Direitos humanos e contextos familiares no processo de (res)socialização de pessoas privadas de liberdade: uma análise da eficácia da metodologia APAC.
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
The main theme of this monography is the importance of guaranteeing the human rights and maintenance of the family contexts in the resocialization process of the people deprived from their liberty. This theme must be analyzed in the point of view of the legal importance of the norm effectiveness aimed at the protection of the prisoners and as social relevance to guarantee the constitutional principles and maintenance of the family contexts as a path to resocialization. The general objective of this research is to reveal the constant violations in the Brazilian prison system, impacts and consequences for prisoners the light of literature in the perspective of the Human Rights. To make this research feasible, was used the methodology exploratory research, through a bibliographical survey, with a qualitative nature. In the theoretical reference conceptual were discussed the principals and purpose of the custodial sentence; what are the challenges for the maintenance of the human rights and family contexts in the process of re-socialization of the prisoner; ineffectiveness of the Brazilian prison system and a possible alternative to the current model. The results of this research were axiomatic, with constant violations of the human rights. It was also noted the suffering of the families that also feel the sentence of the relative that was arrested. In addition, it was also verified the difficulty of resocialization after the sentence. Finally, it is certified that the APAC method, through the restorative bias and opportunity to construction projects of individual life, can be an alternative for the Brazilian prison system.
Sistema prisional, Contextos familiares, Ressocialização, Direitos humanos, APAC