Políticas Sociais e Cidadania
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O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Políticas Sociais e Cidadania é um curso de pós-graduação stricto sensu, voltado para a formação de competências acadêmicas, políticas e técnicas necessárias à produção de conhecimentos sobre as atuais configurações da questão social e à formulação, gestão e avaliação de políticas sociais, com vista à promoção do bem-estar dos cidadãos. Com ele, a UCSal busca atender a uma demanda histórica da sociedade, especialmente daqueles setores mais diretamente envolvidos com o enfrentamento das múltiplas manifestações da questão social.
O curso tem caráter interdisciplinar e acolhe graduados e mestres de qualquer curso de graduação com interesse nas temáticas contempladas na sua Área de Concentração, tais como, Direito, Serviço Social, Economia, Psicologia, Administração, Pedagogia, Ciências Sociais, Fisioterapia, Enfermagem e outras.
Vagas são oferecidas anualmente para Aluno Regular no Mestrado e no Doutorado, além das vagas para Aluno Especial, abertas no início de cada semestre e destinadas aos interessados no curso que ainda não passaram pela seleção para aluno regular ou àqueles que desejem se atualizar nas temáticas do curso.
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Item Driblar e aprender a jogar: as estratégias de sobrevivência de mulheres chefes de família de classes populares(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2011) Franco, Maria Asenate Conceição; Tavares, Márcia Santana; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Carvalho, Inaiá Maria Moreira de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6436834586482218; Macêdo, Márcia dos Santos; http://lattes.cnpq.brItem Concurso público enquanto instrumento de exercício da cidadania: análise crítica da experiência de reestruturação das carreiras exclusivas do Estado no Fisco da Bahia(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2011-04-08) Carneiro, Marcos Antonio da Silva; Portella, André Alves; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1782631349656661; Mendes, Denise Cristina Vitale Ramos; Pinho, José Antonio Gomes deThe purpose of this paper is to identify the institution of public competition in the universe of public policies to develop the exercise of citizenship. Through bibliographical and documental research, initially the evolution of the manners of access to the administrative structure of the State and the history of public competitions in Brazil, through a critical perspective, having as reference the criteria of morality, egalitarianism, technological and scientific abilities in personnel recruitment aimed at meeting the necessities of society. Theoretical reference of the principles of the Theory of Justice by John Rawls and the basic and classical triad of citizenship by T. H. Marshall: civil rights, political rights and social rights are used for the critical analysis of the institution of competitions. Starting from the presumption that the egalitarian access to the positions and employment by the state power through public competitions is the democratic way for the citizen to interfere in the planning, execution and political control of policies aimed at meeting the needs of citizens, specially regarding entry into carriers exclusive to the State, in light of their strategic character to Public dministration. A specific case involving these specific carriers occurred in the State of Bahia is analyzed through Laws 8.210/2002 and 11.470/2009, to finally perceive that the governor cannot mitigate or transfer attributions privy to the carriers of fiscal employees to be carried out by another position, because these are constitutionally considered essential to the functioning of the State, therefore cannot be delegated, by force of art. 37, item XXII of the present Constitution. Further, said transfer of attributions, generally cloaked under carrier restructuring, hides the newest mode of patrimonialism, sidesteps the institution of public competition foreseen in art. 37, II of the Constitution and contradicts the other republican principles listed in the opening paragraph of art. 37 of the Federal Constitution of 1988. Finally, in view of this scenario, it was noted that the political participation of the citizenry and civil society, as well as of the control and jurisdictional organs in defense of public competitions, in defense of equal opportunities of access to state power and the other constitutional principles are the guiding principles of the Brazilian Public Administration.Item Compreendendo o trabalho escravo no Brasil atual(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2012) Baptista, Karine da Costa Rocha; Carvalho, Inaiá Maria Moreira de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6436834586482218; Delgado, Josimara Aparecida; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8616147669479509; Sousa, Inês Oliveira de; http://lattes.cnpq.brItem Avaliação da política de saúde integral da população negra no Município de Salvador(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2013) Bastos, Eloísa Solange Magalhães; Pitta, Ana Maria