As relações de trabalho no contexto pandêmico: os limites constitucionais aos acordos individuais

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Universidade Católica do Salvador


This article has as its research theme the limits to what can be individually agreed in labor relations, based on legislative changes adopted during the state of public calamity caused by COVID-19. The general objective of the research is to question the constitutionality of the new legislative measures, and the specific objectives are to identify the bases of the fundamental right to work and to point out which constitutional and labour principles guide the labour branch. The methodology used is bibliographic research, from reading Provisional Measures 927 and 936, Law 14020 of 2020, Direct Action of Unconstitutionality 6363, the Federal Constitution and the Consolidation of Labour Laws, and qualitative research, without pre-hypotheses or statements -conceived. The survey results point out prohibitions on what can be individually agreed in labour relations and the importance of collective law for the labour guarantees that exist today.



COVID-19, Relações de trabalho, Acordos individuais, Constitucionalidade, Impacts, Work relationships, Individual agreements, Constitutionality
