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Item Com lenço e sem documento: identidades, ideário e relações familiares na luta e repressão política a Juventude Universitária Católica(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2011-04-03) Di Gregorio, Maria de Fátima Araújo; Cavalcanti, Vanessa Ribeiro Simon; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Castro, Mary Garcia; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Boaventura, Edivaldo Machado; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Arend, Silvia Maria Fávero; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Mattos, Wilson Roberto de; http://lattes.cnpq.brThis thesis is inserted on the line ‘Family and Society’, and investigates the Catholic University Youth – JUC - movement of significant action between the Totalitarianism and Democracy brasilian, with eyes on its history, identity, ideology and praxis which have defined their participation between 1930 and 1964. The approach is based on phenomenological hermeneutics ricoeuriana, anchored in the Social History and the method of historical study, empirical and qualitative. Semi-structured questionnaires were applied to a total of 30 people, recognised as jucists, privileging diversity on academic formation. The research shows the JUC as an expressive movement of the youth in those years, formed between the socio-religious militancy, conceptualised within the context of renewal of the Church - the one ot neo christianity and the University which gave them amalgamed identities between the catholic philosophy and interaction with other university social movements. This dynamic enabled the group shares a fight between Catholic identity and revolutionary practice, resulting in the Popular Action (AP). It was then that the group protruded beyond an organized social movement in advancing its ideology, assuming the identity of the fight, experiencing the Coup of 1964 which is established in the country in an atmosphere of tension and political repression, when the family acts as protective of its members.Item O combate institucional da violência contra a mulher: estudo comparativo entre Brasil, Portugal e Espanha na implantação de Políticas Públicas(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2012-08-31) Carneiro, Valnêda Cássia Santos; Cavalcanti, Vanessa Ribeiro Simon; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6538283866214716; Quinteiro, Maria Esther Martínez; Boaventura, Edivaldo Machado; Gomes, Carlos Alberto Costa; Castro, Mary Garcia; Menezes, José Euclimar Xavier deThe passing of laws aimed to protect women against violence in Brazil. Portugal and Spain, airs this issue and favors a forward movement of women’s fight for efficacy and advances in everyday gender relationships. Through a law-theoretical approach owing to the juridical thought from these countries, this work aims to make a comparative study in the matter suitable to the historical circumstances in this first decade of the millennium. So, concepts as power, violence and institutions are analyzed in a law perspective to exhibit the juridical tools created to implement women’s protection and a deeper sight in gender relationships as well. Owing to cultural similarities Brazilian, Portuguese and Spanish laws on this matter are reviewed and compared. In consonance with the research program on Family and Society, this thesis provides the evidence of factual inability of law to produce effective protection and to acknowledge social equivalence between women and men, which leds to a deeper multidisciplinary approach. An interpretation scheme was built following the one created by Göran Therborn when studying the diminishing of fertility among women in France and United States. Therborn’s scheme is grounded on the connection between macroscopic phenomena and multiple individual decisions laying beneath it, which is the case in violence against women within a traditionally male-centered society. Through this methodology it was evidenced that law itself, even though needed, is not enough to preclude violence against women. A radical change in a deep-rooted cultural attitude is conditio sine qua non to establish a worldview in which women and men could be equally recognized as free and equivalent.Item Diálogos com as mulheres na política local baiana: famílias, tradições e representações entre o público e o privado(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2012-12-04) Barbosa, Cláudia de Faria; Cavalcanti, Vanessa Ribeiro Simon; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6538283866214716; Quinteiro, Maria Esther Martínez; Alves, José Eustáquio Diniz; Calazans, Márcia Esteves deDoes the greater female participation, in numbers, in the bureaucratic and political frameworks – within the Brazilian contemporary process – indicate an effective citizenship, spaces conquered and banners unfurled? Coming from this generating question, this work reflects about the “empowerment” of women, accessing debates about gender and the binomial of inclusion/exclusion, as well as their incidence in municipal politics, thought about as an agent that exercises political power. Focusing on family and life histories, it analyses the categories of gender and kinship, which permeate the performances, exploring the intersection of the worlds that conform the political universe, in a perspective that understands gender as a part of a system of relations. Aiming to overreach the naturalized/essentialized view of the female role in the political space, this etude has as an objective to analyze how the relations between public and private take place among women who act in politics, with the perspective of understanding how the conscience of oneself and for oneself is elaborated. In a broad and watchful perspective of the historical and cultural problems of which the women were victims and kept made invisible in subordinate functions up until today. A discussion that demonstrates the incorporation of diversity and multiplicity. In a specific way, it intends to identify how the women invested in an office exercise citizenship in public and private spaces, enforcing the principle of non-discrimination, understanding whether they indeed conquer autonomy and/or empower themselves in the sense of taking actions and raise banners of fights against segregations, violences and vulnerabilities. The study proposes to broaden the field of reflections about social and political representations, bringing forth scientific and multidisciplinary aspects. The methodology consisted in multiple case studies, involving family histories and content analysis, with the contribution of feminist theories, of the social representations and political philosophy, applying diverse techniques, amongst which, the open and profound interviews with female mayors of towns in Bahia, in the office of 2009-2012. The focus is on the category of gender as an analytical and relational instrument, families as networks, cultural and social links and constructions, and it questions the social representations and admits the historical perspectives that neglected the invisibility of women in the course of civilization and the existing stereotypes related to gender, as well as searching, in the subjects’ everyday life, intertwined aspects that direct their conduct. Investing on detailing the reality of women in local power in Bahia, hearing their “voices” from their