Fernandes; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6774614083110510; Delgado, Josimara Aparecida; Barbosa, Maria InêsItem A feminização do HIV/AIDS no município de Salvador/Bahia sob a perspectiva de mulheres infectadas: uma questão de gênero(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2013-03-07) Rodrigues, Cosete Silva; Perreault, Michel; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8275662004644000; Paiva, Miriam; Delgado, Josimara AparecidaSince its discovery in 1981, the epidemic infection by the Human Immunodeficiency vírus (HIV) and AIDS presentes itself as a continuous, dynamic, and unstable global phenomenon. In a short space of time, this epidemic became a serious worldwide public health problem due to the high rates of morbidity and mortality. This epidemic that was heavily male with most victims both heterosexual and homosexual men is increasingly female: according to data from UNAIDS, in the world, young women represent over 60% of all young people living with HIV in Africa and this rate reaches 72%. Given these data, raised to the following question: Does the vulnerability of women related to gender has contributed to the process of feminization of HIV / AIDS in the city of Salvador in Bahia? From then drew up the general objective of this research: to describe values, attitudes, beliefs, behaviors and contexts historico-socio-cultural factors that may have vulnerabilized women to HIV infection / AIDS in Salvador, state of Bahia. And, as specific objectives: to identify with women already infected, in the city of Salvador, values, attitudes, beliefs, behaviors and socio-historical contexts cultural that may have vulnerabilized women to the process of infection with HIV / AIDS; seeking women already infected with their perception against contamination by HIV / AIDS in relation to men, age, income and neighborhood; examine women infected health actions that could be undertaken in an attempt to minimize the process of feminization of HIV / AIDS. The methodology was qualitative, with exploratory, focusing on the feminization of AIDS, adopting gender as analytical approach. This research was developed in ancient Reference Center for STD / AIDS State of Bahia (CREAIDS), a public institution of the Unified Health System (SUS). The population was composed of a minimum quantity of 14 women enrolled in the service, from 2004 (the time of initial operation of the unit) to August 2011.Item Juventude(s) e escola: um estudo de caso sobre as expectativas dos jovens estudantes quanto à construção do conhecimento em Ciências Naturais(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2013-05-27) Menezes, Janaina de Oliveira; Castro, Mary Garcia; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5471996580293552; Delgado, Josimara Aparecida; Gomes, Selma BorgesThe present research was carried out due to the concern that was generated by the expectation demonstrated by young students in regard to the school and the knowledge that was built there. The main objective of this study was to identify how the relation between student and school takes place concerning knowledge building. In analyzing this relation we took into consideration both the expectations that these youngsters have towards the school and the way that their expectations are received and/or identified in it. In the theoretical field, we started our research with the concepts of youth for José Machado Pais (2003), of knowledge for Boaventura de Souza Santos (1989, 1999, 2010), of teaching sciences for Rubem Alves (1999, 2000), and of criticism toward knowledge institutionalization for Tomaz Tadeu da Silva (1995). After data collecting, we found the necessity to consider other authors as well, which helped us reach the objective of our study through their thoughts. To name: Maria Carmem Tacca (2006), Umberto de Andrade Pinto (2008), Maria Helena Souza Patto (1993) and Mário Sérgio Cortella (2009). This is a qualitative research, defined as case study which uses the combination of two research instruments: observation and interview. In this endeavor, we analyzed a public school in the State of Bahia located in the Itabuna city. Such observations and interviews tried to indentify the students’ expectations as well as the school’s interpretation of these expectations. We wished to point out that these youngster’s expectations regarding the school are very little since they are embargoed by adverse conditions. The teachers don’t have their expectations fulfilled either and therefore, they do not draw up acceptance proposals for the youngster’s expectations. Finally, there is a sense of nuisance installed in the school that blocks the creation of new expectations.Item Jovens e cidadãos? uma análise sobre o princípio de cidadania ativa no ProJovem Urbano(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2013-05-31) Carvalho, Leila Tibiriçá de; Castro, Mary Garcia; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5471996580293552; Delgado, Josimara Aparecida; Calazans, Márcia Esteves de; Silva, Ronalda BarretoFaced with social inequalities evident throughout the history of Brazil, many young people are treated as a "social problem" to be contained or assisted, repeating a negative