Família na Sociedade Contemporânea
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O Programa de Pós-graduação em Família na Sociedade Contemporânea (PPGFSC) completa 13 anos de existência no ano 2017. Ele nasceu com a proposta de tomar a família como objeto de estudo nas suas várias dimensões, tendo como especificidade investigar, numa perspectiva interdisciplinar, as mudanças pelas quais passam as famílias contemporâneas.
O PPGFSC incorpora estudos sobre as relações interpessoais da esfera doméstica como também pesquisas envolvendo as relações estabelecidas entre a sociedade e as famílias, em diversos contextos econômicos e culturais.
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Item Leitura filosófica da Encíclica Fides et Ratio e seus ecos nos paradigmas familiares contemporâneos(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2005) Carneiro, Miguel Ivân Mendonça; Machado, Genival Bartolomeu Fernandes; http://lattes.cnpq.br/By the conjecture that the man is “exist-in-world”, how the Philosophy and the Theology explain the necessary or casual relation – with the mystery and human freedom? Which ontological operation is able to conciliate whole being through the philologist and theologic exercises? What is the Fides et Ratio (FR) influences in the contemporaneous familiarity disposes? Before these questions, was investigated the reason of the thought of Pope João Paulo II in the Fides et Ratio beginning of some doubtful contexts of the faith, conjecture and yours echoes in contemporaneous familiarity paradigm. Was examined the Church critical arguments about the scientific discourse. Was board the positionament of encyclic about the philosophical thought that develop apart of the Christian revelation, having the idealism how apogee of this scission. Was investigated, also the pair of principle-words (I-You, I-This), in Martin Burber and the conception of Pessoa, in Karol Wojtyla. This relation corroborated with the break of familiarity paradigm, because take care of displacement of the sense of Pessoa while subordinated at the mystery and elevated at absolute autonomy, while social subject. Analyzed how the Theology stay convinced of the anselmiana interpretation of intelecctus fidei: is the Philosophy subordinated by Theology? The research offer wasn‟t “to revise” the efficacy of Theology in knowledge process in search of the essence of ser while ser tendentious at the grouping, community and family, but was investigated the impacts of Encyclic – in your double movement of “dialogue” and “denial” – and your echoes in the contemporaneous familiarity paradigms, those that cross over referential losses in result of new dynamics, recourses and appellation of technical society, was saw the potentialities of genetic engineering versus the economical interests in the eugenia process. Was looked for demonstrate that the new technical-scientific order is pushing the Family for the indefiniteness pluralism, new home of the contemporaneous thought. Was offered a version of Philosophy guarding your traditional capacity to sharpen new ways and re-elaborate new paradigms and visions of world that gave sense to exist, inclusively the familiarity. At last, is this tension of subject (Person) between the discourses of faith and of reason and the exercises of choose (Liberty), that construct the reflection around the Encyclic Fides et Ratio and the Family.Item No dia-a-dia... a luta: a família da criança com deficiência física(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2005) Sá, Sumaia Midlej Pimentel; Guimarães, Elias Lins; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Rabinovich, Elaine Pedreira; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Iriart , Jorge; http://lattes.cnpq.brThis descriptive, qualitative study is aimed at identifying how low-income families manage to restructure themselves after giving birth to a physically disabled child due to Chronic Childhood Encephalopathy. Parents (n=11) from eight nuclear families with a physically disabled child attending a physiotherapeutic clinic/school in Salvador (Bahia, Brazil) were selected for semistructured interviews followed by a socioeconomic and cultural survey. Through content analysis, data were grouped in eight thematic axes showing that among the many difficulties faced by those families were the loss of the object of desire, a decrease in income and social contacts, and emotional imbalance, which comprised the internal and external factors both contributing to an increased family stress and exerting heavy influence on family interactions. Families were shown to face their adversity by devising strategies for adaptation and solution seeking. It could be concluded that new ways of restructuring took place so that balance could be kept. A greater family and societal mobilization is urged towards the creation or support of public policies designed to validate the physically disabled as a subject and a citizen. Given the importance of the matter and the paucity of studies in the field, further research should be carried out on the dynamics of family behavior for a better evaluation of the impact of physical disability on family structure.Item Análise do processo de desenvolvimento da autonomia de uma criança de cinco anos(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2005) Drummond, Jerusa Fialho; Franco, Anamélia Lins e Silva; http://lattes.cnpq.br/El niño, a lo largo de su desarrollo, vivencia varios momentos en su relacióncon con los otros, especialmente con los padres. Las modificaciones que se observan en la relación con la madre, principalmente, son abordadas por varios teóricos. Este proceso es comprendido por Winnicott y Lapierre como desarrollo de la autonomía. Este estudio de caso consiste en el análisis de un niño de cinco años considerado agresivo por los adultos responsables, a lo largo de sesiones de psicomotricidad relacional ocurridas en grupo. El