A justiça restaurativa como instrumento de diminuição da superlotação carcerária no Brasil
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
This article aims to discuss the importance of Restorative Justice in view of the
situation of prison overcrowding faced by the Brazilian prison system today. For the
development of this scientific production, a qualitative approach methodology was used,
through a literature review and legislative review procedure, in addition to the survey of other
scientific works already produced. With the failure of the punitive system in Brazil, the prison
really needs a method that guarantees the intern's resocialization and seeks social pacification.
In view of the research carried out, it is concluded that the Restorative Justice has effective
means of ensuring such assumptions, thus acting in the reduction of overcrowding in the
country's prisons.
Justiça restaurativa, Superlotação carcerária, Justiça criminal, Restorative justice, Prison overcrowding, Criminal justice