules, regulations and the Brazilian legal framework with an emphasis on Law no. 12.527/2011 and the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil (1988). However, immediately, the research was successful in its development when it was noticed that one of the institutions surveyed noticed the need for changes in the "Access to Information" Menu and immediately made changes, reformulating the entire website of the service. However, in general, it was noticed that the websites of the researched institutions are not accessible; they do not have accessibility features and there was no universal usability in an equal way. Thus, universal access must be inclusive without exclusion, such as the availability of information in the Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) as the summary of this thesis.Item Acesso à justiça, estado e cidadania: para além de um paradigma normativista(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2017-02-21) Pinho, Frederico José Andrade de Macedo; Pinho, Frederico José Andrade de Macedo; Bastos, Antônio Adonias Aguiar; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2193591076440706; Portella, André Alves; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1782631349656661; Villas-Bôas, Maria ElisaThe researches and the studies about access to justice - through the time – have been concentrated, priority, in the law ampliation plan or the positive law efectiveness, it means,the attention dispensed by the doctrine about the access to justice conception and evolution, is focused, in many aspects, on the normative area.This situation is lined in the following logic: the positive law are not applied in the social plan – mainly because the inefficiency of the constituted powers, with special featured to the executive and legislative power -, what makes creating a high demand to the judicial power in the intention to concretization of this rights. The reasoning line adopted star to the theoretical premises totally different from that ones usually used for the access to justice studies. It have deffended that the full accomplishmentof the access to justice is into the dynamics of social relations. The notion of citizenship is imbricated with the politic participation and with social movements for the conquest of rights. There is no possibility of effective changes and, in large scale, what refers specifically to the access to justice, if does not exist popular mobilization, awareness of the people in relation to the conflicts and difficulties that must be overdue. It-s necessary to understand that the research for the implementation aod effectiveness of rights, in a large dimension, demand a political culture active of the social bases and not from the exclusive way of the constituted powers. The citizenship and the social emancipation must be request and conquered in the base of the social relations, in the inttention that the citizenship can not be outsourced by the Judicial Power because this phenomenon will bring reflexes into the democracy.Item Acesso a medicamentos para tratamento do câncer de mama no Estado da Bahia pelos pacientes do SUS: através da promoção de ação civil pública pela Defensoria Pública da União(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2018-07-31) Gómez, Carlos Gustavo da Silva; Portella, André Alves; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1782631349656661; Freitas, Carlos Eduardo Soares de; Pitta, Ana Maria FernandesThis dissertation intends to treat access to drugs for the treatment of breast cancer in the State of Bahia by the patients of the Unified Health System (SUS), through the promotion of Public Civil Action (PCA) by the Public Defender of the Union (DPU). The objective is to analyze the DPU's performance in the State of Bahia in the proposal of the PCA in the promotion and guarantee of the right to health of SUS users, specifically the access to medicines for the treatment of breast cancer in the period from 2009 to 2017. the assumption raised was the one that sought to know if through the interposition of the Public Civil Action, the Public Defender's Office of the Union have managed to implement the right to health in the praxis of users of the Unified Health System in Bahia, in what concerns the guarantee of access to medicines for the treatment of breast cancer. For this purpose, the present research has followed the following paths: 1 - Since the Public Defender's Office was entitled to propose Public Civil Action through Complementary Law 132/2009 and Constitutional Amendment No. 80/2014, there was an increase in proposed Public Civil Actions, especially in the scope of the promotion and guarantee of health in the State of Bahia by the Public Defender of the Union in the period from 2009 to 2017; 2 - Through the management of the Public Civil Action, the Public Defender's Office of the Union has obtained judicial decisions favorable to the compulsory granting of medicines by the Public Power to citizens, users of the Unified Health System, in the treatment of breast cancer; 3 - The judgments arising from the interposition of the Public Civil Action by the Public Defenders of the Union in Bahia have been complied with by the Government when it refers to the granting of medicines to users of the Unified Health System for the treatment of breast cancer; and, perhaps the most important of them, 4 - What sought to know why there was a need for the use of legal instruments by public ombudsmen throughout the country to assert the rights