análisis se basó en registros por videos de sesiones gravadas mensualmente, a lo largo de diez meses, de las cuales fueron identificados episodios. Las categorías de análisis construidas fueron basadas en las relaciones que se objetan como propuestas por Winnicott y adotadas por Lapierre, tales como: relación del niño con el objeto, relación de los niños con sus pares, y relación del niño con el adulto. El análisis posibilitó afirmar la ocurrencia de un proceso de desarrollo de autonomía observado de una relación de fisión en la primera sesión para una relación de difusión, de conquista del espacio e inserción social en su grupo social en la décima sesión. Se reconoce la necesidad de estudiossistemáticos que posibiliten que se profundice y amplíe el conocimiento con respecto a los resultados de las intervenciones en psicomotricidad relacional, intervenciones estas que inciden sobre lo que Lapierre denomina como fallas que surgen de las relaciones sociofamiliares iniciales y que repercuten sobrediversos ámbitos de la vida, a lo largo de toda una existencia.Item Família, subjetivação e loucura em Michel Foucault(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2006) Rocha, Cléa Natalina Pereira; Menezes, José Euclimar Xavier de; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Carvalho, Mercedes Chaves Cunha de; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Coutinho, Denise Maria Barreto; http://lattes.cnpq.brItem Políticas públicas e o programa bolsa família: inclusão social ou (re)ordenamento do poder?(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2007) Foglia, Izabel Cristina Firmo; Cavalcanti, Vanessa Ribeiro Simon; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Silva, Antonio Carlos; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Carvalho, Inaiá Maria Moreira de; http://lattes.cnpq.brEl actual gobierno del presidente Luís Inácio Lula da Silva y el “Programa Bolsa Família” ven sufriendo acusaciones de los más diversos tipos acerca del discurso elaborado por ambos acerca de la familia. Ese hecho despierta atención para el significado simbólico de esa institución en la medida en que, a lo que hablemos sobre esos grupos estamos delante de un concepto que asume sentidos variables y como tal posee diversos puntos de vista, sean ellos científicos o pertenecientes al sentido común. El objetivo del trabajo de investigación es identificar elementos y comprender de que forma el concepto de familia determinado por el Programa Bolsa Familia coresponde a las necesidades de los modelos familiares que forman la sociedad contemporânea en el Estado de Bahia con ênfases en las políticas públicas, com marco temporal desde el año de 2003 (creacción del programa) hasta el primer semestre de 2007. La metodología de investigación está basada por una revisión bibliográfica que discute la relación entre familia, pobreza y políticas públicas a través de lecturas de obras, artículos y prensa relevantes para el tema, además de que desarrollemos levantamiento de datos cuantitativos (cuestionarios) y cualitativos (grupos focales) en noventa y seis municipalidades del Estado de Bahia.Item Trajetórias no contexto de um internato: das expectativas familiares às experiências dos internos e egressos(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2007) Silva, Demóstenes Neves da; Rabinovich, Elaine Pedreira; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Franco, Anamélia Lins e Silva; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Milani, Feizi Masrour; http://lattes.cnpq.brThis study aims at understanding the trajectories that happen in a boarding school from the point of view of its actors. Considerations of the context and its role in the development took into account the conception that environment and group are foundational for the formation of the individual. In the process of searching for meaning of the institution’s space and routine, three stages of these trajectories were investigated, seeking categories that were present in each of them and that would be generalized to the others. Taking as a theoretical frame of reference the symbolic universe of the subjects of the research, the following stages were analyzed: (1) The expectations of parents as they bring their children to basic education in a confessional boarding school and what the latter can provide in replacement, complementation, or reinforcement to what children bring from their original context; (2) the experience of boarding school students and how they interpret, accept, or reject the dynamic of the boarding school and its space; (3) finally, alumni and their reminiscing experiences from the time they were in the boarding school. This work was developed by means of questionnaires applied to student’s parents, semi-structured and individual interviews with administrators and staff, students and alumni; focal group with boarding school students; description of the boarding school by its students through pictures followed by their own statements and meanings attributed to the pictures taken by them. This study brings to the fore a discussion of the relationship among family, society, and boarding school. It concludes indicating the potentiality of boarding school as an intermediate space between public and private, with positive and negative valences, that although different of family, could be considered a context of development for adolescents. This study aims at understanding the trajectories that happen in a boarding school from the point of view of its actors. Considerations of the context and its role in the development took into account the conception that environment and group are foundational for the formation of the individual. In the process of searching for meaning of the institution’s space and routine, three stages of these trajectories were investigated, seeking categories that were present in each of them and that would be generalized to the others. Taking