everyday lives, realizing the obstacles and conquests that permeate the way they act in the public space, demonstrating ideas and actions. The epistemological base has been crossing the borders between feminisms and the interest was in contributing to the understanding in reference to the participation and actions of women in politics, especially when it comes to not judging without analyzing each case and condition. Women, within their multiple actions and references, for better or for worse their acting in politics can be, face unique situations and there are many variables at stake. Moreover, they can be only pieces in the machinery of dominant political power and of reproduction of capital and of a dominant patriarchal praxis. In this view, one is at risk of losing the wealth and details of particularity and singularity – the nuances, the shades of meaning that require attention to detail and broad knowledge of a specific cause. Between general and specific, between feminisms and other theories that support centuries of views and proposals of intervention, the reality studied, seen from up close, marks spaces of quantitative advancements, whether nationally or regionally, and the picture is favourable to an increase of female consciousness in fighting for their civil rights, affirming themselves more and more, by their personal autonomy and desire of emancipation. However, not necessarily crediting conquests to feminism. The conclusion reached after a work of such nature is that power, especially of women, is distant, leaning more on conscience and praxis than on numerical data. These are new times in which disguises transform domination into something so subtle it is nearly impossible to notice. The “society of the spectacle” determines a political dialogue often impoverished and repeating itself. In times of privileges authorized by Governments to exploit others in many different ways, the acceptance and even the spreading of female superiority is part of an arsenal of trends which should be used in service of the system’s interests, responding to international agendas and patterns for the overcoming of the “invisibility” throughout History. The patriarchy no longer is inserted in the logic of absolute power in the hands of a few men, suffering profound mutations, acquiring new linens and characteristics. Its metamorphosis unleashed the advanced capitalism in service of a stronger and more dominating power. This capitalism manages to sidestep human minds and insert women in a collection of interest games and dominations, far from what would be their “empowering” with true social and political emancipation of all human beings, in a world with equity and social justice.Item O papel do pai na sociedade contemporânea: concepções de pais, funcionários de uma Empresa Estatal da Bahia(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2013-02-26) Carvalho, Ana Barreiros de; Moreira, Lúcia Vaz de Campos; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8863706292628331; Valsiner, Jaan; Marsico, Giuseppina; Lyra, Jorge; Alcântara, Miriã Alves Ramos deAs a result of many social changes like the increasing number of divorce, women’s joining into the labor’s market, the father’s role is changing very fast and, as a result, the increasing number of research is visible too. As fatherhood is a concept in a deep changing process, this dissertation aims to understand Bahia’s father’s role in contemporary society from the point of view of father’s of different socio-economical contexts. To reach this objective, a case study was realized and 30 fathers were interviewed, and who worked in a big company in Ba-hia/Brazil, they were divided into two groups that earned lower and higher salaries. A ques-tioner was elaborated based in Lamb (2004) and Palkovitz (1997) concepts about fatherhood. Psicodrama, Sociodrama and Relational Theory conducted the study once; they explain that individual and social construction is based in personal and social roles that allow the emer-gence of social capital. As a result, It was noted that father of lower socio-economic income the father’s role is to teach, to be available and affectionate to the child. Therefore, for the higher income group, “father” is the person that teaches, is available and share activities with the child. Both interviewed groups affirmed that principal factor that makes them closer to the child is to share activities. Lower salary fathers affirmed that “work” is the factor that difficult them to be closer to their child and that, the second factor is “divorce” once, higher income fathers affirmed that “work” is the principal factor that makes them more distant from their child, and in sequence, the little amount of time. It was noted that regard to “responsibility” and “availability” factors, fathers of higher income were more involved than lower income. It was noted too, that lower income fathers were more involved than higher income salary in activities related to affection (smile to the child), meanwhile, the inverse occurs to activities related with cognition (like to teach). As greater majority of respondents affirmed that institutions and government does not give support for them performing fatherhood, it was noticed that is necessary more involvement of public and institutional policies makers to include fatherhood in the context of schools, health, and the caring of children and families. It was observed that changes are is necessary not only in institutional and public policies, but even in research policies too once, fatherhood’s investigations are insufficient and when they exist, in majority, show a conformist point of view about fatherhood reality. These data conducted a conclusion that fatherhood is contingent on context in regards to the complexity of socioeconomic, cultural, and historical aspects and family’s characteristics. Essentially, it is important not only to children development but, also for men themselves, and for society, as, after becoming father, they grow in responsibility and maturity, and in this way can help promoting gender equality, detachment from poverty, crime and constructing a society as a better place to live.Item Violação dos direitos da criança: um olhar bioecológico sobre a escola e família(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2013-02-27) Silva, Maria Elisa Pacheco de Oliveira; Rabinovich, Elaine Pedreira; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1594550972937138; Moreira, Lúcia Vaz de Campos; Santos, Stella Rodrigues dos; Andrade, Celeste Maria Pacheco de; Cruz, Antonio Roberto Seixas daFrom an interdisciplinary approach between the knowledge of Pedagogy, Psychology and Law, and from a theoretical-methodological approach, based on Bioecological Theory of Urie Bronfenbrenner, this thesis, a case study of multiple levels and contexts, designs four articles produced from the insertion into the search field - the South Reconcavo of Bahia - an introduction, describing the objectives of the study and the problem that it is involved, by indicating the theoretical constructs that found it, and also a final reflection on the effectiveness of protective actions for children.It discusses, gradually, how the reciprocal of the interactive processes between the social microsystems, school and family, and exchanged influences with broader social contexts, such as communities, public authorities and institutions, imply the