codification, not considering themselves as citizen-subjects. From the discussion on the construction of citizenship in Brazilian policies, this study aims to analyze the concept of active citizenship in the ideals of the National Youth Inclusion (Urban ProJovem - PJU) and the discussion on the scope and limits of this, as well as its practical, to conceive it as part of a Public Policy for Youth (PPJs) in this country. The aim is thus to analyze the actions developed in PJU (planning, implementation and evaluation) from 2008 to 2011, so that young people recognize their rights and duties, seek to know their rights and know how to recognize the rights of others, like members belonging to a community. This study aims to make a documental analysis referring to different moments of the program Urban ProJovem having as basic field a reading of documentation on the PJU itself, considering the literature related to youth policies and citizenship. For this analysis, so further, we turn to some semi-structured interviews with young people who participated in the PJU in Salvador in 2010. The data were organized and described through the analysis of discourse (LEFEVRE; LEFEVRE, 2005; GILL, 2002) establishing categories according to the research objectives. From this analysis it appears to lag the concepts presented in the planning of this program what occurred in practice, contributing to the actual emptying of citizenship concept because of the plurality of definitions. It is also noticed a difficulty of the young people interviewed in recognize themselves as active-subjects belonging to the Brazilian society and responsible for the transformation of reality where they are inserted, which contributes to the questioning of the coherence between these actions of the PJU and of the PPJs. Thus, this study aims to contribute to the growth of publications on the recognition of young people as citizens, by enabling to identify possible points of discussion for the development of policies aimed at the development of the principle of active citizenship and contribute to building academic- scientific and social on Brazilian youths.Item Os efeitos da reforma neoliberal do estado sobre a auditoria - fiscal do trabalho e a atuação no setor de saúde: um estudo a partir do caso da Superintendência Regional do Trabalho e Emprego da Bahia de 1996/2011(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2013-08-15) Santos, Maria Roseniura de Oliveira; Borges, Ângela Maria Carvalho; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3901192008840816; Pessoa, Flávia Moreira Guimarães; Pinto, Isabela Cardoso de Matos; Oliveira, Isabela Fadul deThe precariousness of work has been identified as one of the main effects of restructuring the production process. The neoliberal state reform was guided by the rule of subjection to command logic fiscal adjustment, privatization and deregulation. The managerial public administration model transplanted the rationality of business for the public sector. In this context, the study aims at analyzing the process of labor inspection in Healthcare sector and the way interventive actions have been developed. Because to the magnitude of the phenomenon, the research required to examine the process of implementation of administrative reform and its effect on the action of the Labour Inspection. from the available historical data and, to investigate the evolution of the modus operandi, the amplitude and profile of the intervention of the work fiscal in the Service of Health and to collect data and evidence as to the reach of this fiscal intervention. The methodological approach included the classification and definition of the professional categories of the Health Sector and the selection of sources, variables and indicators of the characteristics of the labor market Health and profile and scope of labor inspection. For the contextualization of Health sector, the sources used were the National Register of Health Care of the Ministry of Health (CNES / MS), the Central Register of Enterprises (CEMPRE / IBGE), the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD / IBGE) and the Survey of Medical-Sanitary (AMS / IBGE) and the analysis of the fiscal aspects were collected and systematized data of the Federal Labour Inspection System (SFIT). The research confirms the main hypothesis, verifying that there was a narrowing of focus tax revenue collection with strong character rather than dimensions such as working hours, safety and health, presenting greater degree in Health Service. It was evidenced that the Administrative Reform has turned out flexible and less punitive the Labour Inspecton, causing loss of institutional credibility, stimulating feeling of impunity and postures of resistance by companies because the reduced probability of catching violations and the low cost of labor fines. The study also provides evidence that the break with the performance measurement systems linked to the remuneration of labor inspectors appears to started a process of reversing the effects of managerial public administration model, pointing out the need for further research to investigate the evolution of the transition model management to a new