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PERFIL PROFISSIONAL - Competente nas dimensões teórico-metodológica e técnico-operativa, voltadas para a intervenção e investigação, de acordo com o projeto profissional, definido pela categoria de assistentes sociais, em articulação com as demandas do mercado de trabalho; - Comprometido com o Projeto Ético da Profissão, e mais especificamente, com a consolidação dos direitos sociais; - Crítico e reflexivo no desenvolvimento das análises necessárias à compreensão da realidade, destacando o entendimento da inserção do assistente social nos diversos processos de trabalho; - Capaz de transitar nas diversas instâncias comunitárias e institucionais; - Generalista e estimulado a buscar referências adequadas às demandas específicas; - Coerente nas atitudes relativas ao respeito à pluralidade e liberdades democráticas; - Hábil na construção de relações interpessoais relativas ao desenvolvimento da ação profissional, nas dimensões psicossocial e política; - Responsável com a necessidade de atualização permanente da formação profissional; - Sensível e sintonizado com as singularidades socioculturais da população usuária de seus serviços; - Propositivo e criativo na construção e execução de estratégias que respondam às necessidades identificadas no espaço profissional; - Flexível, versátil e dinâmico, em consonância com a complexidade e ritmo das mudanças constantes da sociedade e contexto do trabalho profissional; - Mobilizador de recursos institucionais, interinstitucionais e comunitários; - Capaz de se inserir e ser colaborador em equipes interdisciplinares; - Aberto a novas tecnologias que favoreçam o desenvolvimento do trabalho profissional; - Reflexivo e motivado a construir novos conhecimentos, articulando referências teóricas à realidade vivenciada no trabalho profissional. Com essas dimensões formativas, o Curso pretende garantir o caráter do profissional responsável, qualificado teoricamente e comprometido política e socialmente, portanto, capaz de atuar numa sociedade tão pouco igualitária e distante dos parâmetros de equidade como a nossa.


Recent Submissions

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    Racismo, marginalização do corpo negro na rua
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-12-12) Cruz, Raira Vieira da; Santos, Elisângela de Souza;; Souza, Caroline Ramos do Carmo de;; Silva, Gilcilene Ferreira;
    This course completion work (TCC) emerged from the experiences and observations within the mandatory supervised internship camp I, II and III of the Catholic University of Salvador Social Work course in the Stand Up and Walk Project, which currently functions as Day care center for homeless adults. The general objective of this work was to understand the manifestations of racism in the way of life of black man in homeless situation. It is grounded in Marxist theory and dialectical approach and the method of historical and intersectional procedure, in order to understand the black man in the street situation beyond the class category, but also with an intersectional notion, through the categories of race, gender and class. Social. Documentary research was used in the Stand Up and Walk Project documents, reports and field diary produced during supervised internship and bibliographic review of articles, books, thesis, dissertations and monographs. It becomes relevant to the theme, to understand the process of formation of Brazil from the colonial Brazil to contemporary times, addressing the historical context analyzing its social, cultural and economic determinants, which will imply the condition of the black man in situation and the issue. as a structuring phenomenon. The role of Social Work in addressing this expression of the social issue from the perspective of intersectionality is of extreme necessity for the professional category as the profession brings in its competences and attributions a non-discrimination
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    Um olhar interseccional sobre a saúde das mulheres negras do Bairro da Massaranduba
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-07-31) Eliotério, Verena Machado; Carmo, Maria Caroline Ramos do;; Santos, Elisângela de Souza;; Santos, Ubiraci Carlúcio dos;
    This course completion work (TCC) comes from my concerns as a resident of the Massaranduba neighborhood and student of Social Work, whose objective was to understand the health of black women, poor in peripheral territory, from the intersectional view of the race categories , gender, class and territory, and how these interactions reverberate in the health-disease process of black women living in the neighborhood of Massaranduba, located in the Itapagipe peninsula, based on the decolonial conception of black feminist epistemologies, which deal with the view that no one better than us, to describe the reality we are inserted in, as well as the theoretical support of a dialectical Marxist approach to understand how the social determinants of health, these historical and social structures, contribute to the illness of black women from colonialism to the segregation of bodies on the periphery. Thus, the research presented here unfolds from the documentary study, where I sought through a retrospective path to understand what it is to be a black woman, to understand the effects of racism in contemporary times and how this is determinant for the health-disease process of women black woman living in Massaranduba.