constitutionally guaranteed to all citizens. Finally, the research aims to achieve results, through bibliographical, documentary and qualitative data analysis, to verify if in the praxis the management of the PCA by the DPU has resulted in the realization of the right to health for SUS users in the State of Bahia in which refers to the treatment of breast cancer through access to medicines.Item Ações afirmativas na universidade estadual de Feira de Santana-UEFS: permanência das (os) estudantes cotistas no ensino superior(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2015-06-18) Oliveira, Carina Silva de Carvalho; Silva, Julie Sarah Lourau Alves da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4556425108523824; Garcia, Antônia dos Santos; Castro, Mary GarciaOver the last years, the debate about the implementation of affirmative actions has been intensified in the Universities of Brazil, by bringing up the issue on whether adoption of such policies would cause the racialization of the country, which criteria would be used to identify its beneficiaries, which impacts on the quality of Higher Education and the difficulties faced by minorities, regarding their permanence in the institution until the completion of the degree. This study aims to analyze the policy of affirmative actions in State University of Feira de Santana-UEFS, in Bahia. Thus, we intend to identify the impacts on the access and permanence of those minorities, i.e., the student assistance policy for the minorities permanance in Higher Education, focusing on UEFS as a field of study. In Brazil, the law 12.711/12 sanctions the quota system at the Federal Universities, reserving half of the vacancies of those institutions for black students, African-Brazilians and (those) who have fully attended Public High School. UEFS has adopted the quota system since 2007. The study presented here is based on an empirical research. In order to carry it out, a comprehensive literature review was necessary, accompanied by field research. It is also characterized by a participant observation. For data collection, written records have been used, mostly documents, in addition to those, structured and semi-structured interviews. These changes in the Higher Education system in the country show the relevance of this research, despite the advances, it is known that quotas are far from being the solution to socially vulnerable groups insertion, such as ethnic and racial minorities, however, its implementation becomes an instrument of democratization and search for equality, especially in historically built for the elite: the Universities in Brazil.Item A análise constitucional da desvinculação de receitas da União (DRU) face aos direitos fundamentais sociais(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2015-07-06) Santos, Ricardo Simões Xavier dos; Portella, André Alves; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Cunha Júnior, Dirley da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2828640231760353; Silva, Wilson Alves da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3786348239005934This research aims to investigate the constitutionality of Untying of Union Revenues (DRU) established by Constitutional Amendment n. 27, 42, 59 and 68, which amended the art. 76 of the Acts of the Transitional Constitutional Provisions (ADCTs) of the Federal Constitution of 1988, performing the analysis from the perspective of the impact on fundamental social rights in the Constitution disciplined. The DRU relieve 20% of revenues earrings with social contributions, tax whose revenue is intended to finance the realization of social rights, and their income is already destined from birth, the financing policies for the realization of the rights screen. To this end, a study was conducted of social rights, dealing with the evolution of human rights as fundamental rights constitutionally guaranteed, as well as analyzing the rights in question bearing the quality immutable clauses, unchanging core of the Constitution of 1988. Even was an analysis of social indicators to verify that social rights are not respected or in contemporary Brazil. Furthermore, to meet the proposed objective in the research, it was faced the issue of financing of social rights, through the gathering of resources by social contributions. It shall then be the analysis of the tax rule Tribute institution in question, emphasizing the discretion of destination, to investigate whether it is constitutional to untie these. At another point, the work turned his attention to the DRU, conducting a study on its legislative developments, the justification for the decoupling of revenue and untying consequences for the social security budget, as well as social rights. Finally, reaching the deeper analysis of the assumptions that gave rise to the survey, they were confronted with the DRU fundamental social rights in order to meet the proposed issue, namely whether or not the constitutional amendments to the Constitution n. 27, 42, 59 and 68, which enabled the decoupling of revenue earrings through social contributions.Item Análise do impacto dos programas de incentivos fiscais na geração de empregos na indústria e na renúncia de receita do Estado da Bahia no período de 1999 a 2021(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2022-01-12) Pacheco, Hogla de Alencar; Portella, André Alves; https://lattes.cnpq.br; Borges, Ângela Maria Carvalho; https://lattes.cnpq.br; Silva, Antônio Carlos da; https://lattes.cnpq.br; Brito, Edvaldo