administration policy of the Labour Inspecion and answers to questions concerning the construction and adaptation of indicators for monitoring and evaluating the inspection effectiveness may contribute to the construction and funding of a new way of acting Labour Inspection in order to promote the law enforcement and the reversion of the precariousness of the labor market.Item Formação inicial de professores para o ensino básico no Mercosul: o currículo de Pedagogia da Universidade Católica de Salvador, Brasil, e do Curso de Licenciatura em Ciências da Educação/ Professorado Superior da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Buenos Aires, Argentina(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2013-08-21) Calazans, Manoel Vicente da Silva; Freitas, Kátia Siqueira de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1543244612205119; Perreault, Michel; Macedo, Roberto Sidney; Pires, Maria Auxiliadora Lisboa MorenoThe research analyzed the presence of principles of Mercosur in the curriculum of teacher education Basic Education in Colleges of two Universities of Mercosur, the Faculty of Education at the Catholic University of Salvador and the Bachelor's Degree in Education from Catholic University Argentina. The research examined whether the existing curricula of these courses are no spaces for the theme of Mercosur, as well as a possible equivalence of curricula. We investigated the formation of basic education teachers in Brazil and Argentina verifying that the curricula express their integration into Mercosur. The methodology used to develop the methodology of this research was exploratory, taking steps like document analysis and semi-structured interviews, based on a reference emerging qualitative data analysis. The analysis of the data found in both realities surveyed was understood through a contrastive perspective realizing the uniqueness of them. The researched object maintained a constant dialogue with the existing literature on curriculum, teacher training and Mercosur. Was used as strategies for data collection: research on institutional websites of the universities surveyed, the government agencies that regulate higher education in both countries surveyed and through semi-structured interviews involving teachers, course coordinators and representatives of the universities surveyed, as well as search and analysis of the educational laws of Brazil and Argentina on the subject, in addition to the observation of the two locus Education Institutions. The main findings were analyzed and reported as a guarantee of broad interpretation of the data. We conclude that although there was a significant volume of treaties and agreements in the educational field of Mercosur, the presence of its elements are hardly perceived in the curricula of schools surveyed.Item O serviço social na saúde hospitalar: quem determina suas demandas e o que se produz nesse espaço sócio-ocupacional?(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2013-08-26) Santos, Adriana Assis; Delgado, Josimara Aparecida; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8616147669479509; Borges, Ângela Maria Carvalho; Miranda, Valéria dos Santos NoronhaThe present study has as main objective to analyze the process of work of social workers in hospital health, knowing their demands, plaintiffs and identifying the end product in this space of social and occupational work. To obtain the expected product, was held to review the literature about the crisis work, coursing through society in social service profession as salaried working class, arriving to Brazil's National Health Policy and the participation of social service on this one. As methodological strategy, a qualitative research that was carried out in a "not-for-profit Charitable Entity" in health. Was used qualitative quantitative approach of research, having as data collection instruments the questionnaire with closed and open questions (Appendix A), with the presentation and signature of the FICS (Appendix B). As a final result, I managed to identify the profile of social workers who work in this socio-occupational space, your demands and the final product of its work.Item Aposentadoria, trabalho e envelhecimento: um estudo com as aposentadas do Regime Próprio de Previdência Social em Feira de Santana-BA(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2013-08-27) Flor, Cristiane Silva Villa; Delgado, Josimara Aparecida; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8616147669479509; Freitas, Kátia Siqueira de; Tavares, Márcia SantanaThe main purpose of this work was to analyze the meaning assigned to work and retirement by women who are retired teachers on the Social Security system in Feira de Santana – Bahia, Brazil. More specifically this study was aimed at realizing how they rebuilt their identities in a period which is also concomitant with the experience of aging. Based on these key issues, the research was carried out in Feira de Santana on retired teachers attended by a specific Social Security retirement plan for the municipal civil servants. Qualitative approach was used in the field work which collected information via interviews and the use of oral reports as the main