Violência psicológica: o prelúdio das agressões praticadas contra a mulher e a implementação dos programas preventivos na lei maria da penha
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
The present research, based on literature review, has the purpose of evidencing psychological violence as the prelude to the aggressions practiced against women and the implementation of preventive programs in the Maria da Penha Law. Considering that domestic violence is the product of a patriarchal and sexist society that holds a position of inferiority on women, this work sought to identify what would be the first form of aggression practiced so that
prevention measures become more effective than violence. In this way, the importance of dealing with psychological violence against women still considered by many as irrelevant, even in comparison to other types of domestic and family violence, remains to be seen.
Violência psicológica, Gênero, Violência, Lei Maria da Penha, Prevenção, Psychological violence, Gender, Violence, Maria da Penha Law, Prevention