effectiveness of fundamental rights of the child, the age group of Early Childhood Education of the region in which the study took place. The first article, "The effectiveness of the child rights in the South Reconcavo of Bahia: a reading of the social context" features the South Reconcavo from geophysical and socioeconomic views, maps and discusses the protective conditions for facing the violation of child rights. The second article, "Fundamental rights of the child warned by agents of the school and the family," presents a brief history about children rights on the world scenario and, simultaneously, the actions towards its recognition, by emphasizing the principles of the Child and Adolescents Statute (ECA) and the fundamental rights it prescribes. It analyzes in the light of that Statute, the indicators of violation obtained from teachers and family views. The following article, "School as ecological system", discusses the school context from the perspective of Bioecological theory, analyzing the counterpoints of physical, functional and relational aspects that contribute to the existence of episodes, such as those presented, relating to fundamental violated rights. "Family as ecological system" is the study conducted with teachers, children and their families, and also community members, which originated five episodes of violation of child rights, analyzed from the Bioecological approaches and the ECA. It presents a contextual framework of violated rights as the result, due to: the fragility of public policies for the social welfare, the ineffectiveness of the child protection network in the region, and the dislocation between the social systems, including the society, school and family.Item Capital social, família e redução da pobreza: um percurso na literatura(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2013-07-30) Cunha, José Onofre Gurjão Boavista da; Petrini, Giancarlo; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1018186216920083; Alcântara, Miriã Alves Ramos de; Cavalcanti, Vanessa Ribeiro Simon; Maia, José Afonso Ferreira; Ulian, Ana Lúcia Alcântara de OliveiraInserted in the research line "Family and Society", this thesis aims to present the social and family capital as important tools in the generation of effective social policies to combat poverty and to empower poor community groups in the effort to overcome its difficulties, with its members acting in solidarity and cooperative towards the common good. To do so, we took as basis the study of capital, poverty and family, representing three categories that occupy remarkable dimensions in the study of social sciences in particular, and in almost all other areas of knowledge. The capital, which is a central thesis of this paper, lined up the importance it has today only since the 1980s and has been widely examined as to their existence, their concepts, paradigm in building toward maturity, model analytical and applications in the real world, with the contribution of a large number of authors, national and international, pointing to the fight against poverty and living up to their status instrument that embodies the object of research. Already addressing poverty was designed around two axes: the first deals with poverty as a problem for knowledge, involving different concepts around the topic and bringing measurements that give an approximate idea of their extent and significance, and point the direction of the concrete measures and programs geared to their effective coping. The second axis consists of working poverty as a problem for the action, including social protection and public policies that build their quantitative reduction as an important element of the performance of State and other organizations in that particular field. We examined texts by important authors who have studied the subject in the context of various areas of knowledge they represent, rising data and information about community programs and projects successful, virtuous, to overcome poverty through the use of social capital, both in Brazil and in other countries, synthesizing this process of dealing with the problem as a matter inserted in the struggle for human rights and sustainable economic-social-environmental on the planet. The family, who in the postwar period came to be regarded as an outdated institution, for lack of functionality in modern times has resumed its role as a social subject indispensable to welcome and care for children and the elderly, as a reference for its members and partner essential for the implementation of public policy / social. It is worth noting the importance of family planning and execution of projects of life, starting point so you can glimpse an effective fight against poverty. The life project aims to immediate improvement of education, health, housing and employment and is located in direct opposition to the survival strategies that are concerned only with the immediate needs. The family is of fundamental role in the composition of this thesis work, especially on the approach of the constructive potential of what has been termed Family Social Capital, a still embryonic notion that shows promising perspectives in regard to fighting poverty through the relational goods produced personal relationships, own unique, established by family members in their scope and in the community context in which it is established.Item A família previdenciária como prenúncio de um paradigma emergente dos grupos familiares fundamentados no afeto(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2014-08-27) Silva, Rámon Jorge Almeida da; Santos, Edilton Meireles de Oliveira; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6602550613140098; Silva, Beclaute Oliveira; Robichez, Juliette Marie Marguerite; Pamplona Filho, Rodolfo Mário Veiga; Cavalcanti, Vanessa Ribeiro SimonInserted in the searchline "Legal Aspectsof the family", this work is about the meaning of the word “families” for the Brazilian Social Security and its counterpart institution in France. By means of literature review, document and field research, with qualitative approach using a semi-structured questionnaire, applied to a group of two hundred people – among Brazilian and French adults, workers or not, randomly chosen, the author researches the Welfare State, its origins and main models; business intelligence and the Political Economy of Social Protection. Next he formulates the following thesis: since Social Security is a contributing system, its insured can freely choose their dependents based on affection. The thesis is anchored to the principles of full social protection, non-discrimination and dignity of families. From this last principle, the student extracts, in contrast to the financial and actuarial balance of Social Security, the principle of financial stability of families and the index of welfare development of the family. He concludes his reasoning with theoretical arguments that are able to propose measures to fight the "pension industry", develop the concept of social intelligence and sustain the classification "social insurance families" as the prognostic of an emerging paradigm of family groups based on affective bonds.Item Mapeando os corpos femininos na história do tempo presente: diálogos e representações(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2014-10-21) Santos, Simone Ganem Assmar; Cavalcanti, Vanessa Ribeiro