technique. The interviews were considered satisfactory complete when a ‘saturation point’ was reached, i.e. when the report of an interviewee confirmed the previous one and this corresponded to five narratives. The meaning assigned to work is interrelated or embedded on topics such as social class and sociocultural differences. It was also possible to analyze how these retired female teachers see their retirement and what is the social meaning given to the labor by them, their understanding of this singular moment and very peculiar traits.Item O trabalho do assistente social no SUAS: análise nos CRAS do município de Salvador/Ba(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2013-08-27) Carmo, Caroline Ramos do; Borges, Ângela Maria Carvalho; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3901192008840816; Delgado, Josimara Aparecida; Bortoli, Mari Aparecida; Tavares , Márcia SantanaThis research studies how job insecurity affected the labor insertion of social workers who worked in the social assistance policy in Salvador / Bahia in 2012. For both had the empirical field Centro de Referência da Assistência Social - CRAS and the analysis of the forms of recruitment, remuneration and working conditions of these professionals in 2012. To contemplate the object of study, the work was organized into four chapters. A first introductory which presents the object and purposes of the dissertation, the motivations, justifications and methodology, two chapters with theoretical and historical, that will present a review of literature on precarious employment in the service sector, more specifically in the sector public and work history of the social worker in the field of assistance. Finally, a chapter that presents the results of empirical research, conducted by the Coordinator of Basic Social Protection of Setad - Municipal Labour, Social Welfare and Rights of Citizens and social workers who worked in CRAS Salvador until 2012. In addition to these interviews, the methodological content of work also included conducting a focus group with social CRAS, as well as interviews with the directors of the Conselho Regional de Serviço Social - 5th Region / Bahia, in order to understand the role of this council forward the precariousness of such a findingItem O processo de formulação da política pública em reprodução assistida: o Projeto de Lei Nº 517/2011, no Estado de São Paulo(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2013-08-28) Santos, Carolina Orrico; Pinto, Isabela Cardoso de Matos; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2028106055681178; Freitas, Kátia Siqueira de; Portella, André AlvesThe research discusses the process of public policy-making in assisted human reproduction, particularly the Bill of Law nº 517/2011 and its entry into the government agenda of the State of São Paulo, in order to investigate why, how and who gives the process of formulating the "Basic Assistance Program in Human Reproduction" (Bill nº 517/2011) on the government agenda of the State of São Paulo. Specifically, we sought also to identify the problem that justifies the policy formulation assistance in assisted human reproduction in the public health system of the State of São Paulo the light of the theoretical model of public policy Kingdon; lift and systematize existing documents on proposals / alternatives for assistance in assisted human reproduction in the public health system of the State of São Paulo; map the actors / participants in the formulation of public policy on assisted human reproduction in the government agenda of the State of São Paulo. Thus, this study aims to broaden the understanding of social rights, namely: the right to health and the right to sexual and reproductive Light Family Planning Law, in order that the economically less privileged can enjoy these rights sometimes hampered by neoliberal and capitalist economic system. Rights which help in building a State of Social Welfare, in which citizenship can be exercised so salutary to human dignity. In this sense, the methodology adopted was a qualitative study with literature review, documentary analysis and design of the case study, which used as a tool for data collection interview to seek the perception of the actors involved in the process of policy formulation above, with the theoretical model of public policies Kingdon. The case studied was the Draft Law nº 517/2011, establishing the "Basic Assistance Program in Human Reproduction," the Legislature of the State of São Paulo. The data showed that, in Brazil, the public policy discussed herein is scarce reflecting, as the access to a class less favored. Thus, it is clear the need for the participation of the state through the actions made by the Unified Health System (SUS) or the Public-Private Partnerships (PPP). It is noteworthy, however, that the budget issues for achieving policy assisted reproduction represent impediments to its implementation due to limited government resources, given that even the budget forecast is still insufficient. Furthermore, attention should be paid to the speech of the benefit of privatization in those services constitutionally guaranteed to the population as a whole, since the absence of