as a theoretical frame of reference the symbolic universe of the subjects of the research, the following stages were analyzed: (1) The expectations of parents as they bring their children to basic education in a confessional boarding school and what the latter can provide in replacement, complementation, or reinforcement to what children bring from their original context; (2) the experience of boarding school students and how they interpret, accept, or reject the dynamic of the boarding school and its space; (3) finally, alumni and their reminiscing experiences from the time they were in the boarding school. This work was developed by means of questionnaires applied to student’s parents, semi-structured and individual interviews with administrators and staff, students and alumni; focal group with boarding school students; description of the boarding school by its students through pictures followed by their own statements and meanings attributed to the pictures taken by them. This study brings to the fore a discussion of the relationship among family, society, and boarding school. It concludes indicating the potentiality of boarding school as an intermediate space between public and private, with positive and negative valences, that although different of family, could be considered a context of development for adolescents.Item A problematização Freudiana sobre o amor na dinâmica familiar: ressonâncias românticas(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2007-06-11) Barros, Maria Josephina Silveira; Menezes, José Euclimar Xavier de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Garcia, Mary Castro; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Coutinho, Denise Maria Barreto; http://lattes.cnpq.brThis Thesis has the objective of investigate the love on Freudian psychoanalysis, with the objective of comprehending which logical stuctures support the speech of Freud. About the loving fenomenous. The actual study works on the hypothesis that in Freud the amorous link is marked by romantic resonances, namely, the love as a search for the lost unit. Justifies , on a masters degree in family , consider love on Oedipus complex , because , the principal subject of the oedipal triangle circulates around the relationship between parents and their children and vice versa, as determinants of the way the dependent will organize your self in the world. The way your sexuality was built through the oedipal defile will be present on your affective choices, professionals and even on link modality with culture. This process of sexual definition and subjective organization occurred during the oedipal process is essential for the family understand. This becomes evidence, through the methodological resource of epistemological research of the Freudian text, is the particularity of the psychoanalytic speech on treating the amorous phenomenous since its origin, at childhood and in the family. The concern amplifies beyond the identification of the romantic resonances at the Freudian theorization about love, mentioning to the dissymmetry between the psychoanalysis and the Romanticism, and the disappointing character of the psychoanalysis praxis. The amorous fusion is reputed by psychoanalysis as impossible, and love is characterized as partial, limited and finite. It is oedipal triangle, noticed as a structure that organizes the desire, where the incestuous love illustrates the impossible search of return to an original entirety, the fulcrum of this dissertation and the scenery of our search for the Freudian logic about love.Item Os modelos educativos das mães evangélicas com maridos não crentes: influências da religião e do processo de democratização nas relações familiares(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2007-07-10) Leite, Ariane Vieira; Jacquet, Christine; https://wwws.cnpq.brIn the contemporaneousness, north principles of the familiar educative models had suffered alterations in the direction from its democratization. This, assumed, over all by the middle classes, more permeable of determined modern perspectives, can be apprehended from the different dimensions of the educative process such as the qualities and aptitudes that the parents want that the children acquire; the pedagogical resources and methods that the parents use to transmit its values or to teach adequate behaviors to the children; the distribution of the educative papers between the father and the mother; e the attitude of the parents before the external agents of socialization. Researchers disclose that the system of beliefs of the parents is determinative in the relation that they establish with its children. The religion guides in direct way or not, the rules of behavior them individuals, rules that they attribute meant to the attitudes and forms to see the world and the "other". Inside of the religious sphere it is observed, the accented growth of the evangelicals. In the generality, they are the women who first adhere to the evangelical churches. The consequence is, each time, a bigger number of couples with evangelical woman and not believing husband, making with that the phenomenon of religious pluralism reverberate strongly in the Brazilian families. In this exploratory study, of qualitative nature, our interest was to analyze the educative models of the evangelical mothers - pertaining to the middle classes and whose husband does not share the same faith - being searched to understand the influence of the religion, as well as of the process of democratization of the familiar relations, on the adopted models. We claim a priori a tension for these mothers between two different educative models: for being women of married middle classes with a man, who does not share of the same faith, them they can adopt the democratic model; but for being evangelical, them they can adopt a more traditional model. Interviews half-structuralized with evangelicals, resident