A atuação do Ministério Público Federal e da polícia federal no combate ao tráfico de pessoas para fim de exploração sexual
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
The following work was carried out with the purpose of analyzing the Federal Public Prosecution Service and the Federal Police in the fight against the international traffic of people for the purpose of sexual exploitation. The issue is directly related to migratory flows, social issues, as well as international organized crime. First, a historical retrospective will be made to demonstrate the origins and growth of crime, followed by conceptualizations, exposition of causes, as well as exposure of the agents of crime, routes and flows of trafficking, analyzing the principle of the dignity of the human person in the face of crime. Based on these assumptions, the research will focus on the Palermo Convention, international cooperation and Brazilian participation in repression, making references to its action, both nationally and internationally; as well as the support and protection given to victims by States and Non-Governmental Organizations.
Tráfico de pessoas, Exploração sexual, Protocolo de palermo, Legislação brasileira, Organismos estatais, Trafficking in persons, Sexual exploitation, Protocol of palermo, Brazilian legislation, State organizations