O cuidado da família e dos profissionais de enfermagem em relação ao sujeito com transtorno mental no processo de desospitalização
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Universidade Catolica de Salvador
This study addresses the care of family and professional nursing related to the subject with a mental disorder in the process of deinstitutionalization of psychiatric illness. As a general objective, seeks to understand the contribution of family and nursing in the treatment of mental disorders compared to alternative venues of care, recommended by the psychiatric reform in Brazil. In order to do this, it talks about the reform and the theoretical foundations that support it, from public health policies aimed at T.M. The study aims also to identify strategies for overcoming the limitations experienced by the family of the patient with T.M, as well as the repercussions of this specific type of care in their rehabilitation. To do so, establishes dialogue with researchers in the field of mental health, taking as a starting point, the conceptualization of T.M as a complex phenomenon that requires specific care. In this perspective, also addresses everyday nursing with regard to the assistance of this type of user in various instances of treatment, specifically in the new models of care proposed by the Psychiatric Reform. I highlight this researches a way to bring out studies on the behavior of the family before the issue of T.M, from discourses that intersect in the construction strategies of care provided to these subjects. These studies have made possible the development of reasoning about the social reintegration of patients with T.M, from the moment it is perceived as someone who needs comprehensive care that is privileged in its subjectivity and social relations that are established.
Cuidado, Care, Família, Transtorno mental, Enfermagem, Family, Mental illness, Nursing