Educação de jovens e adultos em região praiana, Arembepe -Município de Camaçari-Bahia: o olhar dos estudantes

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Universidade Catolica de Salvador


The present dissertation was developed with the main objective of analyzing the needs expressed by the students of the Education of Young and Adults (EJA) of the Colegio Estadual Professor Nadir Araújo Copque considering the world of work and the contents offered in this modality of teaching in the praiana region. The empirical study was carried out in a teaching unit of the state network in the metropolitan region of the city of Salvador and included: the analysis of the Pedagogical Proposal (PPP) of the School Unit and the EJA Policy of the State of Bahia. The subjects of the research were twenty-nine students from the EJA, who participated in the first phase, which occurred in November and December 2016, high season, where the region receives many tourists and 30 students in the second phase of the research, which occurred in August 2017, a period of low season, where the flow of tourists is reduced, are students of the night shift, with age range between 18-70 years of age of the third time, EixoVI, which corresponds to the average level. It was sought to know what they thought about what they learned in that school and what they would like it to be taught, as well as how the relationship between these elements and the insertion of students in the world of work in the region they live in, this region is typically tourist. The research used the qualitative approach and has a descriptive character. As methodological procedures and information analysis, we used: the application of a semi-structured questionnaire, the participant observation and the analysis of documents. The results of this study can contribute to the adequacy of the curricular proposal of this modality of education to the local reality of a beach region, which has its specific characteristics and subsidize the public policies for the EJA. The research could help in the re-signification of the pedagogical practice aiming at the qualification, empowerment and insertion of these young people, adults and the elderly in the world of work, as well as make possible the implantation in the researched school of PROEJA / National Program of Integration of Professional Education with Basic Education in the Mode of Education of Young and Adults, whose objective is the schooling and the professional formation of young people and adults. The results of the research reflect: a) the need and the interest of the students to attend a technical course with a view to achieving a good placement in the world of work; b) a distance between the Youth and Adult Education Policy of the state education network and the Pedagogical Proposal of the school unit; c) a divergence between what is taught / learned by students in the daily life of this school and the world of work in the region. What students learn at school does not meet the expectations of the majority. There is no alignment between the content developed and the needs of the student, and thus not favoring their insertion or ascension in professional and social life. There is no need to listen to the specific needs of the students of this type of teaching by the school unit, as well as their inclusion in curricular activities.



Educação de jovens e adultos, Prática pedagógica na EJA, Políticas públicas, Mundo do trabalho - educação, Youth and adult education, Pedagogical practice in EJA, Public policy, World of word - education