Pereira de; https://lattes.cnpq.br; Hirsch, Fábio Periandro de Almeida; https://lattes.cnpq.brThe present work aims to study the employment creation in industries on State of Bahia as a result of investment attraction programs that granted tax and/or financial incentives in the field of ICMS, from 1999 to 2021. The State of Bahia used these incentives to attract new industries and expand or modernize existing ones, demanding in return employment creation, according to the financial investment and the size of the industrial project that the company would undertake. The ICMS tax and financial benefits were granted within the environment of the so-called fiscal war, where the States and the Federal District, in their eagerness to expand and/or modernize their economies, started to grant them in dissonance with the constitutional provisions. The granting of such benefits by subnational entities is only justified if they are to stimulate regional growth and the creation of employment and income. Since the 50s, the establishment of industries within the State of Bahia territory has always occurred mainly as a result of the entry of capital from outside the State. From the 90s onwards, when the Union stopped promoting the development of the poorest regions in Brazil, the States and the Federal District started to use fiscal and financial incentives to attract investments and, thus, promote their own development. In light of this situation, one can see the importance of studying the increase in employment creation in the industry and the revenue waiver in State of Bahia as a result of tax incentives provided for in state investment attraction programs, as well as the State Government's role in monitoring and verifying the jobs generated, as it was the counterpart required from the benefited industries that came here or expanded their industrial plants.Item Uma análise do sistema previdenciário brasileiro sob a ótica decolonial: reflexões sobre o auxílio reclusão e sobre a emenda constitucional n. 103/2019(UCSal - Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2023-09-29) Silva, Julie Sarah Lourau Alves da. . A presente tese investigou o sistema previdenciário brasileiro sob o prisma decolonial. A pergunta norteadora cinge-se em analisar, a partir desta perspectiva, em que medida as reformas constitucionais previdenciárias implicaram em exclusão de cobertura social para a população negra no Brasil? A hipótese defendida na pesquisa é que o sistema previdenciário pode ser compreendido como mais um instrumento de manipulação e domínio dos corpos negros. Foi objeto desta pesquisa também uma análise sobre às alterações legais evidenciadas em torno do auxílio reclusão, que alterou a forma com que é pago e as condições para tanto, de tal maneira ao longo dos anos que implicou em redução drástica do número de beneficiários, o que afetou diretamente os principais beneficiários deste auxílio previdenciário, pago às famílias dos custodiados, em sua maioria constituídas de pessoas negras, conforme demonstrado na pesquisa. Defendeu, o entendimento, que o sistema previdenciário precisa ser repensado por uma perspectiva que leve em conta o processo de escravização e as consequências desta colonização sobre a população negra, portanto, sob um viés decolonial. Outro vértice de objeto de análise nesta pesquisa cinge-se à análise dos argumentos apresentados na exposição de motivos que ensejou o implemento da Emenda Constitucional n. 103 e que justificou a mais radical reforma previdenciária que ocorreu em 2019. Como objetivos específicos a pesquisa analisou os conceitos elementares da Previdência Social no Brasil; apresentou conceitos sobre os racismos estrutural e institucional, aprofundar a discussão sob a ótica da decolonialidade e apontou como este prisma é fundamental para se propor uma análise do sistema de previdência social centrado na questão racial e menos excludente. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida na área das Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, com caráter de pesquisa exploratória, com metodologia dedutiva, revisão de literatura, com análise de conteúdo e análise documental. Como resultado deste estudo foi possível compreender o quanto a decolonialidade do poder e a decolonialidade do saber são urgentes ao se tratar do sistema de previdência social brasileiro e observou-se em que medida a ausência destas categorias permitiu mudanças significativas tanto sobre o Auxílio Reclusão, quanto determinou a propositura e implementação da Emenda constitucional n. 103, que, além de alterar de forma profunda o sistema como todo, desnatura por completo o auxílio previdenciário destinado às famílias de pessoas custodiadas e de baixa renda. Diante dos dados apontados e do conteúdo das referidas alterações legislativas, foi possível inferir que as pessoas negras, com destaque para mulheres, foram as mais afetadas e, por fim, concluiu-se pela urgência de se aportar um olhar decolonial doravante para fins de se apoiar as políticas previdenciárias no Brasil.Item Análisis del Sistema Universidad Abierta de Brasil: la internalización del EAD y su impacto en el proceso de desarrollo en las dinámicas socio, educativas y económicas en el municipio norestino de Jaguaribe, Ceará(2018-06-22) Teodoro, Luiz Fernando; Oliveira, José Oswaldo Soares (Orient.); Hidalgo, Cecília Elvira (Coorient.)La presente Tesis tuvo como objetivo evaluar el impacto de la educación superior en la modalidad a distancia ofertado por el Sistema Universidad Abierta de