Pontos de entrega voluntária (PEVs): contribuições para as Cooperativas de Catadores de Materiais Recicláveis de Salvador
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
This research is the result of the walk of a collector of recyclable materials from the city of
Salvador and a socio-environmental activist in his construction as a researcher who, through
bridges, exchanges of knowledge, a lot of effort and dedication, joined the master's degree
with the desire to contribute even more with the development of the work of the Recyclable
Material Collectors' Cooperatives (CCMR). The general objective of this research is to
investigate the contribution of Voluntary Delivery Points (PEVs) to the CCMR of Salvador,
and its specific objectives are descriptive, through a narrative review of literature and
qualiquantitative, investigative and exploratory nature, through questionnaires and semies-
tructured interviews. Therefore, we sought to interrelate the findings and verify the
contributions of the PEVs to these enterprises based on the opinion of the managers of
Cooperes and Cooperlix, cooperatives there are partners of the Selective Collection Program
(PCS) of Salvador. It is important to highlight that, during the execution of this research,
adjustments and changes were made in the objectives defined, from the exchanges with
colleagues and professors during the classes, and from the meetings in the Gamdes/UCSAL
research group, which made it possible to improve the trajectory of this study. Thus, two
chapters are presented in this master's thesis represented by two scientific articles: the first
one aimed at investigating how citizens' actions, existing standards and public equipment
made available by the State for the disposal of solid waste contribute to the strengthening of
the work of CCMR, aiming to propose a new flowchart of the PCS of Salvador, to contribute
to improving the work of these enterprises; the second article is a study to identify the
contributions of the PEVs to the CCMR of Salvador based on the opinion of the managers of
two enterprises that receive the materials of these PEVs.
Pontos de entrega voluntária, PEVs, Cooperativas de catadores de materiais recicláveis, Coleta seletiva, Salvador - Bahia, Voluntary delivery points, Cooperatives of recyclable waste pickers, Selective collection