Retratos da avó na literatura infantil de Ana Maria Machado e Ruth Rocha
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
This research aimed to understand the grandmother as a character by analyzing two stories for children written by two well known Brazilian writers. Literature is not only for leisure but also a means to present messages, reflection and discussion about human issues. Therefore it is an important objet of social investigation. Two stories were analyzed to attain this objective: Bisa Bia Bisa Bel, by Ana Maria Machado and Atrás da Porta (Behind the Door), by Ruth Rocha. Using a qualitative approach, the analysis was based on the following categories: description of the characters; description of their relationships; symbol analysis using Analytical Psychology as a key element for its comprehension; socio-historical context where the stories were written; authors’ comprehension about education; concepts of infancy in the stories; and literature as a means for author’s message. Analysis was completed by a comparative synthesis of the two stories. Results showed that the grand-mothers were presented by these two authors as representing a previous generation(s), transmitting cultural and social tradition, sources of symbolic heritage (cultural, familiar, intellectual), contributing to their grandchildren’s intellectual development and identity formation. More than characters, they emerge as transmitting a cultural heritage that, by presenting human life in real terms, transmits equally humanity.
Avó, Literatura infantil, Relação inter-geracional, Gand-mother, Child literature, Intergenerational relationship