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O Licenciado em Pedagogia é um profissional com formação para exercer a docência na Educação Infantil e nos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental, o que inclui a alfabetização e as práticas sociais de leitura e escrita, a investigação e a intervenção nos processos pedagógicos; a participação no planejamento, na gestão, na coordenação e avaliação de sistemas de educação e estabelecimentos de ensino, públicos e privados, empresas, programas, projetos e quaisquer outras instituições ou situações onde se realizem os processos educativos.


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    Aprendizagem e ludicidade: o uso da brinquedoteca como espaço e recurso pedagógico da aprendizagem
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2018-06-19) Almeida, Bianca Lima de; Alves, Raildes da Cruz;; Covre, Márcia Santos;
    This article aims to emphasize the logic of play, the advances and the importance of play activities, as well as daily practices in the toy library, taking into account the alternative space of learning. Through the bibliographical review, it has as an instrument of analysis book and scientific articles on the topic approached. The theoretical contribution is based on authors such as Paulo Freire (1997), Vygotsky (1988), Piaget (1984), Cunha (1997), Castoriadis (1982), Rizzo (2001), Coelho Maluf (2003), Vanderlinde (2011), Carvalho (2011) and Coberta; Zanella (2011) that deal with the child, the learning process and the play, as well as the toy library as a tool for its development. In summary, the toy library promotes the elaboration of knowledge in the face of many experiences in play and practical activities. For the play space enriches the interaction and relationship between children, having an indispensable pedagogical role in the school environment, aiming to contribute to the information in the dialogue and reflection about the "toy library as a learning space".
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    Coordenação pedagógica: transcendendo do vigiar e punir à uma prática reflexiva
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2018) Pio, Tárcila Silva Milet; Souza, Caroline Ramos do Carmo;
    This article analyzes the aspects of a pedagogical practice, specifically the performance of the coordinators that, in a historical perspective, at a given moment had “observe and punish” as its principal purport, advancing to a proposal of continuing education in service and planning of activities in the perspective of the reflection and construction of a significant pedagogical mediation, here, it is sought to analyze how this previous perception, despite reconstruction of the professional education of pedagogues, is still engrained in teachers when in the presence of coordinators, to better represent this issue, the article presents the exercise of pedagogical coordination in a private preschool in a residential neighborhood, principally composed of low-income children from Salvador, where the practice of "observe and punish" is still present, making it difficult to implement democratic and participatory pedagogical management.
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    Educação inclusiva: fomentando a criação de estratégias para o desenvolvimento da criança com TEA
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2018-12-19) Fontes, Luana Angélica Pinto; Santos, Antônio Gilmar de Carvalho;; Torres, Velda Gama Alves;
    The objective of this article is to talk about inclusive education in children's education because the growing demand and lack of preparation from some children's reception institutions. It is based on the premise that it is enriching for all the members of the school context and for society to live respectfully with the different for it, that was advocated the enrollment of children with disabilities in regular education from the earliest school years. As there are limits to research, it focused on only one deficit, autism! Because it is currently the third most recurrent developmental disorder and its increasing emergence in school settings, it was sought to propose strategies that aim in fact to include. To answer those demands, was adopted literature review as the methodology. It was made a landscape since inclusive education, passing by rights won that guarantee the access and permanence of these children in the school environment, until reaching the key issue of the study, autism, its characteristics and strategies of permanence and potentialization of the child's development with this disorder.
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    Alfabetização em EJA e cidadania: descortinando a alfabetização para adultos
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2018-06-13) Teixeira, Adailton; Silva, Edileide Maria Antonino da;; Covre, Márcia Mayan Ventin;
    The article aims to investigate the thinking and behavior of EJA students about citizenship. Part seeks to define what comes to be in the social and empirical context Young people and adults, as well as emphasizing the importance of youth and adult education. Supporting the significance of citizenship and citizen awareness such as the conceptualization of literacy, which sought to support it in a rich theoretical framework that gave solid ground to research. Finally, we investigated the performance of both the educator and the student in the classroom, interviewed in a municipal school for a better interpretation of the object searched.