mothers in Salvador and married had been carried through with husbands who do not share of the same faith. For the analysis of the data, gotten by means of the interviews, we use the technique of thematic analysis of content. For the treatment and the interpretation of the data we construct two educative models: democratic and the evangelical, being the first one from the literature on the subject that is abundant and consensual and as elaborated from interviews with shepherds. The information supplied for the involved mothers in the research had demonstrated that most of them adopts the evangelical model, notably disciplinarian, what it discloses that the interviewed ones present characteristics that more approach them of that they differentiate them. But the data had also pointed with respect to the influence of the process of democratization in practical educative of these women, disclosing resonances of the modern perspective in the field of the education, marked for the individualistic psychoanalytical culture that introduces new ethos familiar. Thus, the two studied models coexist in the story of one same mother.Item La persona, el matrimonio y la familia en el pensamiento de Karol Wojtyla(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2007-10-19) Ortega, Edwin Casadiego; Petrini, João Carlos; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Castro, Mary Garcia; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Mahfoud, Miguel; http://lattes.cnpq.brThis dissertation is a critical and systematic study of the thought of Karol Wojtyla on the ethical, philosophical and theological foundations of a suitable anthropology, which seeks to elucidate constitutive factors of human love, marriage and the familial relations, in the context of the cultural, ethical and religious pluralism of contemporary society. The work is developed in three moments: the first one is an approximation to contextualize the anthropological debate in current society, where changes in the way of understanding sexuality, procreation, marriage, the familial relations, paternity and maternity are in evidence; the second one centres on Wojtyla's offer of a "suitable anthropology" that must be understood as personalistic anthropology that has its foundation in the anthropology of communion, and among the topics that are approached here are the dimension of the body, the human drama and the experience of the "gift of self"; the third moment refers to the anthropological elements that lead to understanding the couple and the family as spaces of communion where the man draws his own living portrait through the experience freedom and love. In this dissertation the bibliographical method was in use, working with four types of sources: firstly, Karol Wojtyla texts, principally the philosophical writings and the catechesis on human love; secondly, modern and contemporary, national and international authors who do a critique of the loss of the promises of modernity, placing in evidence an anthropological debate; thirdly, authors who comment or come closer to Wojtyla's thought, a varied literature of authors that enriches the different levels of reflection. The relevant thing in this work is to see that Wojtyla does not try to offer a philosophy of Catholic Christianity, canonizing or restricting it to one philosophical current especially, according to him; every philosophical system has its own method, which makes it independent in relation to the faith or to any religious practice. His anthropological reflection is a reaction to those theses or ideas that distort or idealize the vision of man, denying his relational dimension or communion, which is an important aspect to understand the value of marriage and family in society.Item Escolares com sintomas de asma em uma comunidade carente de Salvador: o olhar da família(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2007-11-30) Andrade, Lília Maria Carvalho de; Rabinovich, Elaine Pedreira; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Silva, Célia Nunes; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Franco, Anamélia Lins e Silva; http://lattes.cnpq.brAsthma is a chronic inflammatory disease, most common in childhood and with high prevalence around the world. Genetics factors alone do not explain the increase of its prevalence, and psychological, social, and environmental conditions have been considered. First of all, the assessment of the prevalence of asthma symptoms in schoolchildren in Bairro da Paz, in the city of Salvador, Bahia, was made, in order to evaluate the relationship between sociodemografic characteristics and symptoms. Later, the objective was to identify, to investigate, and to analyze the family influence on the perception, on the treatment, on the management and on the onset of asthma symptoms. At the first phase, a cross-sectional study was carried out among schoolchildren in Bairro da Paz. The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) was used and applied to those responsible for the children with the asthma symptoms. Two hundred and forty-two schoolchildren with low socioeconomic characteristics and low level of schooling were studied. Cumulative asthma was identified in 38,4%, active asthma in 31,1%, wheezing upon physical exertion in 36,6%, and diagnostic asthma in 16,6%, without any differences between genders and race groups. Active asthma was more prevalent in boys under 10 years old. (CI=0,19-0,91). A high prevalence of asthma in the neighborhood of Bairro da Paz was identified in children of families with higher levels of schooling and younger age. The findings related to places with warmer average temperatures can be associated with increased asthma prevalence and poverty. At the second moment, a qualitative study was carried out with 10 (ten) families of schoolchildren, previously analyzed and classified as sufferers of severe asthma, who were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. The