A contribuição da psicopedagogia institucional dentro da classe hospitalar para prevenção de problemas de aprendizagem
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
Recognazing the necessity to restrain the rise of learning problems in children that
are hospitalized due to their conditions of healthy, this research had as goal to analize the
importance and the contribution of the psychopedagogue into the Hospital Class to prevent
learning problems in hospitalized children. Thereby, this research sought reflect about the
training and performance of the psychopedagogue into the Hospital Class; The necessity of
the psycopedagogical listening and the sensible look; Psychopedagogical contributons and
actions with a preventive character. In this sense, it is argued: How the Psycopedagogue can
contribute within the hospital class with a point of view that intend to preventing possible
learning problems? Therefore, the method used was the qualitative bibiliographic search,
through a bibliographic survey, reasoned in autors like Acampora (2015), Porto (2008),
whose references expose the actions and contributions of a psychopedagogue into the
Hospital class; Fonseca (2008), Assis (2009), that shows through hospital education, the
children can keep the bond whith the learning; Andrade (1998), Oliveira (2009), speaks
about a Prevent Psychopedagogy, where the focus is avoid that symptoms settle in and
cause a learning problem. In that perspective, it is believed that this research have a great
value not only to the psycopedagogue but to all professionals on health and education that
works or intend to work with hospital education, having as a goal to socialize the possibilities
that promote the full exercise of the citizenship of the hospitalized child.
Classe hospitalar, Psicopedagogia institucional, Problemas de aprendizagem, Psicopedagogia hospitalar