Uma sinfonia em construção: educação musical, emancipações e expressões de alteridade
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
This dissertation is being built in line with the research line "State, Development and Social Inequalities" of Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Social Policies and Citizenship of the Catholic University of Salvador (PPGPSC / UCSAL). In this regard, our purpose is to contribute to the critique of a very relevant topic if we consider the current economic and social situation in the world and, in particular, the historical and political context in Brazil: music education as an ethical principle.
We have never heard of such a crisis of values (ethical-moral) and the possible absence of reason as its mediator. Therefore, our environment (the theoretical content / praxis) to be unveiled on this road (form) will be the search for an understanding for / of otherness. It will look for a landscape (content) outside the formal circuit of the nation-state, based initially on the expressive allegory of Federico Fellini and his "Prova d'Orchestra" (1978), where the conflicts of an orchestra are compared with the contradictions of the society industrial. Therefore, the scenario is the music, music education, and the clashes will be being fought between blind characters (between physical deficiency and spiritual insufficiency, in the messianic sense of Walter Benjamin) to aid in the apprehension of the following question in Butler´s: if humanity in danger offers the opportunity for recognition of alterity, the construction of social projects (especially to form orchestras for life) can be aid to process to recognizing ethical-moral with the Other (read emancipatory project of an open story). Accepting this theoretical-epistemological basis, the methodological approach is drawn from the qualitative, with collections of narratives of the integrants and linked to the our proposed allegory: Youth Symphony Orchestra (OSJ).
Educação musical, Projetos sociais, Cegueira, Ética, Alteridade, Emancipação, Musical education, Social projects, Blindness, Ethics, Otherness, Emancipation