A mulher negra como comprovação da ineficácia da Lei Maria da Penha
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
The black woman was the base of the construction of Brazil, came to this country to be enslaved, resisted establishing its roots and fought for the freedom of your people. It was formulaic, marginalized and put to the social margin with the end of slavery and was kept at the base of the social pyramid that permeates to this day. Violence in homes and in relationships of affection is today one of the major problems of the State, the increase of this offence occurs daily and public policy and the laws not have been efficient, doing with that women continue to be victimized. The data show that in addition to increased common this kind of assault the main affected are black women, demonstrating that this class is still on the State protection and social legislation. The law 11.340/06, known as the Maria da Penha Law is the main legal protection device against violence against women, but what occurs in practice evidenced through the data is that it's not being effective, especially for black women who continue being affected, since the whole social construction of Brazil decreases this class and omits the structural racism, not getting to understand the issues of race and continuing in a efficient and universal protection inert.
Mulher negra, Violência doméstica, Lei Maria da Penha