Simon; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6538283866214716; Albuquerque, Carlos Francisco Linhares de; Santos, José Antônio Saja Ramos Neves dos; Bastos, Ana Cecília de Sousa Bittencourt; Castro, Mary GarciaThis thesis rises from a restlessness considering the social representations of the female body in History of Present Time, concept that not only holds the immediacy of facts, but to articulation between past, present and future. Taking from Maieutics and having as theoretic basis the social representations, the argumentation that references the ideas here exposed, part of an essayistic work turned to the concept of emancipation as well as the concept of subordination, on the bodily experiences of the feminine body. In order to do so, harbored in an interdisciplinary work, guided in the fields of Medicine, Anthropology, History, Analytic Psychology, Sociology, Ethics and Philosophy – the research pinpoints as its main objective, to investigate if the contemporary Brazilian woman’s body, facing the conquers reached mainly in the last six decades, has been acting as one of the pillars of the autonomy of the “self”, or as a factor of annulment, staring the social, cultural, media and aesthetic boundaries. Methodological, epistemological, and somewhat deontological problems were pondered with basis on the thought that in human species there are males and females, if this distinction is fruit of natural realities, social realities or both. Such questions, were articulated, were fixed as reference to ideas defended by Carole Pateman (1993) and Heleieth B. Saffioti (2001, 2011), regarding the persistency of patriarchy, and Judith Butler’s (2010) assumptions, and Beatriz Preciado (2008), among other authors which pore over gender, sexuality and performances studies. With the same value, the critics of consumerist society, inserted in the integrated social spectacle, in Guy Debord’s ideas (1997), were relevant analysis points, in this plural work, that while moving between tyranny of images and submission of feminine bodies, brought to reflection the power exercised by the media over the investigated object, hence fetichism.Item Ecos do entrelace do contrato social com o contrato sexual: indivíduos, sexualidades e famílias contemporâneas(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2014-11-26) Pereira, Marlene Brito de Jesus; Castro, Mary Garcia; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5471996580293552; Menezes, José Euclimar Xavier de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5194408237403794; Coutinho, Denise Maria Barreto; Messeder, Suely Aldir; Cavalcanti, Vanessa Ribeiro Simon; Alcântara, Miriã Alves Ramos deFrom provocative conjectures of the work The Sexual Contract, the theories of the social contract, the thesis aims to present and discuss the intertwining of social contract with the sexual contract. It consists of an argumentative strategy that shows the interdependence between the idea of individuals, families and sexualities in contemporary times. The interdisciplinary theoretical framework to seek refuge in Social Psychology and the Social Sciences not neutral in terms of gender. Generating questions summon: What is to be individual? And which results in contemporary conviction that appointment? That sexuality is spoken? What is family? A qualitative methodological design with the technique of multiple case studies highlights the social representations of three (03) participants families residing in the city of Salvador,BA: Sigma family consisting of father mother and two daughters, the Delta family, stepfather, mother and daughter. And the Gama family, consisting of mother and child. There are six women and three men aged between 27 and 64 years old, educated and belong to the urban middle social segment. The life story was the technique that took the main data, analyzed by the technique of discourse analysis. The thesis presents the proposal of the intertwining between contracts and adds the knowledge of individuals, families and sexualities, with representations and life stories of mothers, fathers, son and daughters, their experiences in childhood, youth, dating, romantic relationships, sexual, marriage and remarriage.The results indicate that nowadays the 'contracting individuals' are fragmented.There are conflicting sexualities named for historical perspectives and scripted sexualities. The idea of sexuality and families are chanceladas by interlace of contracts.The intertwining of the social contract with sexual widen understanding of the different ways that present individuals, families and sexualities. There interlace echoes of contracts in rules and regulations that involve building links, feelings, and seems to create a kind of league in the relations between the sexes. Theoretically it is my suggestion that interlace the echoes of the social contract with the sexual are in gender relations among individuals, families and sexualities. The Sigma families, Delta and Gamma seem very close to interlace and outcome of contracts. But does not mean that social individuals are completely intertwined. Its action may be in and out of that intertwine, undermining its hegemony, giving rise to the problem, the complaint of an asymmetric condition of social life.Item Assistência à saúde disponibilizada às famílias do subúrbio de Periperi – Salvador - Ba, nas décadas de 1960 a 2010: resgate histórico(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2014-12-03) Torres, Ogvalda Devay de Sousa; Rabinovich, Elaine Pedreira; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1594550972937138; Paim, Jaimilson da Silva; Santos, José Eduardo Ferreira; Franco, Anamélia Lins e Silva; Bastos, Ana Cecília de Sousa Bittencourt; Britto, Antônio Carlos NogueiraThis paper pays homage to a father and medical doctor who dedicated 25 years to Periperi, an area located on the northern surroundings of Salvador. Salvador is the capital of the state of Bahia, and is itself a micro-region, located in the macro-region East.The exact designation, as far as public health care is concerned, is First Regional Health Directory.The researcher lived in Periperi during childhood and part of her youth, being the daughter of the first physician to actually live in the aforementioned railway district. He started work as soon as she graduated from Medical School in 1942. The author has also worked in that area for 50 years. She has also started the first private clinic in the area, where office and emergency calls were available. The present work is a qualitative and basically descriptive piece of research -a case study-but utilizing various methodological strategies. The research instrument has been a semi-structured questionnaire, applied to families who now live in Periperi or who have lived there in the past. The sample was classified according to the decades from 1960 to 2010. Sixty five families with children were selected, with data on birth date, gender, birth and vaccination places, immunopreventable diseases, subsequent doctor’s calls and further details about the local history. Details from available patient files at the authors office (42% out of 1203 consultations) an from files belonging to the office of "Atendimentos Médicos Especializados" (AME), where the author also worked (28 % of 6535 files). Concerning the alluded 65 families, 203 births were registered and a total of 207 infants were born, being two cases of twins.Two infants were