well-defined rules may favor the deviation of the real objectives of the policy not serving as the public for which it is intended.Item Democracia, participação e deliberação: o caso do Conselho Municipal de Saúde de São Félix na Bahia(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2013-08-29) Oliveira, Karina Grace Ferreira de; Calazans, Márcia Esteves de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3033771649742154; Borges, Ângela Maria Carvalho; Bortoli, Mari Aparecida; Cavalcanti, Vanessa Ribeiro SimonThe management councils of public politics are spaces of social participation where there is the possibility of its joint actuation with the State. Its existence Is very important to strengthen democracy, especially because of features come from the democratization period in Brazil with an emphasis in deliberation. However the literature indicates to some limiting points that have not yet been overcome so that the councils fulfill its democratizing potential. This research analyzed how democracy, participation and deliberation articulate themselves and how they manifest in the City Council of Health in the municipality of Sao Felix in Bahia. Therefore a case study with a qualitative approach was made. The analysis came from the data collected in documents, observations and applied interviews to the members of the mentioned council. By the end of the research a favorable institutional frame was identified what did not prevent the existence of fragilities in deliberation, superficiality in fulfilling the parity, doubts about the deliberative effectiveness and association with a kind of formal democracy. The relevance of this study lays on particularity of the empiric field: contradicting the tendency the study was made in a small town in the countryside of a state in northern Brazil.Item Distribuição socioespacial da violência letal na cidade de Salvador/BA(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2013-08-30) Cicerelle, Maristela Barbosa Santos; Carvalho, Inaiá Maria Moreira de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6436834586482218; Calazans, Márcia Esteves de; Lourenço, Luiz ClaudioThis study investigated the association between poverty, inequality and lethal violence in Salvador/BA, having as main reference the number of homicides. Assuming that there is a coincidence between the spaces that concentrate poverty and inequality with the spaces concentration of lethal violence, we sought to understand the interface between these concepts. It is descriptive and exploratory data analysis was based on official indices both in terms of social indicators, as the rates of urban violence. The information was obtained from the Department of Public Safety and other data available on the World Wide Web. We used a hypothetical- deductive method as a method of approach. Appropriated even the documentary, bibliographic methods, statistical survey approach to the object and data analysis. Obtained as a result of the finding that the deprived areas of Salvador are the highest rates of lethal violence and despite the recent improvement in social indicators, social configuration of these areas remains unchanged, also concentrating social inequalities. This research is not conclusive about the relation of cause and effect between the concepts.Item Conciliação, mediação e acesso à justiça através dos acordos extrajudiciais: o fortalecimento da cidadania por meio dos Balcões de Justiça e Cidadania(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2013-08-30) Amado Neto, Jorge; Portella, André Alves; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1782631349656661; Delgado, Josimara Aparecida; Soares, Ricardo Maurício FreireCette recherche vise à analyser le renforcement de la citoyenneté à travers les branches de la Justice et citoyenneté - les institutions créées par la Cour de justice de l'État de Bahia en tant qu'auxiliaires de la justice - dans le contexte de la dynamique actuelle de pacification sociale des conflits. Cette recherche permettra d'étudier les sources de la doctrine, des manifestations politiques et juridiques dans la nature mais pas la doctrine, législation et des données officielles fournies par public national ou international. En ce sens, nous allons essayer de retracer les paramètres historiques décrites concepts, les éléments et les objectifs de l'accès à la justice comme un instrument de la paix sociale dans les juridictions qui ont influencé la législation brésilienne. Ainsi, il permettra de traiter une telle perspective comme ayant tiré les éléments normatifs dans la composition du système juridique en vigueur, et plus précisément sur la base des dispositions énoncées dans la Constitution fédérale. Cette analyse constitutionnelle sur les biais de l'accès à la justice, il propose d'utiliser l'herméneutique afin d'identifier leurs multiples conceptualisations et les modes de réalisation qui en résultent. Il axera ses travaux aux différends soumis à bureaux Justice et citoyenneté - une partie de l'objet de cette étude - à examiner les initiatives réussies accès extrajudiciaires à la justice, dans l'hypothèse où le règlement des litiges par des accords seraient plus de chances d'amener les parties