data were analyzed through the technique of interpretative phenomenological analysis, considering the moment before the first fit of asthma (maternal feelings at the moment of birth, socioeconomicdemografic characteristics, genetic factors), the moment before the fit of asthma (death or separation in the family, emotional factors immediately after the fit, exposure to allergens), and the moment after the fit of asthma (the family’s look, sacrifices and renunciation, health assistance). The findings showed a genetic, environmental and emotional influence on the onset of asthma and the presence of a particular event or fact that makes the child unique and special, in a way that favors both the onset and the perpetuation of the crisis.Item Conjugalidade: individuação e pertencimento em casais de movimento católico(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2008) Maciel, Francisco Nascelio; Petrini, Giancarlo; http://lattes.cnpq.br/It has been observed that the society in last the forty years has had a vast changeability and the conjugality is being affected in expressive way, noticing a search in answering to the yearnings of the spouses. After the 60th, the culture occidental prioritized the autonomy and independence. The conjugal link delineated two poles in an interaction of achievement of itself and the other: the belonging and the individuation. Thus, the couple contemporary is collated by two paradoxical forces that Wound-Sheep (1998) calls “the difficult conviviality of the individuality with the conjugality”. The ideals of the individuation stimulate the personal autonomy of the spouses and, on the other hand, they emphasize that the couple must support the growth and development of each one, appearing the necessity to carry through the personal desires and the conjugal projects. According to some authors, to value the individual spaces, many times means to fragilizar the conjugal spaces; in a similar way, to fortify the belonging demand almost always to yield ahead of the individuation. In this work the dimensions of the conjugality in the perspectives are approached sociological, theological, Biblical and of the Teaching of the Church, observing themselves the implications that emerge of the interactions of the couple. From the experiences of the researcher next to groups of on couples to the Church Catholic, in this exploratory study, our interest was to verify the influence of the spirituality of the Teams of Ours Lady in the couples of this movement, front to the individuation and the belonging. We tried to understand as these couples deal with situations of the culture contemporary, who emphasizes the autonomy of the individual, as well as analyzing the dimensions of the charisma one that they favor the relations of belonging between the couple. The qualitative boarding for the passage of the study method and for the construction of the script of collection of data was used. Interviews half-structuralized with four pertaining couples to this movement had been carried through catholic, residents in Salvador. These couples are of middle class, of different quarters and social standards that if they equalize. In order to preserve the identity of the couples, them they had been renomeados in fictitious way. For the analysis of the data, gotten by means of the interviews, we use the technique of thematic analysis of content. For the treatment and the interpretation of the gotten data, we listed two dimensions of the conjugality: one characterized for the individualization and another one for the belonging, being the two constructed from literature on the subject that is abundant and consensual. The information supplied for the involved couples in the research had demonstrated that most of them tends for the dimension of the belonging, notably fusional, disclosing that the interviewed couples present characteristics that approach more them of they differentiate what them. But the data had also pointed with respect to the influence of the process of individualization in the conjugal experience of these couples, disclosing the resonances of the modern ideas in the field of the marriage. Thus, they coexist in the story of each interviewed the two studied dimensions.Item Família e educação: olhares de crianças de escola pública(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2008) Silva, Ivone Carlos Alves da; Moreira, Lúcia Vaz de Campos; http://lattes.cnpq.br/In the contemporary social and family context, children have undertaken the protagonist role, and, to listen to them, has been somewhat novel. It is in this line that the present study has been undertaken, with a general objective to understand the concepts of family and education of Salvador Public School children between ages of seven and eleven. Of the 200 students enrolled in grades one to four in this school, a meaningful sample, or be it, 30% (60 children) were randomly chosen to participate in this survey. A semi-structured routine of interviews with the children in the school setting was used as a data collecting instrument. A second type of routine was used on those responsible for the children, informing the data gleaned from the children. They also signed a Term of Free and Enlightened Consent, authorizing taping the interviews. The tapes were transcribed and the data utilized in a quantative-interpretative form, using a category system. The results reveal the concept of family as a legal definition (who pertains to it), as a group of persons living together, having affectionate links. The father is seen as family caring, the mother as educator and the affective presence, siblings those with whom one plays, the grandparents as care-takers. Education is perceived as learning proper behavior, and respect for one another. The children claim to learn elements relative to education, studies, reading and writing in the family. Regarding the school