adopted. Most births occurred at home in the 1960s and 1970s. Birthswere assisted mainly by midwives and most families had several children. The first case of a family having an only child happened in the 1980s. This became the model for 80% of the families in the 2000s. Vaccination was performed most frequently in Periperi. Immunopreventable diseases began to decrease in incidence. Private insurance was used to some extent but SUS (Unified Health System, a governmental initiative) took the leadership in the 2000s. The developmental and cultural mark of the 2000s was the building of a road, namely, Avenida Afrânio Peixoto or Avenida Suburbana, after the birth of many private medical offices. The pediatrics office was responsible for 52,8% of pediatric consultations, the remaining 24,26% being covered by UNIMED, a private insurance. Six specialties and eight doctors were responsible for the clinical work at Clínic AME. Gynecology, Internal Medicine and Ultrassonography were the leading specialties. AME also serve as a basis for research conducted by UFBA and UCSAL. Health Fairs and Educational Fairs promoted by Lions Club Salvador-Periperi received support from AME. Lions Club and Fiocruz used their space and international research about schistosomiasis was performed in their facilities. The evolution of health care and the success of governmental health plans was visible. The change in vaccination routine was successf and SUS has been recognized as a good health system. Doctors, however, appeared to be more humanistic in the past.Item Relações familiares e integralidade da saúde da mulher no climatério: significações construídas por usuárias e profissionais de saúde(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2015-02-03) Pires, Vilara Maria Mesquita Mendes; Rabinovich, Elaine Pedreira; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1594550972937138; Alcântara, Miriã Alves Ramos de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4186283459709800; Fernandes, Marcos Henrique; Bastos, Ana Cecília de Sousa Bittencourt; Amorim, Ivonete Barreto deBrazilian population demographics outlines reveal that women tend to overcome men population contingent shortly, due to the higher lifespan, which brings consequences to the family ways of life and drives the development of researches towards to issues experienced by women in such context. A crescent number of women enter in climacteric, a female transition period between the reproductive and the non reproductive phase, privileged by the national policy for women integral healthcare. The general objective of this research is to analyze the climacteric phase under the aegis of integrality according to women attended in Family Health Unities. The specific objectives constituted in understanding the meaning of climacteric, the biopsychosocial factors experienced by women during this phase of their vital cycle and to identify the actions developed by health professionals from Family Health Teams to the women that experience the climacteric. The ethics of the research with human beings was respected, and the research project was approved by CEP. This is a qualitative study based on the Philosophical Hermeneutics, which has guided it, providing assumptions that allowed an interpretative approach to the empirical corpus. The field research was performed in Family Health Unities and at the homes of users living in the city of Jequié-BA. Seven health professionals and 10 climacteric women participated in this study. Data was collected based on the semi structured interview registered in audio and in field diary. Interviews analysis contemplated a Conceptual Map, which revealed relationships between the meaning nuclei that allowed the identification of the categories and subcategories. The results are presented from the categories - the woman facing the strange (giving a meaning to the climacteric); the climacteric towards the female contexts (perceptions of sexuality in climacteric; my body changed: and so what?; family: a locus to change); the health service and the climacteric woman: the users’ speech (who takes care of me?); woman health attention in climacteric: the health professional speech (the meaning of climacteric; giving a meaning to integrality; and the health service and the climacteric woman: the health professional look). The discussion shows that climacteric is still a little discussed subject in health area, but for women it means changes in their bodies, families, sexuality, acceleration of aging and they do not feel assisted in their complaints. For health professionals, climacteric is still a subject little studied by them, and they attribute it to deficiencies in their college education, which make them not feel prepared to develop health actions to the climacteric women and also to provide an integrative attention. It is highlighted the need of rebuilding the concept of climacteric, recognizing its subjectivity, feelings and emotions that are moving the women. The formation of Acquaintance Groups must be considered and it must be intensified the attention to the climacteric in PNAISM. It is required a profile change in the organization structure of the health attention, making real the integrality as an action articulated to a professional education policy, answering the needs of the climacteric women.Item Juventude homoerótica e projeto de vida familiar: a paternidade silenciada(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2015-04-10) Magalhães, Selma Reis; Castro, Mary Garcia; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5471996580293552; Messeder, Suely Aldir; Menezes, José Euclimar Xavier de; Lima, Tatiane de Lucena; Alcântara, Miriã Alves Ramos de; Cavalcanti, Vanessa Ribeiro SimonAiming to extend knowledge of gay parenting, the research is based at homoerotic youth and family life projects, with vectors matters that involve the surrounding meaning of "being a father or "experience paternity"; "Be present", regardless reproductive character; be participatory in sons and daughters intellectual, psychological and moral development. Fatherhood and homoerotic youth are directed to gender and sexuality studies, in a society where thereby favoring the look at reproductions of social roles and positions of the male and female, inherited from the past and supported at present by the social on the pretext of regularity social relations. Adds relatively stable subsets, recurrent on a daily situation marked by unequal and powerful relations, built on investigation, as the socioeconomic and ethnic factors experienced by the survey actors participants. In this perspective, the research analyzes the paternity from the speeches of homoerotic youth about their family life projects. Youth appears in this scenario when considering the stage were the sexuality trial involves various social and cultural dimensions, regarding to sexual identity and gender, specifically about the eroticism and emotional factors. Parenthood in life project represents a personal achievement or not for young survey participants, but also in each one imaginary, be part or not of the process build and collective representation when it gives them social recognition of ancestry. Extends to homoerotic youth, as long as parenthood is not seen as a vital value of personal achievement, that’s why it is silenced, lived as an experience that may or may not occur parallel to other life projects considered