Atuação do ministério público no enfrentamento à violência psicológica contra mulheres no estado da Bahia: da naturalização da violência à omissão estatal
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
The present study was developed in order to verify how the Public Prosecutor's Office has been acting in confronting psychological violence against women in the state of Bahia. To do so, a literature review was conducted with several works published in different media in order to support the arguments raised here. In a first moment, we discuss the legal protection of psychological violence; the invisibility of psychological aggression; the typification of psychological damage as a means to curb psychological violence; the role of the Public Prosecutor's Office as a guardian of Human Rights in combating violence against women; and the state action (and omission) in combating psychological violence in the state of Bahia. In this way, it is understood to be fundamental to describe the legal protection of Law
11.340/2006 against psychological violence, as well as to discuss the role of the Public Prosecutor's Office in the application of the mechanisms foreseen in the law, and if they are being put into effect in Bahia.
Lei 11.340/2006, Lei Maria da Penha, Violência doméstica e familiar, Ministério Público, Violência psicológica, Law 11.340/2006, Maria da Penha Law, Domestic and familiar violence, Public prosecutors, Psychological violence