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    Violência contra as mulheres e o hip hop de salvador: o protagonismo feminino no enfrentamento a violência
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-12-18) Santana, Silvia Adriana dias; Souza, Caroline Ramos do Carmo;; Oliveira, Ivone Pires Ferreira de;; Amaral, Liane Monteiro S.;
    The present work is the result of an investigation and reflection on the performance of women from the Hip Hop movement and culture in the city of Salvador, in which I analyze and seek to know how these social agents articulate, individually and collectively, within this sociocultural movement, in order to to verify if their actions and activities, and use of the four elements and expressions of Hip Hop constitute ways of confronting violence against women. This proposal is developed from my experiences with the activities carried out and lived during the supervised internship period and from my performance and participation in the Hip Hop movement and culture, in which women undertake struggles and strategies to face machismo and violence against women. Thus, it is with this intersection of experiences, added to previous studies and readings of data on violence against women that my question arises, as a research problem: the performances of women in the Hip Hop movement and culture of Salvador, through its elements artistic, can they constitute ways of confronting violence against women? For this, the research was developed using Marx's dialectical materialism as a method of analysis, which understands social and historical phenomena as processes produced by active subjects. The proposal raised and analyzed bibliographic works, data, digital and printed materials (texts, news, etc.), photographic, audiovisual productions, which address or are related to the topic of violence against women and Hip Hop culture, in addition to machismo, sexism and feminism. Thus, starting from a theoretical-conceptual discussion about violence against women, its contexts and historical processes and developments in gender and racial inequalities, passing through the development of public policies to face and contribution of feminist social movements, especially the women's movement of Hip Hop, I seek to know if the use of its elements and artistic expressions are instruments of struggle.
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    A vulnerabilidade da infância em situação de rua: a boa prática do acompanhamento familiar na trajetória do Projeto Axé em Salvador/Ba
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2016) Silva, Andreia Pereira da; Amaral, Liane Monteiro Santos;
    The research was carried out based on the internship experience, the documentary analysis of the students and the report of the social worker co-founder of the Axé Project. We analyze the trajectory of the institution and the family management, focusing on family support. Throughout the study it is possible to follow the institution's trajectory and the good practice of family accompaniment as a strategy for the transformation of families and learners. As general results of this study, data were collected to understand the relevance of family counseling for learners and their families. The research revealed registration problems and evidenced cases that needed revision of both follow-up and replacement of documents. The gaps pointed out by the study were discussed in a team, the actions for resolution are in progress.
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    Gravidez na adolescência: riscos e repercussões na saúde e na vida familiar e social
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-06-19) Silva, Clodiane Costa Oliveira; Avena, Maura Leite Espinheira;; Santos, Liane Monteiro dos;
    The present work originated from the supervised internship at Hospital da Sagrada Família. From the observation, it was possible to notice that there was a large percentage of pregnant adolescents in that unit. Because of this, we broadened our view on the proposed theme and, knowing that it is one of the expressions of the social issue, we verified the need to discuss more about the subject and understand about teenage pregnancy. To this end, we seek to deepen the studies on teenage pregnancy and the physiological, psychological, social, cultural and historical factors present from the point of view of authors and their research. We also seek to understand this phenomenon and its repercussions in the family and social spheres and the possibilities of access to social rights. The generating question was: What are the risks and repercussions of early pregnancy on the physical and psychosocial health of adolescents? In order to achieve the answer, it developed as a general objective: to identify the risk factors in the health of adolescents and their biopsychosocial aspects during early pregnancy. To this end, a bibliographic search was carried out and, subsequently, content analysis. It was possible to reflect on teenage pregnancy as a social phenomenon, present today and its complexity, from a qualitative approach in a socio-historical perspective, reaching some conclusions: it is up to the professionals, responsible for the formulation of public policies among which are the social workers, consider these realities, so that they can intervene directly in the issues that most express the reasons why, even today, in this computerization society many adolescents become pregnant at this stage.
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    O uso abusivo de substâncias psicoativas entre a população em situação de rua: caminhos para a cidadania
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-17) Araújo, Eliane Lopes; Avena, Maura Leite Espinheira;; Silva, Gilcilene Ferreira;
    This study was developed based on the empirical experience during the supervised curricular internship at the institution Projeto Levanta-te e Anda, proposes to analyze the challenges and strategies for the implementation of comprehensive health policies, in their biopsychosocial aspects aimed at the population in situation street, portraying in the context of the phenomenon that emerges in capitalist society, characterizing and profiling in Salvador from a brief historical context that portrays inequality, exclusion and the various forms of manifestations of the social issue. The method used was the dialectic method, of Marxist origin, which is based on man as a subject inserted in a contradictory social reality. Conducted through a bibliographic search to deepen the knowledge on the theme, from the consultation of authors who analyze these expressions and manifestations of the social issue such as: social exclusion, poverty and inequality, articulating them the problem of the abuse of psychoactive substances among the homeless population and social welfare policies, through data, censuses and research carried out. The approach will cover the categories: gender, race and ethnicity, and aims to contextualize the phenomenon of homeless people, considering their general aspects and characteristics. In addition, document analysis was used through the material produced in the internship field, as well as all material produced in the intervention project and daily production.