by them as more important. Regarding to the family during the research, I address special attention, because I understand that inside her educational activities and the internal dynamics involving issues about sexual orientation are guided by the human dignity principle and existential aspects appreciation to ensure, above all, personality rights and physical integrity. Through material and symbolic actions, the family has a very important role in youth life, under analysis, an influence resulting often subtle actions, not always knowingly and intentionally directed, but through the actions assume interdependence relations among its members and with those around . The theoretical background studies about gender, sexuality and education are presented in an important way to understand, through school, the centrality and social mechanisms related to the sexual binary operation for the social life organization, with careful criticism of a policy of knowledge and the difference, considering the educational practices as a strong performance engine, able to control and disciplinary bodies and minds.Item Filhos do coração: o reconhecimento jurídico da multiparentalidade nas famílias neoconfiguradas no Brasil(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2015-10-21) Vargas, Hilda Ledoux; Menezes, José Euclimar Xavier de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5194408237403794; Coutinho, Denise Maria Barreto; Quinteiro, Maria Esther Martinez; Andrade, Celeste Maria Pacheco de; Barbosa, Camilo de Lelis ColaniThis paper aims to examine the possibility of recognizing the multiparenting in families formed by marriage or the common-law marriage with children of one or both members of the couple, from previously broken links, here called newoconfigurated families. These families gained visibility in the 2010 Census, conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE, which, for the first time, pointed his existence and social relevance. The coexistence in the family environment, which is reconstructed on the pains and marks from previous relationships can bring to fruition a sense of parenting that overlaps the biology and transforms people involved in "parent-child heart." The constitutional interpretation that develops this work recognizes the affection as na element of parental bonds able to determine the state of soci-affective filiation and as a legal principle of constitutional order promoting human dignity and determining the kinship constitution, by the art. 1593 of the Civil Code of 2002. The thesis proposal is that is possible the recognition and production from all the legal consequences of multiparenting in newconfigurated families, through the interpretation of the Constitution, the family context in contemporary plural society and paradigmatic changes verified with regard to kinship and affiliation, in Brazilian law from the Constitution of 1988. The interpretation of the affection principle in conjunction with the s of freedom, equality, solidarity, prevalence of child's best interest and adolescents, legal certainty principles allows the understanding that it is possible that a person may have recognized the paternal or maternal multiplicity, in the civil registry. In the national legal literature, the prevailing understanding that can be co-relatives by another source (socio-affective), the relations established between biological parents, stepfathers, stepmothers and stepchildren, in neewconfigurate families. State Courts of Justice have been manifesting in order to host the multiparentanting in cases of “brasilian adoption mode”, heterologous artificial reproduction and adoption by homosexual couples. In cases where stepparents wish to share parenting with parents and Biologycal mothers, some judgments attach charges to the stepfather or stepmother, such as custody of her stepchildren, as well as the right to food to the child's spouse or partner and It is admitting, on behalf of the principle of solidarity, the right to visits. However, the lack of legal studies and the absence of specific legal treatment of the subject justifies the weigh-quisa. For the development work, we used the deductive method with a qualitative approach, with the techniques, the literature review, legislative and judicial, to es-proaches relations of parenting that are established in newconfigurated families, enabling environment for manifestations of affection and solidarity which go beyond the bonds of consanguininess. The conclusion is that after checking the state of affiliation between stepfathers, stepmothers and stepchildren without distortion of biological parenting we must recognize the multipa-rentalidade and the legal effects resulting therefromItem A presença da pessoa com deficiência na família: com a palavra, o irmão(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2015-11-19) Sá, Sumaia Midlej Pimentel; Rabinovich, Elaine Pedreira; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1594550972937138; Cerveny, Ceneide Maria de Oliveira; Araújo, Sheila Correia de; Alcântara, Miriã Alves Ramos de; Moreira, Lúcia Vaz de CamposThis thesis addresses the impact that the presence of a physical disabled person resulting from cerebral palsy causes their brother with typical development. The aim was to understand, from young brothers' life episode narratives, how they experience and/or experienced this fraternal relationship, occurred interactions and the influence that the experience of coexistence produced in their development, their disability perception, also to investigate differences between places experienced by brothers and sisters, and to discuss the repercussions arising from prejudice in siblings' behavior of physical disabled people. Physical disability is understood from the social model and the family as a privileged locus of development, made up of interdependent relationships. The theoretical framework to support the narrative interpretation was the human development bioecological approach. The methodology was qualitative life narrative kind. Participants were 08 (eight) siblings of disabled persons resulting from cerebral palsy, from socioeconomic and cultural upper-middle class, aged between 19 and 29, excluding adoptive brother and who had not grown up together. It was used as data collection instrument a form with questions investigating the informant's profile, their parents' profile and their disabled brother's profile followed by a narrative interview. The results show two feelings that permeate the experience with the disabled person: the feeling of brotherhood and the feeling of fraternity. The first resulted from the interaction between the typical development brother and his physical disabled brother and it has influence in interpersonal relationships, and the second was defined as feelings resulting from the relationship with his disabled brother that will exert influence over their activities, relationship patterns, and played roles in other social environments. They indicate that living with disabled brother brings greater maturity, autonomy and brotherhood to their typical development brother. Likewise, they point out that all interviewed brothers are emotionally involved and take care of each other. It emphasizes how important it is that social resources are available to people in developmental transition situations.Item A poética da resiliência em família: vozes de dor que narram