Uma reflexão sobre a justiça e a importância da proteção dos direitos humanos a partir de “Antígona”, de Sófocles, e da campanha de vacinação contra a gripe h1n1
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Universidade Catolica de Salvador
This article analyzes the critical behavior of Brazilian citizens about the selectivity of
the vaccination campaign against H1N1 influenza, which places prisoners as
components of priority groups to receive the vaccine, to the detriment of other
people. The lack of information on the constitutional principles that guide social
relations and on the essential conditions that must be protected by the institute of Human Rights will be analyzed through media discourses and bibliographical
researches, as well as a philosophical reflection on justice from the work of
"Antígona", by Sophocles, using theater as an instrument for reflection on law in
contemporary society.
Presidiários, Antígona, Justiça, H1N1, Direitos Humanos, Prisioners, Antígona, Justice, H1N1, Human Rights