Brasil [UAB] en el proceso de desarrollo socioeconómico en el municipio de Jaguaribe, estado de Ceará, como realidad representativa de las dinámicas socioeconómicas a corto plazo de las ciudades de pequeño porte de la Región Noreste brasileña - objeto de las medidas establecidas por la Política Nacional de implantación de la UAB. La estrategia metodológica adoptada se basó en la investigación aplicada que, se divide en dos partes a saber: en la primera parte, se propone la evaluación, según lo dispuesto en el Decreto Federal n.o 5.800/2006, constitutivo de la UAB, siendo aferido el efectivo cumplimiento de los objetivos propuestos, de entre estos, ampliación del acceso a educación superior pública y, consiguiente, su contribución al proceso de desarrollo socioeconómico por medio de entrevistas con alumnos concluyentes de los cursos ofertados en el polo del Sistema [UAB] instalado en Jaguaribe. Ya en la segunda parte, se adoptó el modelo econométrico a través del uso de la matriz insumo-producto, de Wassily Leontief, con objetivo de analizar otros desdoblamientos del impacto económico a corto plazo de la UAB en relación al desarrollo local e interregional, por medio de la construcción de la matriz Jaguaribe/CE y su relación con otros sectores de la economía del municipio, del resto del estado de Ceará y del resto de Brasil. Como resultado en la Parte I de la Tesis, se confirmó el cumplimiento de los objetivos trazados en el decreto federal de creación del Sistema [UAB], en un segundo momento, también, se confirman las transformaciones socioeconómicos en las vidas de los encuestados, denotado, principalmente en el factor renta, en el cual, después de la finalización del curso hubo avance positivo revelado en la migración de faja de renta. Ya los resultados para la Parte II, demostraron que el sector Educación presenta la menor remuneración media y, a su vez, contribuye con menos de uno por ciento del empleo total en el municipio. En relación a los indicadores económicos, el sector Educación presenta contribución relativa en la economía local para el año estudiado, cuando observado los multiplicadores de producción, empleo y rendimiento, la mejor posición alcanzada por el sector en la economía, fue en la de producción, ocupando la undécima posición. Por último, se analizó el impacto económico del Sistema [UAB] a través de su polo, en el municipio. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron que los desembolsos efectuados en la producción, presentaron mayor efecto en el sector de Transformación. Con relación a los efectos del polo UAB en la generación de empleo y rendimiento, se destaca, en ambos, el sector Madera, Muebles, Papel y Gráfico, por ser el mayor impactado con la demanda del polo en la economía de Jaguaribe. A través de los estudios realizados se concluye que el Sistema [UAB] presenta un alcance de mayor relevancia social si observado de modo comparativo en el campo económico en la contribución para el proceso de desarrollo local y regional, corroborando así la hipótesis inicial de la Tesis.Item O antiproibicionismo de Salvador/BA: uma análise de suas características, organização, trajetórias e projetos entre 2013 e 2016(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2017-02-20) Ribeiro Júnior, Antônio Carlos; Calazans, Márcia Esteves de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3033771649742154; Silva, Julie Sarah Lourau Alves da; Cappi, RiccardoThere have always been limitations and prohibitions on the use of certain drugs. However, it is from the twentieth century that the creation of public policies that deal with the issue of drugs from a criminal and international perspective, characteristic of Contemporary Prohibitionism, is observed. These policies are supported by medical, legal, and political discourses and do not reach all substances in the same way. The War on Drugs justifies the use of force in social control from the creation of people inserted in the cycles of production, distribution and consumption of these substances as public enemies. Anti-prohibitionism arises, which consists of critics who want to denounce the sanitary-criminal-war management model of public policies on drugs in force. Antiprohibitionism also provides alternatives to current public policies on drugs, such as possible rules for regulating the processes of production and distribution of these substances and strategies to care for people who decide to consume them. There are people who act politically to bring about changes in current public drug policies. These people are called anti-prohibitionist agents and their actions make up the anti-prohibitionist project. Participant observation and semi-structured interviews between 2013 and 2016 were carried out with anti-prohibition agents in Salvador/BA in order to better understand the local anti-prohibitionist project. Thus, it was possible to analyze the organization of these people around this objective, their trajectories, their actions, etc., through the examination of established power relations. Thereby, one can understand the process of entering new anti-prohibitionist agents, the criminalization of the anti-prohibitionist project, their intersections and the establishment of leaderships and other aspects of how the reality is negotiated around the drugs issue.Item A aporia da exclusão ou o paradoxo do capital: uma análise sobre o auxílio reclusão na sociedade do espetáculo(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2015-11-30) Félix, Germana Pinheiro de