a beleza da superação(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2015-11-20) Souza, Cinthia Barreto Santos; Rabinovich, Elaine Pedreira; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1594550972937138; Cerveny, Ceneide Maria de Oliveira; Santos, José Eduardo Ferreira; Bastos, Ana Cecília de Sousa Bittencourt; Chaves, Sara Santos; Lima, Isabel Maria Sampaio OliveiraThis study is based on a family environment affected by a conflicting marital relationship and where the development of their children occurred. The research intends to understand suffering as an opportunity to rewrite lives by supposing that the poetic attitude favors human transcendence. This way, it looks for understanding the resilient behavior of these children, one brother and two sisters, their motivation, personal and/or collective, internal and/or external resources that were employed by them. It is a qualitative study using autoethnographic method. This scientific exercise took place through sensitive listening and introspective reflection about the narratives in order enhance the expansion of their self-awareness to understand how they promoted the children´ resilient performance; what motivated them; which internal or external, personal and/or collectives’ resources were used. The autoethnographic method promotes the dialogue between subjectivities by hearing, understanding and interpreting the multiple voices from the perception of the analyst which is inserted in the context of the observation and part of it. This research was designed as follows: listening to the life histories of the survey’s participants; interviewing the brother and sisters about how they figured out their experience about the their parents daily disagreements; asking about how they overcame, or not, the stress caused by the relationship of the couple; sketching out the different forms of understanding, expressing and facing suffering, examining individual and collective courses of suffering signification, healing strategies, resistance, or yet, the reconceptualization of the own family social position. The participants were the children of the family, locus of the investigation. The instruments were: narratives about their life histories, individual and collective interviews during family meetings. The register of the information is available in field diaries. The analysis and interpretation of the facts resulted in the following comprehension: the brothers believed that they developed resilience because they learned to overcome suffering and turn them a chance to increment their future; they understood that the overcoming of suffering was possible once it had a purpose to their lives, a “fixed-point” that allowed them to seek a reason to live together and individually. They established as fixed points: having a new family; supporting each other in solidarity; adopting someone in their extended family as a person to be attached to; settling down as belonging to this person and to their houses; persevering on faith in God and founding refuge on Church; perceiving school as a possibility to achieve a new and better life; using their own resources learned in social and cultural relationships; reflecting about their humanity in relationship to other people in the circle of life between pain and happiness.Item O casal e as relações de parentesco por afinidade: os sogros(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2015-11-20) Neves, Sinara Dantas; Rabinovich, Elaine Pedreira; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1594550972937138; Cerveny, Ceneide Maria de Oliveira; Silva, Célia Nunes; Alcântara, Miriã Alves Ramos de; Costa, Lívia Alessandra Fialho daCan experiments with relationship by marriage experienced by the couple in their original families clarify how relations with kinship affinity are presented in the current married life? This study analyzes the resulting repercussions of experiences with kinship by marriage the couple lived in their original families in building these relationships in the current married life, focusing on the parents-in-laws. It is a qualitative study, with multiple cases study design from a reasoned approach to systemic epistemology. Semi-structured interviews with three couples were held individually in a convenience sample, based on the following inclusion criteria: be between 25 and 45 years old; be middle class; be heterosexual; present degree of high school or university education; be first conjugal union; have both parents alive, and have children. Data were initially analyzed individually, case by case, based on what emerged from the talks, then grouped from unusual aspects obtained through the constant comparative method. The results refer to recurring issues such as: issue of housing and border revision; spouses as mediators between the partner and their relationship by marriage; in-laws as grandparents; strengthening the "absolute I". These results confirm the intergenerational transmission of wedding interaction patterns of parents for couples investigated, showing a tendency to repetition by gender, by at least one of the spouses. These interactions processes reveal the existence of a set of interests from the original families, in the role of grandparents as a way to keep the new couple attached to them, which deserves to be carefully studied.Item Do hospício ao Centro de Atenção Psicossocial de Alagoinhas/ Bahia: um estudo das representações sociais de familiares(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2016-02-29) Oliveira, Moacir Lira de; Moreira, Lúcia Vaz de Campos; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8863706292628331; Pitta, Ana Maria Fernandes; Carneiro, Cláudia Cerqueira Graça; Alcântara, Miriã Alves Ramos de; Pereira, Áurea da SilvaThis research makes an analysis of representations of the reorientation of the assistencial model in a Psychosocial Attention Center (CAPS), from the perspective of family members. The problem is marked as follows: How relatives of users of a Psychosocial Attention Center, graduates of psychiatric hospitalization, represent the reorientation of care model of mental health treatment? The work has as reference the Theory of Social Representations as a conceptual framework that allows to understand the tools that operacionalize the communication from knowledge and beliefs of the social imaginary, enabling an analysis on the process of construction of the meanings of the asylum and psychosocial models presented by the families. Thus, the present study aims to understand the social representations of the relatives of patients of psychiatric hospitalizations, graduates who attend the CAPS, on the process of reorientation of mental health assistence model of the municipality of Alagoinhas, Bahia. This is a qualitative study, descriptive-exploratory character, from a combination of methodological strategies, using documentary research by consulting the files of user records of that CAPS III, with a history of Psychiatric hospitalizations in the old Annex from same municipality, as well as unstructured interview with seven family members accompanying such users since the days of hospitalization, in order to understand the meanings they attach to the process of reorientation of care model. The results indicate that participants recognize the psychosocial model as a facilitator of access for families of patients, in addition to be a promoter of citizenship