A população idosa acometida por infecções sexualmente transmissíveis no Brasil: uma revisão integrativa

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Universidade Catolica de Salvador


there is a certain discomfort with the theme of sexuality in aging and the lack of knowledge about how to explore this issue in a healthy way increases the vulnerability of the elderly. Every sexually active population is prone to contracting sexually transmitted infections when there is inadequate protection. PURPOSE: to analyze in the scientific literature what has been produced about sexually transmitted infections in the elderly population and factors related to exposure. METHODOLOGY: it is an integrative review with a qualitative approach, where the search of the articles was obtained through the Scientific Eletronic Library Online databases, Latin American Literature in Health Chronicles, Nursing Database and Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, written in Portuguese, in temporality from 2008 to 2017 and available in full. RESULTS: this study exposes that sexual health is neglected in health consultations, which leads to the fact that the elderly do not demonstrate knowledge or have low perception about sexually transmitted infections, especially HIV / AIDS, to the point of not caring about their protection, or in the case of women, fail to negotiate the use of condoms with their partners. CONCLUSION: although sexuality is present in the lives of the elderly, there are still many taboos and inhibitions in addressing this issue. The lack of communication on this issue harms the sexual life of the elderly, with the lack of use of condoms in the sexual act, which increases the possibility of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.



Idoso, Comportamento sexual, Infecções sexualmente transmissíveis, Seniors, Sexual behavior, Sexually transmitted infections

