Realidade, contradições, limites e possibilidades da implementação da Política Nacional de Atenção Integral à Saúde do Homem: análise da produção do conhecimento - 2010 a 2018
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
This dissertation deals with an investigation that analyzes the national policy of Integral attention to human health, considering studies developed in the line of research universal social policies, institutionalization and control of the graduate program In social policies and citizenship of the Catholic University of Salvador. It raises as a central question: what limits and contradictions are evidenced in the implementation process of the national policy for Integral attention to human health (PNAISH), considering the balance of stricto sensu knowledge production in the period from 2010 to 2018? It has as general objective: to identify limits, contradictions and possibilities developed by the implementation process of PNAISH, considering the balance of stricto sensu knowledge production in the period 2010 to 2018 in Brazil. The research intends to point out the historical determinants of legislation that clarify the reality of PNAISH and raises links and relations of the directives of this policy with what has been produced by researchers who produce dissertations, located in CAPES and HEI repositories. This is a documental research based on a methodology that deals with a bibliometric analysis and makes a balance of the production of eleven stricto sensu productions in the modality of dissertations, using the content analysis process. It has as a hypothesis that the dissertations identified and analyzed indicate limits and contradictions about the implementation of the national policy for Integral health care for men and that although the researchers recognize in their investigations a public policy Announced and implemented, there are evident indicators, in these studies, about the existence of limits and difficulties, as to its implementation. The results indicate that most investigations do not mention clearly in their research objects, the PNAISH guidelines and that the implementation of PNAISH still occurs in an incipient way not following all the principles and guidelines that the document Policy and its legal framework advocates. We raised as the final consideration of this research that the reality found points to the need to restructure the implementation of the national policy of Integral health care for men so that its organization prioritizes the care and the welcoming To the health needs of the male population, promoting changes in health care to reduce the morbidity and mortality rates of the male population in Brazil.
Política nacional de atenção integral à saúde do homem, Implementação da PNAISH, Balanço da produção do conhecimento, National policy for Integral attention to human health, Implementation of PNAISH, Balance of knowledge production