and to guarantee the right for full care and humanized, opposed to the asilarmanicomial model.Item O cuidar dos avós visto pelos netos em idade escolar(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2016-03-04) Azambuja, Rosa Maria da Motta; Rabinovich, Elaine Pedreira; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1594550972937138; Motta, Alda Brito da; Dias, Cristina Maria de Souza Brito; Ramos, Maria da Conceição Pereira; Ramos, Maria Natália Pereira; Alcântara, Miriã Alves Ramos deThis study takes as its focus grandparent caregivers as seen by schoolchildren, based on the Bioecological Theory of Human Development. This theory assumes the standpoint of the analysis of the person, process, context and time, by observing the interaction between the dyad adult/child. In order to understand the bonding circumstances and reciprocal positions between grandparents and grandchildren, through the eyes of grandchildren and based on the bio-socio-historical context, multiple case studies were performed in a private school with middle- and low-income students, located in the city of Salvador. The study, submitted and approved by the Committee of Ethics in Research, included six elementary school students, three female and three male, between the ages of six and nine years, along with their grandparents. From basic questions about how the grandchildren view the significance of their relationship with grandparents, and how intergenerational relations with grandparents may differ by gender as to the development of personal and social education, four procedures were performed: interviews with the grandchildren using instruments of educational perspective (circle of conversation and album of images); and analyses of the interaction between grandparents and grandchildren using psycho-pedagogic instruments (game boxes) and those of systems theory (shared game). The main results show that the meaning of grandparents varies according to the mode of co-habitation, for the full-time caring for grandchildren, the grandparents were seen as caretakers; for the systematic, as companions; and the sporadic, as pranksters. There was a difference in intergenerational relationships according to gender: In order to interact with their grandchildren, women perform activities in internal spaces with educational and electronic games, while men prefer activities that occur in external spaces, such as parlor games or football on the beach. Thus, understanding the child as a family member and as the object of care corresponds to a vision of development as molar, in which, for the children, being taking care of involves close articulation with coexistence and interaction.Item Família e trabalhador/a de saúde na clínica médica: um estudo etnográfico sobre as interações(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2016-05-12) Amorim, Rita da Cruz; Costa, Lívia Alessandra Fialho da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0710584663045726; Aguiar, Maria Geralda Gomes; Nascimento, Maria Ângela Alves do; Rabinovich, Elaine Pedreira; Sá, Sumaia Midlej PimentelThe present research aims to understand the experience of illness and hospitalization for the family group from their integrants and healthcare workers who develop caring activity in the medical clinic of a public hospital within Bahia. Anchored in an interdisciplinary perspective, the research follows a qualitative approach, focused on participant observation, interviews and sensitive listening that supported the holding of interaction ethnography in the medical clinic. Participants were 14 families and 17 workers of the clinic, including accompanying family members who performed the activity, from 48 hours in the clinic, and excluding accompanying family members receiving income and private caregivers. Observations were carried out in the hospital lobby, in the hall, at the nursing station and in the wards, totaling eight months of systematic observation. Collected data were treated methodologically and epistemologically as narratives, within a biographical perspective, from the combination of obtained information, originating the "narratives of narratives”. Biographical focus support was possible on narrative (re)elaboration of the data collected, as evidenced by the lived experience as a whole. As ethnography results and from the understanding that the hospital is a setting of dramas, inter-family support network aspects were revealed, faith as a mobilizing force to face the illness and hospitalization, as well as a series of motivating situations of tensions and conflicts in the infirmary. The nurses' station has been presented as a place of corporatism expression, hierarchies, but also of jokes. Interactions analysis still points to the dimension of "care" involved in communicative action. Three important categories emerged from families’ narratives on the hospital follow-up experience: "follow-up and care as mutual comfort"; "follow-up and care as an act of love"; "follow-up and care as an obligation." Research indicates the importance of investments in new ethnographic studies in the hospital that involve the family, highlighting this group that integrates the hospital setting.Item Falas de que família(s)? Análise dos discursos da constituinte de 1987/88 sobre direitos e relações familiares(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2016-09-23) Silva Júnior, Enézio de Deus; Gaiarsa, Maria Amélia Chagas; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Santos, Edilton Meireles de Oliveira; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6602550613140098; Gaiarsa, Maria Amélia Chagas; Silva, Salete Maria da; Portanova, Rui; Wrigth, Sonia Jay; Rodrigues, Alexnaldo TeixeiraStructured especially from the Analysis of the French Discourse through the theoretical contributions of the philosopher Michel Pêcheux (France, 1960/XX century) and linguist Eni Orlandi (its main theoretical exponent in Brazil), this thesis takes for the construction of its analytical instrument, the collection of the National Constituent Assembly of 1987/88, of whose propositions and debates on the subject of family was organized the corpus. Made possible by a highly qualitative approach based on AD (acronym that identifies the Discourse Analysis as pechêuxtiana or French origin), the research also receives critical contributions – of legal and feminist fields, for example - from which the theoretical instrument enabled the perception of the main ideologies through the words and silences of those parliamentary individuals about family in the drafting of the 1988 Constitution process. The effects of meanings, interests, struggles, negotiations and other constituent elements of this process (interweaving of history with ideologies from the production conditions) were analyzed aiming to answer three main questions: 1. Did the provisions of the 1988 Federal Constitution on family attended in that unique historical moment, the real aspirations of Brazilian society about their rights and family relationships? 2. Such content in the light of proposals and debates by constituents was it the best legislative product on family that 1987-88 ANC could have offered the nation in that re-democratizing situation? 3. When the constituents disconnected family and marriage of caput in art. 226 of 1988 CF, were they aware of consequent openings and inclusively interpretation that would enable discursively, through