satisfaisant mutuellement leurs intérêts au détriment de ces différends qu'ils cessent avec la décision du tribunal efficace, dans lequel les parties ont leur obligation imposée par le juge. Hormis à des fins de vérification des données, il sera à l'analyse des rapports fournis par la Cour de justice de l'État de Bahia dans le degré de satisfaction des bénéficiaires, le Tour Justice et citoyenneté. On croit que de telles démonstrations présentées dans les documents officiels du TJ / BA confirmeront cette efficacité des méthodes extrajudiciaires de résolution des conflits soutient la magistrature pour atteindre l'idéal de l'accès à la justice.Item A formação do gestor educacional para o ensino básico no Mercosul: Brasil e Argentina(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2013-12-03) Rocha, Ailana Freitas; Freitas, Kátia Siqueira de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1543244612205119; Borges, Ângela Maria Carvalho; Pires, Maria Auxiliadora Lisboa Moreno; Amorim, AntonioThis research had as its object of study the formation of the educational manager for basic education in two Mercosur countries: Brazil and Argentina. The main objective was to verify whether the reciprocity educational agreements signed in 1991 were implemented by the graduate courses for educational administrators, offered by two universities Mercosur: one in Jequie, Bahia, Brazil and one in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The theoretical training on the educational management was based in the national and international literature, and protocols, agreements, reciprocity agreements signed within Mercosur, as well as educational laws of both countries. The methodology was qualitative, descriptive, through multiple case study with document analysis and contrastive analysis. The research subjects were (05) students (02) teachers and (02) coordinators of training courses for educational administrators making a total (09) participants from two universities surveyed. Data were assessed with semi-structured interviews and analysis of documents provided by the Higher Education Institution - HEI. The results of the analyzes of the data collected indicate that, although these oferred by State University of Southwest Bahia - UESB and the National University of Tres de Febrero - UNTREF - are implemented in different countries, they have both distinguish hedand similar features. In the first case are the target audience, the curricula, the work of completing courses and context in which it discussed the formation of the educational manager and the use of educational reciprocity traties signed in the Protocol of intentions for 1991. In the second case, there are similarities with respect to courses that have the same focus on training professionals in the area of administration, planning, organization and supervision of schools, including the social dimension of professional practice, as well as the methodology used for the courses that consists of lectures, seminars, encouraging research and scientific articles. The basic objective of the courses is to contribute to the improvement professional skills in management. Both seek permanent update, committed to professional performance. The similarities impacting positively on both courses indicate that it is possible to establish profiles of minimum training of educational administrators to work in the Mercosur envirement.Item Políticas afirmativas no Mercosul: um estudo em Salvador - Bahia – Brasil e Caracas-Venezuela(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2013-12-19) Cavalcante, Andaraí Ramos; Freitas, Kátia Siqueira de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1543244612205119; Borges, Ângela Maria Carvalho; Santos, HélioThis work was the object of a study to implement two assertive policies in education, both in Brazil and Venezuela. The Brazilian experience analyzed was the law 10.639/2003 which has made compulsory the teaching of History and Afro-Brazilian and African Culture in the basic education, based on its use in Colegio Modelo Luis Eduardo Magalhaes in Salvador, Bahia. The Venezuelan experience studied was Catedra Libre Africa, in place in several universities in Caracas, Venezuela, articulated by the Institute of Strategic Investigation about Africa and its Diaspora (African Knowledge Center). The main goal was the discussion of differences and similarities between the two policies from these members of Mercosul countries that were the target of the research. For that matter, the comparison and contrast method was utilized in Hamlin (2008) perspective starting at Lawson (2008). At first, the study reviewed the theoretical contributions and the document analyses of agreements, protocol, statements, rules and regulations and several educational tools produced in the Mercosul area. Furthermore, social actors who were involved with both realities in question, were interviewed. The investigation technique chosen to dialogue was the semi structured interview. The groups selected were five: managers, academic coordinators, teachers and members of the afro descendents from Salvador/Brazil and Caracas/Venezuela who have participated as representatives of the Mercosul. The