Construindo laços, (des)atando angústias: um estudo sobre adoção e paternidade/maternidade em trajetórias conjugais
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
This dissertation aims to analyze major from concrete data, the route of adoption by heterosexual couples (married or informal union), with no biological children. According this trajectory, this dissertation intends to know reasons of choice and meanings associated to the construction of adoptive filiation and parenthood for couples adopters. It is the hypothesis that analysis of the decision of the couple should start with a broader understanding of the history of formation of the couple, then considered from the outset of the relationship, exploring expectations, projects, and meanings of each member of the couple, about fatherhood, motherhood, ideas of family and marriage. Were conducted several interviews with couples living in the city of Salvador, where three couples interviewed have become the focus of this research qualitative nature. The couples chosen, interviewed separately, had the following profile: a) married (civil and / or religious) or living in stable (no requirement is the time of marriage or informal union), b) middle class c) at least middle school, d) aged above 30 years of age, e) living in Salvador - BA, f) without biological children (not the marriage or union, or any other relationship). Favoring a literature of various disciplinary fields - Social Sciences, Psychology and Law - this study shows that the tensions and dramas conjugality faces when the subject is adoptive filiation. The decision to adopt is the result of a journey not always calm and the construction of parenthood in adoptive affiliation is related to factors other than the will of the father or mother adopters. Categories such as blood, pregnancy and virility are present and social elements that are needed in the couple's decision to adopt a child. Furthermore, the development and construction of the object of this research has important elements that help us see the importance of a multidisciplinary approach when the topic is family and adoption. Equality between biological and adopted children is legal reality, but little or nothing to investigate the literature of this area of law on the construction of parenthood for couples adopters.
Adoção, Conjugalidade, Paternidade, Filiação adotiva, Adoption, Conjugality, Paternity/parenting, Maternidade