Programa Moradia Primeiro direito à cidade e à moradia para a população em situação de rua no Brasil
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
The increase in the homeless population in Brazil expresses the impossibility of exercising the
constitutional social rights to housing and the city by this segment. Faced with this scenario,
methodologically opting for bibliographical and documentary research, with an emphasis on
national legislation and academic and scientific research already carried out on the subject, this
work seeks to analyze the (in)existence of public housing policies with this group. As specific
objectives, the structuring of the population phenomenon in situation in Brazil is presented, as
well as the expressive housing deficit reached in Brazil. The research also deals with the
historicity of the right to housing and the city, with the aim of demonstrating its indispensability
in the realization of human dignity in its cultural dimension. Recognizing that traditional
policies have not been enough to tackle this social issue, it focuses on a new model of public
housing policy that, raising access to housing and the city as starting points for coping with the
homeless situation, symbolizes a paradigm in the effective combat to this phenomenon. To do
so, it makes use of the institutional evaluative framework of social policy to investigate the
Housing First program, analyzing it through its three structural plans. This research allows us
to conclude that the program has to be implemented in accordance with the national reality,
because if proposed in the format in which the cost of housing by the Government is for a short
period, its effects will only be cyclical for the target audience, in nothing contributing to change
the current situation.
População em situação de rua, Direito à moradia, Direito à cidade, Déficit habitacional, Programa moradia primeiro, Homeless population, Right to housing, Right to the city, Housing deficit