situation, aside from study, reading and writing, they confirm learning the rules of living together. Finally the participants consider that the school situation is more present in family conversation than in actual school conversations. In this sense, the outlook of the children seems to indicate that families value the school very much, but the actual school, even though perceiving its importance for the development of the children, does not discuss its own importance with its students.Item Representações de gênero em casais e documentos da Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2008) Gondim, Luiz Carlos Lisboa; Costa, Lívia Alessandra Fialho da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Jacquet, Christine; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Moreira, Lúcia Vaz de CamposSeveral scholars have demonstrated that the ability to relate is an important component of gender relationships in marriage and this seems to be even more relevant in the evangelical discourse, possibly because they claim to be keepers of the Edenic deposit of gender equality. The presuppositions of this work are connected to the categories relationship/sexuality, aiming at finding a key for the understanding the relationships between husband and wife in contemporaneity. In this research, performed with 12 seventh-day Adventists couples, in Cachoeira-BA, the author seeks to perceive the ways in which these couples represent the conjugal relationships examined in their sayings in writings of this church, organized in the form of periodicals, books and different handbooks. The investigative interview and the documentary examination employed aimed at a contextualized reflection and shaped in a process of reconstruction of the reality investigated. The finds in documents and regular sayings of the interviews were crossed with the ideas of several scholars, in the exhaustive assemblage of an analysis grid per category of study. The result reveals, among other findings, that the domestic unity in the SDA Church is a place of different semantic connotations, in which the inequality operates moderately and sometimes strongly, making feminine submission a founder of negative qualities and that the new paternity reached ASD homes, even though it is immersed in an individualism proper of the ideological transformations of society. The sanctification of the Sabbath day, among Adventists, receives singular overtones because of its implications to the vision of the holiness of sex and divinization of relationships. Many couples feel more inspired on Sabbath to solve their differences, reinforce their relationships and sexuality. The topic is of considerable importance for the production about family in Brazil.Item Paternidade solitária: limites e possibilidades(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2008) Bittelbrunn, Edna; Rabinovich, Elaine Pedreira; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Castro, Mary Garcia; http://lattes.cnpq.br/Demographic indicators reveal the increasing diversity of family arrangements. In an brief look on the contemporary family phenomenon a crescent number of divorces, of reconstituted, monoparental and women-led families is to be found, among others, the diminution of numerous families. However, such modellings of the family structure are not enough to understand, for instance, how the social places of a father, mother, son are changing, in terms of intrafamiliar relationships. The monoparental family composed only by the man is still rare compared to that of the lone woman. Thus, these men subvert in a way the social order where the feminine is synonymous with taking care of children. There is no expressive national literary production regarding the effective participation of the man as the children's only caretaker. Thus, this work intended to put paternity in the calendar of discussions about diversities of family types, investigating how the man lives (and manages) the confrontation among the historical memory of what is to be a father and the new expectations for his role. Given the complexity of the paternity theme concepts of Sociology were mobilized, in particular those of reflexive Sociology and of the Psychossocial Theory of the Personality regarding the concepts of paternal function. It is a case study in which four fathers, only caretakers (single, widower and divorced) were interviewed in depth as for: life history in what concerns taking care of the family, the former marriage, to know how home chores were accomplished, the man's social representation and his support net. The results showed that the lonely paternal care possesses a diversified repertoire, sometimes looking for requirements in the traditional (family of origin) other times a ressignifying the "new father's" aspects, mainly in the type of affectionate bond.Item A infância e sua educação diante das mudanças familiares: concepções de mães e professoras da educação infantil(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2008) Guimarães, Leonor de Santana; Moreira, Lúcia Vaz de Campos; http://lattes.cnpq.br/The childhood and their forms of education are interconnected, bringing characteristics and peculiarities of a season and a spot. In the face of family changes occurring in contemporary society, this study aims to know how mothers and teachers of children, aged between four and six years, embedded in Institution of Child Rearing, realize your childhood and education. As a methodology, we chose a descriptive study, whose design was submitted and approved by the ethics committee. The study was conducted in a Catholic private school that caters to an audience of middle-class city of Salvador. The institution has 1500 pupils distributed to the Children's Education High School. Of the 90 students enrolled in a group of four, one of five and another six years, were removed 30% of them (27) so that their mothers participate in