A obrigatoriedade da cobertura de medicamentos de alto custo pelo Sistema Único de Saúde: uma análise a partir do diagnóstico de câncer à luz da dignidade da pessoa humana

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Universidade Católica do Salvador


The imminent work aims to analyze, taking into account the qualitative methodology, the obligation of the State to supply high-cost drugs to patients diagnosed with cancer, as a way to guarantee the dignity of their human person, based on the constitutional and legal provisions on the theme. Thus, a deepening is sought from the examination and applicability of the principles that govern the Unified Health System (SUS), as well as the process of inserting the high-cost drug into the public network. Still, it is necessary to understand the legal and social issues that involve the subject, in view of the judicialization of health. Thus, the present study aims to demonstrate the obligation of the State to supply high-cost drugs, observing the neglect with patients, who have suffered since the discovery of the disease, and also undergo the disorder of waiting for an adequate and effective treatment.



Judicialização da saúde, SUS, Medicamento de alto custo, Dignidade da pessoa humana, Judicialization of health, High cost medication, Dignity of human person