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    A situação de rua das Marias através dos olhos ancestrais da interseccionalidade
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-12) Mota, Vânia Souza Gomes; Santos, Elisângela de Souza;; Souza, Caroline Ramos do Carmo;; Barbosa, Nelma;
    The present study proposes a bibliographical analysis on the intersection of structural oppressions of race, class, gender diversity and sexuality, which cross the life of the Marys in the street situation. Using as an analytical struggle, the tool of black feminism coined with intersectionality, an ideology that neither dichotomizes nor hierarchizes oppressions. It is thus possible to realize that racial oppression underlies the movement of these bodies to the homeless situation, but the capitalist economic system develops and deepens this manifestation of the social question. Understanding how the social imposition of cisheteronormativity legitimizes violence against dissident bodies and desires, and the street is on this path as a form of "freedom." The research contributes to the theoretical construction about oppressions that intersect the lives of black women in the street situation, proposing anti-racist interventions in public policies.
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    A contribuição do Serviço Social no processo de adoção de crianças negras
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-17) Silva, Sued dos Santos; Lepikson, Maria de Fátima Pessôa;; Amaral, Liane Monteiro Santos;
    This assignment aims to discuss the contribution of the work of social service professionals in the process of adopting black children. It is proposed to research aspects of the adoption process, based on a survey of data available in the National Adoption Registry (NAR, 2020). Initially, we approach the socio-historical context of the adoption process, racism and the intervention of the social service professional in the socio-legal field. We identified the existence of racial prejudices that permeate many of the adoption criteria defined by the adopters. The interest in this theme stems from the internship experience as a social work student at the Childhood and Adolescence Court during the years 2019 and 2020, which we can see the importance of the work of the social worker in the adoption process of black children.
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    Descriminalização do aborto no Brasil: direito fundamental à saúde da mulher
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-17) Trindade, Ana Vitória Rodrigues; Avena, Maura Leite Espinheira;; Amaral, Liane Monteiro Santos;
    The present work aims to analyze the relevance of the decriminalization of abortion in Brazil, its impacts on women's health and on the reduction of the mortality rate. In addition to examining the health policy in Brazil and the comprehensive health policy for women, observing aspects related to reproductive health, family planning and others; discuss the issue of abortion, its illegality and criminalization, pointing out its impacts on women's health, and establishing the relationship between social issues, abortion and the criminalization of abortion, pointing to decriminalization as a path to women's health. For this, a bibliographic search was made and soon after a content analysis. In such a way, the present Conclusion of Course work is organized in order to raise the question of how the decriminalization of abortion will reduce the high mortality rate of women who have to resort to clandestine abortions, since, according to the results of the analysis, the law does not correspond to the demands of society, as many women continue to practice abortion, only in an insecure way.
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    Do reconhecimento de paternidade ao restabelecimento do vínculo familiar: direito fundamental de toda criança e adolescente
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-17) Brito, Graziele Pereira de; Avena, Maura Leite Espinheira;; Amaral, Liane Monteiro Santos;
    This research brings an approach to the promotion of the rights of children and adolescents, through the effective recognition of paternity and the restoration of the family bond. From the experience lived in the field of mandatory supervised internship in Social Service, in the Nucleus of Promotion of Responsible Parenthood - NUPAR of the Public Ministry of the State of Bahia, active organ in the socio- juridical field. The aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of the acknowledgements of paternity regarding the restoration of the family bond, aiming at the promotion and expansion of the rights of children and adolescents. In addition, the research brings a contextualization of the transformations that the family and its ties have been going through over time, highlighting the role of the father in the family context, as well as children and adolescents, who have become recognized as subjects of rights. It was also sought to emphasize the work of the Social Service with families in the protective perspective, articulated to the principle of Sociofamiliar Matricality, and its activity in the socio-juridic field. The results of this study show that responsible parenthood begins through civil registration, as this is a possible means of regularizing the right to affiliation, and can be used to stimulate parents to assume parenthood even if belatedly, more participatively, aiming at the healthy development of children and adolescents.
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    Serviço social no campo socioambiental: contexto de mudanças e impactos na questão social
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-17) Santos, Carina Freitas dos; Avena, Maura Leite Espinheira;; Oliveira, Ivone Pires Ferreira de;; Oliveira, Maristela Gomes de;
    This research is a result of the experience lived in the supervised internship field in Social Work at the private company Dialogue Sustainability, an institution active in the socioenvironmental field, which made it possible to reflect on the possibilities of the professional practice of social workers in this socio-occupational space, little discussed in the academic scope as an area of the profession. To this end, aspects such as the process of capitalist accumulation and its reflection in the creation and sharpening of the expressions of the social issue are explored, presenting the Brazilian socio-historical context, mainly from the last five years, focusing on the Environment Policy. Semi-structured interviews were developed with two social workers who work at the company in the period from October to November 2020. The data collected were transcribed and separated by thematic axes of analysis. For the interpretation and study, Laurence Bardin's content analysis was used. From the research question and the proposed objectives, which guided our study, it was possible to arrive at some results such as: that professional practice in this socio- occupational space presents numerous challenges and limits, but that the social transformation so desired is possible be carried out, in addition to understanding the responsibility of the various social actors involved in the social