Da escravidão às garupas urbanas: a precarização do trabalho

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Universidade Católica do Salvador


The present project aims to raise questions about slave-like work in the 21st century, therefore, it is imagined about the slavery of the past centuries, of the colonization time, in which, the enslaved worked in an exhaustive and dangerous way. However, countless people are subjected to conditions of contemporary slave labor, such as food deliverers via an application that is the main object of this project. Therefore, it is asked: To what extent do the current working conditions of application deliverers in Brazil approach situations similar to slavery? The issue that has been discussed internationally in view of the numerous occurrences of situations of insecurity, precariousness and no positioning by the State in the face of this type of underemployment. Therefore, it is essential to analyze and put this issue on the agenda, in view of the reality of countless Brazilians and the constant struggle for justice and rights that are not guaranteed. It was sought, as a general objective, to discuss the extent to which the current working conditions of application deliverers in Brazil are close to situations analogous to slavery. As specific objectives, reflect on the scenario of precarious work in Brazil within the capitalist system of outlines of slavery, as well as describe the current working conditions of couriers by application in Brazil. As a methodology, qualitative interpretations of the social sciences were used, since this is a branch of the sciences, which studies the social aspects of the human world, that is, the social life of individuals and human groups.



Direitos trabalhistas, Precarização do trabalho, Escravidão, Direitos humanos, Uberização, Labor rights, Precarious work, Slavery, Human rights, Uberization