Almeida; Silva, Antônio Carlos da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2735855153608701; Castro, Mary Garcia; Rocha, Sheila Marta CarregosaThis thesis aims to critically address the concept and implementation of aid-seclusion in the society of the spectacle, with the allegory of the Brazilian liberal democracy in contradiction with the idea of justice and the current stage of capital's structural crisis. However, what is in fact the aid seclusion will be singled out which are the guiding social security principles and how it outlines the Social Security, with special emphasis on the period between the Brazil Federal Constitution of 1988 to 2013 The answer to that question is far from simple, nevertheless, we insist that there seems to be, at first, an easy answer to this question. The old dichotomy between good and evil can not be easily diluted, even if the answers are shown subservient to the logic of capital. In this context, the role and purpose of the State shall be concomitantementes evaluated under the aegis of the ethical-moral subject is supplanting the subject-commodity.Item A aporia do perdão: memória, avanços e retrocesso na realidade brasileira.(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2016-07-04) Santos, Leila Rocha Medrado; Silva, Antônio Carlos da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2735855153608701; Silva, Maria Manuela Magalhães; Campina, Ana Cláudia; Rocha, Sheila Marta CarregosaThis paper follows the “state, society and social policies” research line within the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Social Policy and Citizenship, and it is a contribution to the critique of the Brazilian civil-military dictatorship (1964/1985) and the movements arising from it, its consequences in the social policies development in the construction of the historical memory of individuals - with respect to the socio-metabolic mutation of historical subjects into goods predicates - and the possibility of forgiveness beyond the Amnesty Law (Law No. 6.683/79). This is because it is clear that this transition period in the organization of political power has not yet been overcome and understood in its entirety, even after more than 50 years of the authoritarian regime outbreak in Brazil, considering the recent antagonistic judgments handed down by the Supreme Court and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. To encompass the key proposition in the thoughts of Hannah Arendt - that opposes power and violence, revealing the banality of evil - and the ideas of Walter Benjamin - with emphasis on theories that underlie “the concept of history”, therefore, the dialectical relationship between time and space - our intention is to elucidate the perverse logic that has trapped us in a constant present. The goal is to achieve the primary of all knowledge, that is, the understanding of this period through historical research (primary and secondary sources) and seizure of the key categories of / to conceptual analysis of the dictatorship, forgiveness and memory in reference to the three fronts: the first one deals with the culture of impunity and oblivion still engendered under the aegis of the authoritarian regime (1964-1985) and based on the amnesty law as an obstacle to criminal prosecution; the second seeks to understand the (im)possibility of generalization of forgiveness and domination without a subject; and, finally, this work will be treated from the danger of building a memory based on narratives, experiences, the playback of testimonies and files without all these going through the test of reason and public debate. Therefore, we will make use of the inductive and dialectical approach methods, which will be developed in an interdisciplinary way, since the theme interface wealth so requires. The methodology is guided by qualitative connections from historiographical review, i.e. the use of written records of historical subjects and interviews with women who have lived and narrated their experiences. They were defined from the applied content analysis through narratives and texts made by women activists who lived through the dictatorship period - key categories and numerical evaluation of the occurrence frequency of certain terms, expressions, buildings and categorized references. Senses, meanings and memories, their lines overflow time and space and provide the ability to understand the country history through individual and collective memories.Item Aposentadoria, trabalho e envelhecimento: um estudo com as aposentadas do Regime Próprio de Previdência Social em Feira de Santana-BA(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2013-08-27) Flor, Cristiane Silva Villa; Delgado, Josimara Aparecida; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8616147669479509; Freitas, Kátia Siqueira de; Tavares, Márcia SantanaThe main purpose of this work was to analyze the meaning assigned to work and retirement by women who are retired teachers on the Social Security system in Feira de Santana – Bahia, Brazil. More specifically this study was aimed at realizing how they rebuilt their identities in a period which is also concomitant with the experience of aging. Based on these key issues, the research was carried out in Feira de Santana on retired teachers attended by a specific Social Security retirement plan for the municipal civil servants. Qualitative approach was used in the field work which collected information via interviews and the use of oral reports as the main technique. The interviews were