Família e escola no processo educacional de filhos e filhas de pais homossexuais
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
The dissertation aims to analyze the issue of gay parenting on children´s educational and daughters in the family and school, in a society whose moral and social values are directly linked to heterosexuality. Research focus on academic productions in the area of Social Sciences on homosexuality – parenting, marital and relationship – and interviews with heterosexual and homosexual men, parents with
school-age children and educators. The final output demand through the chapters discuss the identity of homosexuality, gay parenting projects, concepts of families, including the homo-sex education within the family and school, from the social construction of sexuality in the formaion of contemporary social West identities. The analysis are made about how homosexuality is thought of and for whom it is
produced, considering the nature-culture dichotomy and the role of production of the heterosexual paradigm in social context. Therefore, the polarity of the sexes is a determinant for sexual orientation in the family and school. Conflicts, contradictions and generalizations of opinions about homo sexuality are directly related to education, whether in family or school, marked by the orthodoxy of the breeding and care as functions of the male-female pair, without open spaces for training in diversity.
Educação, Família, Homossexualidade, Paternidade, Education, Family, Homosexuality, Paternity