O processo de vulnerabilização da classe trabalhadora face à subproletarização: uma análise dos desdobramentos da legitimação da terceirização da atividade-fim
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
The present article aims to examine the intensification of the process of vulnerabilization to which the working class is affected, exposing it to the state of subproletarianization from the analysis of the position of the Supreme Court that legitimized the possibility of outsourcing the end-activity. To this end, it bibliographically explores the studies on the vulnerability condition of collectivities and the content of the resolution of the National Confederation of Industries which is responsible for pointing out 101 proposals for labor modernization. It also examines the provisions of internal legislation and the arguments of decisions given by Superior Courts relevant to the theme presented in order to evaluate the context in which the Labor Reform reform and its consequent consequences were engendered in the normative system. Finally, this work intends to contribute to the legal and doctrinal foundations that allow understanding and, consequently, clarifying the transformations of the social, economic and cultural contexts of work experienced in recent years.
Vulnerabilidade, Terceirização, Atividade-fim, Subproletarização, Modernização trabalhista, Vulnerability, Outsourcing, Outsourcing, Subproletarianization, Labor modernization