Vozes e propósitos: entre divergências e condenações no Conjunto Penal Feminino de Salvador

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Universidade Católica do Salvador


This study was developed in the research line “State, development and social inequalities” of the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program stricto sensu in Social Policies and Citizenship. Bibliographic, documentary and field research methods were used. This work understands Nonviolent Communication, especially empathic listening, as the main way to identify needs and feelings, which is, therefore, an important starting point for the recognition of the ethical-moral bond with the Other (Judith Butler). This work begins with the retributivist approach about the custodial sentence used by the penal system. We highlight the flow of relations between the seven spheres of activity that guide the functioning of the commodity-producing society (David Harvey), to consider the paradoxical need for the prison system as one of the 'mental world conceptions' that motivate the maintenance of prison. It exposes the selective state violence perpetrated against the enemies of Criminal Law (Eugenio Zaffaroni), as well as its legitimating motives. Then, sixteen CPFS interns were interviewed. An analysis of their feelings and needs was developed, collected through an methodological tool developed from GROK (a card game based on Nonviolent communication). Four out of these sixteen inmates were chosen to support the key theme of this research: the divergences present in their condemnation processes. It is questioned the non-recognition of their voices by the representatives of the State (ethical bond and precariousness). The prison records of these four inmates sentenced for the crime of intentional homicide were accessed and, given the demonstration of the contrast between their testimonies and their convictions, the question arises: does the State recognize value in these voices? The present research aims to express not only the problems of the prison system, but mainly the stories of these women, gradually removing them from the silencing dungeon, revealing their pain and allegations of injustice, and, mainly, the precarious condition that characterizes the current system of social production.



Direitos humanos, Comunicação não-violenta (CNV), Sistema prisional feminino, Mulheres encarceradas, Human rights, Nonviolent communication, Women in prison, Nonrecognition, Prison system