the research, constituting a significant sample. The teachers of the three classes also participated in the study. Were used as instruments for collecting data two tours of semi-structured, one for mothers and another for teachers. Participants signed the End of Free and Informed Consent and the interviews were recorded. These recordings were transcribed and analyzed data on a quantitative-interpretive, using systems of categories. The results show that the family was conceived by participants as a basis of the person, group of people who live together and emotional center. For the mothers, educating implies the process of training staff and school. For teachers, is the basis and preparation for future life. The child was conceived by participants as a stage of human development with a positive characteristics, in relation to innocence, and joy to play. The places of learning are considered mainly to family and school. The educational toys appear as a priority, demonstrating a clear link between play and formal learning. Regarding the routine of the child, mothers show a daily divided between school activities, sports and play during the week and in moments of leisure and social interaction between the child and family on weekends. For teachers, the routine of the classroom is divided into academic activities and play, in addition to extra classes such as music, arts and sports.Item Mediação: novo paradigma para os conflitos familiares?(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2008) Fagundes, Rosane Maria Silva Vaz; Menezes, José Euclimar Xavier de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/This dissertation results from the development of research at the masters level, deepening the theme of mediation as an alternative means in the resolution of family conflicts, whose framework is put in the scenario that specialists canonize as characterized by strong changes in the family organization, comparing highlights of social, systemic and legal perspectives. In this last approach, one traces the analysis of aspects and techniques of the composition of conflict, having seen in it the importance in the preservation of family ties, for that, be it the discourse, be it the legal action are questioned to compare its contribution.Item Deveres conjugais: efeitos jurídicos na ocorrência de ruptura da sociedade conjugal(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2008) Godinho, Tânia Maria Lapa; Cavalcanti, Vanessa Ribeiro Simon; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Boaventura, Edivaldo Machado; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Menezes, José Euclimar Xavier de; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Lima, Isabel Maria Sampaio Oliveira; http://lattes.cnpq.brThe dissertation discusses the contemporary process that influences the positive civil judicial norms of the Family Law, based on a theoretical framework with focus on Family and Society. The analysis emphasizes the period starting with the promulgation of the Brazilian Civil Code of January 1st,1916 and until the beginning of the 21st Century when the complementary Law No 10.406 of January 10th , 2002 was issued. This new Law constitutes a new civil codification, effective from January 11, 2003. Social changes occurring within this period are analyzed highlighting the judicial effects of matrimonial obligations when the rupture of the conjugal society, through divorce or separation, happens. The social dynamics within this period changes the family behavior, values, interpersonal and family conjugal relationship, creating social demand for recognition and institutionalization of new familial arrangements by the civil law. The study discusses the efficacy of the connubial rights established by the Civil Code for the married couple, or those living on a “steady union”, such as fidelity and residence in the familiar home. The efficacy of the law is related to the consequences to husband or wife for not abiding to the rules and norms of the conjugal duties, stated on the Civil Code. Therefore, the present work discusses the existence of penalty and punishment, for those breaking the norms as stated on the civil law ordinances. The research questions aim, firstly, to verify which matrimonial obligations are assumed by those married or living on a “Steady Union”, and secondly, to confront those obligations with the ones listed on the 1916 and 2002 Civil Codes. The constitutional principles of the Family Civil Law are discussed to shed light on the new paradigms of this branch of Law. Comments are made on the Project of Law No. 2285/200, Family Statute, presently on the National Congress for discussions and voting. Lastly, the judicial effects of neglecting the connubial obligations on the legal actions of divorce and separation are analyzed. The methodology used for this research work was historic documental in addition to consultation of bibliographic sources, based on the legal doctrine and interdisciplinary approach for discourse analysis.Item Reprodução assistida heteróloga e filiação sócio-afetiva(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2008) Falcão, Karla Kruschewsky; Menezes, José Euclimar Xavier de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Castro, Mary Garcia; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Barbosa, Camilo de Lelis Colani; http://lattes.cnpq.brFaced with a mode of membership defined by social practices and the biotech developments, the work of legal approach deals with aspects of the affiliation resulting from assisted reproduction heterologous, rooted in the desire to have children and consolidated the presumption absolute maternity / paternity, structuring itself in a socio-affective. Notes to be the family, with its instrumental character, capable, plastic, changing and dynamic, the locus where the relations of kinsfolk if to reveal, bringing socio-legal implications with strong inflows