technique used to analyze the data, was based on the content, according to Bardin (1977). Considering the content review of the interviews and documents, some similarities were identified in the implementation process of the two policies, mentioned above in both countries. The most relevant one, was maybe the fact that the result came out after historical struggles among the afro descendant movements against the ethnical racial disparities. These educational policies were originated from commitments assumed by local government after the afro movement mobilizations at the Durban Conference, held in 2001. Moreover, there were other aspects that facilitated the implementation of the assertive policies, such as the disposition showed by the teachers at Colegio Modelo (Salvador) that even lacking the proper means, they were able to create favorable conditions to promote an experience, similar to the political action in Caracas, with an agreement named “Acta-Compromisso” signed by representatives of different educational institutions. Among the many challenges, there was the complexity of the ethnic-racial relations in the contexts studied and the need to consolidate the Mercosul as a space to promote social and racial justice. Finally, it was observed that the essence of each policy is exactly what best expresses their similarities, by referring to the study of the African History and the culture of the afro descendants and taking a positive approach which mainly acknowledges its contribution to the historical and cultural construction as well as economical and social, in the realities studied.Item Os ditos sem acesso a saúde da população em situação de rua(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2014-04-24) Carvalho, Sandra Maria Moreira Costa de; Carvalho, Inaiá Maria Moreira de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6436834586482218; Pitta, Ana Maria Fernandes; Bortoli, Mari AparecidaThis study aims to analyze the paradox since 1988 between the conquest of universal social rights, such as health and lack of mechanisms for their implementation in practice, analyzing access health policies for people living on the street, perceived the restriction found by these people in healthcare, process experienced in the direct work of the author, there are more than twelve years with this audience in these areas. The method used will be critical dialectic, where a theoretical study will be conducted through literature review in consultation with the authors argue that the social question, capitalism, labor, extreme poverty, social policy and the homeless and the last census conducted in Salvador and nationally on the situation of people in these conditions. We sought to analyze the social contradictions in the economic process, and denial of political rights that permeates this question. The Brazilian and more specifically Salvador context demonstrates the lack of access to these devices subject to fundamental policies such as health. Understand it means considering that the homeless need to be analyzed in the construction and reconstruction of social policy, which while formally respond to the demands presented by these subjects, paradoxically reinforce their status as dispossessed of rights, not operationalize in practice. In this study, it is considered important to briefly justify the situation of street tied to the creation, configuration and reconfiguration of historical extreme poverty as an expression of the social question in the capitalist system of production. We seek to understand the history and current Brazilian and Salvador, which has advanced in attaining social rights of these people, and what barriers hinder this progress.Item Os discursos de verdade produzidos na esfera judicial: estupros em Salvador(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2014-05-29) Almeida, Juliana Pessoa Meneses de; Calazans, Márcia Esteves de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3033771649742154; Cavalcanti, Vanessa Ribeiro Simon; Costa, Ivone Freire; Guedes, Paulo; Perreault, MichelAnalyzing the discourse of judges and prosecutors in cases of rape, this study aims to check for production of gender violence at the judicial level, either because of the presence of asymmetric constructions of gender, use of control procedures for maintenance of speech power or a non effective absorption of Human Rights Gender. For that, content analysis is applied to the existing complaints and judgments in actions decided between the years 2010 to 2013, for crimes under Art. 213 of the Penal Code, where the victims were women and the offending were men, both able, without incidence of Law 11.340/2006. This research is developed aligned to the understanding of the role of social representations in the imaginary construction of the subject and their understanding of social phenomena, of gender relations as power relations and gender violence and disrespect for Human Rights. Thus, to understand the dynamics of the judicial process of this crime, revealing the subjective elements that work and power relations within it, it will be possible to ascertain the existence (or not) of other discourses coexisting with the legal discourse.