A vulnerabilidade da infância em situação de rua: a boa prática do acompanhamento familiar na trajetória do Projeto Axé em Salvador/Ba
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
The research was carried out based on the internship experience, the documentary
analysis of the students and the report of the social worker co-founder of the Axé
Project. We analyze the trajectory of the institution and the family management,
focusing on family support. Throughout the study it is possible to follow the
institution's trajectory and the good practice of family accompaniment as a strategy
for the transformation of families and learners. As general results of this study, data
were collected to understand the relevance of family counseling for learners and their
families. The research revealed registration problems and evidenced cases that
needed revision of both follow-up and replacement of documents. The gaps pointed
out by the study were discussed in a team, the actions for resolution are in progress.
Projeto axé, Família, Educandos, Acompanhamento familiar, Infância em situação de rua, Axé project, Family, Learners, Street situation, Childhood