in the membership, because it is a model for emerging reproduction without traditional paradigm. Because of the importance of this social reality, draws attention to the poor condition legislative cover all possibilities of maternity / paternity possible within the universe of biotechnology due to the accelerated technological development. Affirms the importance of the bioethical guidelines and an understanding civil-consttucional ruled on the principle of human dignity in the child's best interest in the study of the issue, to reflect on possible responses. Given to the principiológico framework of the Federal Constitution of 1998, impregnated with precepts isonômicos, contrary the discrimination that is reflected in the Law of Family and conforms a new board of values that define the features characteristic of the current profile of the membership divided into biological, presumed and socio-affective.Item Contribuições de famílias para o rendimento escolar de alunos de 1ª a 4ª séries do ensino fundamental: olhares das responsáveis e das professoras(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2008) Moraes, Rita de Cássia Araújo Freitas de; Moreira, Lúcia Vaz de Campos; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Rabinovich, Elaine Pedreira; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Cruz, Antonio Roberto Seixas da; http://lattes.cnpq.brIn contemporaneity, educational paradigms point out the importance of the involvement and the contribution of the family to children’s school life. Besides the family, the school and the pupil contribute to a better or worse school performance. It is in this context that the present study is inserted and had as its general objective to investigate how families contribute to school performance of 1st to 4th grades pupils of primary education at an urban municipal school in the interior of Bahia, according to the children’s responsible guardians and their teachers. 18 responsible guardians whose children presented higher performance (group 1) and 18 with lower performance (group 2), totalizing 36 responsible guardians in both groups, besides 18 teachers ministering the groups, which the pupils belonged to, and the pedagogical coordinator of the school have participated in the study. Three half-structuralized scripts of interviews have been elaborated (one for guardians, one for teachers, and another for the coordination). The study was approved by the ethics committee. The participants have signed a term of Free and Informed Consent and have been submitted to recorded interviews using the scripts. By using quantitative-interpretative analysis, systems of categories have been constructed. The following results are observed: in group 1, the majority of responsible guardians work, are married, have high school degree, have an income between one and three minimum salaries, and presented a nuclear family type. In group 2, the majority does not work, is single, has low educational level (up to 4th grade of primary school), has an income of up to one minimum salary, and extensive/amplified family type. Such data suggest that, although both groups are inserted in a context of poverty, the children with lower school performance are found in much more precarious life conditions. The children from group 1 were considered intelligent, well-behaved, sociable, and studious, but the ones from group two, although also well-behaved and sociable, are identified as little intelligent and studious. The majority of responsible guardians from group 1 attend school meetings, whereas only half of group 2 did it regularly. In group 1, children take their homework done to school, what does not happen in group 2. The data suggest that school was viewed as an instrument capable of making possible for popular social layer children to have a better life condition than the one they currently have. According to the teachers, the family constitutes the fundamental element of children’s higher and lower school performance, besides being the base of the individual’s integral formation. Finally, to both responsible guardians and teachers, a good family-school relationship is a fundamental condition for the children’s school success. It was concluded that the families, with its characteristics, can contribute effectively as inhibiting or propeller of their children’s school performance, but also the school and the child are protagonist in this performance.Item Vínculo conjugal: entre o individualismo e a busca pelo outro um estudo qualitativo(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2008) López, Vinícius Farani; Petrini, Giancarlo; http://lattes.cnpq.br/This currently work envolves the delicate game that exists on marriage between individuality, personal satisfaction and couple relationship. The research had a qualitative study with two couples with five years of relationship and a third one with fifty-five years of marriage. Resources from both psychology (mainly Jungian) and sociology were used to analyze the relationship as a complex and multi-faceted reality, which involves the subject in a global experiment, including the personal and the couple identity, emotions, chores, professional and religious activities. The marriage, therefore, covers two individuals and only one conjugal life; two distinct human beings with a history of life and one way of seeing the world that come together with a couple relationship. These husbands and wives now have to learn the art of coexistence through the daily activities of the dialogues and relations of donation (GOUDBOUT, 1999, MUZIO, 2002, 2004, PETRINI, 2006, 2007). Thus, there is in individuality not only the weaken aspect of marriage, as indicated by authors such as Bauman (2001, 2004) and Giddens (1993), but it also carries the mark of the personal characteristic that brings peculiarity to the intimate relationship, and the search for freedom and pleasure of being together.