Formação de pedagogos(as) e gestão escolar: articulações despedaçadas?
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
This thesis regards the syllabus formation of the Pedagogy Undergraduation and builds its research from the Pedagogy Undergraduation syllabus’ acts that coordinate the training of the pedagogue in educational and school management in its initial steps. Qualitatively, we approach the theme in the view of the complexity paradigm and of the multi-referentiality, using Morin’s Complex Thought framework, as well as Ardoino’s Multi-referentiality and Macedo’s Curriculum Etnoconstitutive Theory. This research is a multicase study conducted in Universidade do Estado da Bahia – it offers Pedagogy Degrees in classroom mode, in fourteen different departments – teaching professionals to act in the basic education in the capital and in the countryside of Bahia. From the initial of information collection (document analysis of Political Pedagogic Projects of the Courses), the operation of three curriculum propositions was patent in 14 campi: 12 operated Campus A’s curriculum, 01 operate Campus B’s curriculum and 01 Campus C’s curriculum. Analyzing these curriculum propositions (all of them mentioned educational and school management), we elected Campus A’s curriculum (which is implemented in 12 different campi) as empirical field for the application of the data collection instruments. The subjects who participated in the research were teachers, Collegiate coordinators, Core Structuring Teachers, senior students and alumni. As for the qualitative data analysis, it was conducted through dialogue with the scholars of complexity/multi-referentiality. We aimed for the creation of a critical-comprehensive thought regarding the education and training model(s), which was elucidated in the field research and used Macedo’s Contrastive Etnoresearch framework. In the empirical field, it was shown that the training to work in school management has different theoretical-practical approaches in UNEB’s context. The singularities show that, in one campus context, there are coordinations between management contents and skills that are experienced through different practices, including internships. In two other campi, the curriculum acts for the managing training point to a scenery of minimization of timespan and place destined to learning-knowledge with educational and school management. In such sceneries, coordinations are shattered. We propose the creation of training widgets that, in the process of a pedagogue’s initial education provide knowledge coordination in educational and school management with the training institutions: Basic School and University.
Complexidade, Multirreferencialidade, Teoria etnoconstitutiva de currículo, Atos de currículo, Curso de pedagogia, Formação inicial do gestor educacional e escolar, Complexity, Multi-referentiality, Curriculum etnoconstitutive theory, Theory, Curriculum acts, Pedagogy course, Initial training of the educational and school manager