considered satisfactory complete when a ‘saturation point’ was reached, i.e. when the report of an interviewee confirmed the previous one and this corresponded to five narratives. The meaning assigned to work is interrelated or embedded on topics such as social class and sociocultural differences. It was also possible to analyze how these retired female teachers see their retirement and what is the social meaning given to the labor by them, their understanding of this singular moment and very peculiar traits.Item As despesas públicas do Estado da Bahia e a efetividade do direito à saúde: uma análise conforme o percentual mínimo constitucional e legal(UCSal, Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2024-10-23) Andrade, Dalzimar Fontes de; Cunha, Joaci de Sousa (Orient.)O direito à saúde, por ser indissociável ao direito à vida e essencial à concretização da dignidade da pessoa humana, integra o rol dos direitos indispensáveis para o mínimo existencial do indivíduo. Segundo o art. 196 da CF/88, a saúde é direito de todos e dever do Estado. A efetividade desse direito social foi investigada no Estado da Bahia, a partir da análise de dados oficiais que delineiam as políticas públicas desse setor, conforme a estrutura de financiamento pública da saúde, pautada nas repartições de receitas tributárias inseridas na CF/88 e na Lei Complementar nº 141/2012, especialmente na necessidade do cumprimento de aplicação de, no mínimo, 12% da receita líquida dos impostos estaduais e transferências constitucionais e legais, na seara da saúde baiana. Este trabalho analisou, não apenas do ponto de vista jurídico-orçamentário, mas, principalmente, sob o enfoque social, como está sendo aplicada a receita pública estadual, através do levantando dos critérios técnicos e sistemáticos da escolha financeira pública e da elaboração da estrutura de implantação dessas políticas sociais que impactam na qualidade de vida do cidadão baiano. Sendo assim, o estudo partiu de uma análise quantitativa dos indicadores da saúde baiana e da leitura crítica dos dados disponíveis nos relatórios oficiais de gestão, acompanhados de um estudo documental e revisão bibliográfica. Ao final, concluiu-se que a melhora dos indicadores de saúde baianos tende a não ser proporcional ao aumento da aplicação das receitas públicas, pois isso, por si só, não é determinante necessário, como deve ser a gestão eficiente.Item Assédio moral organizacional e precarização da relação de trabalho no setor de teleatendimento(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2017-08-22) Coêlho, Bruno César de Carvalho; Silva, Julie Sarah Lourau Alves da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4556425108523824; Borges, Ângela Maria Carvalho; Silva, Denise Vieira da; Oliveira Filho, João Glicério deThis work is based on the study about the reality of call center attendants. It seeks to show how the practices aimed at maximizing results in the companies end up by representing situations of organizational harassment. The consequence is the social precarization of labor. In this corporative environment, the relationships are established under a kind of management that combines work surveillance with modern technologies, seeking to increase productivity. Thus, some practices are common: extreme demanding for results, intense psychological pressure and constant threat of dismissal from work. Through the analysis of labor lawsuits, this research aimed to identify the organizational harassment as a collective practice. As a consequence, it aimed to discover which would be the judicial means of protection that suited the corresponding rights.Item Atuação investigativa da polícia judiciária militar estadual em ocorrência de intervenção policial com resultado de óbito de civil em Salvador(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2017-07-07) Simões, Fabrício Carlos Pichite dos Santos; Cunha Júnior, Dirley da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2828640231760353; Portella, André Alves; Pamponet, Ana Maria SeixasPolice interventions resulting in the death of civilians are a relevant, current and constantly discussed issue at the national level. In this way, Public Security emerges as one of the Fundamental Rights carried in the current constitutional text, while military police activity is one of its consequences for the realization of collective interest. Therefore, the legal bases that support the activities of the Military Judicial Police and, in particular, the Military Judicial Police Coordination (CPJM), of the General Internal Affairs of the Military Police of Bahia, are of paramount importance. In consequence, this study aims to assess the cases registered in the aforementioned section during the period from 2013 to 2014, unleashed in the Capital of Bahia. Through the quantitative exploratory methodology, the analysis of the topic was strengthened, with emphasis on the deductive reasoning of the information obtained. For the time being, the action of this section brought greater speed and quality of police investigations, constituting a safeguard of the interests of society in Bahia, according to the provisions of the Federal Constitution of 1988.Item Avaliação da política de saúde integral da população negra no Município de Salvador(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2013) Bastos, Eloísa Solange Magalhães; Pitta, Ana Maria Fernandes; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6774614083110510; Delgado, Josimara Aparecida; Barbosa, Maria Inês