A necessidade de intervenção judicial para dar efetividade ao tombamento, como forma de preservação do patrimônio histórico, artístico e cultural da faculdade de medicina da universidade federal da Bahia, no terreiro de Jesus.

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Universidade Catolica de Salvador


This article aimed to analyze the theoretical aspects of the institution of heritage preservation as a way of preserving the national historical and artistic patrimony, with emphasis on its effectiveness and if is necessary the judicial intervention, as an instrument of protection of the Faculty of Medicine of Bahia, located in the Terreiro de Jesus, Salvador. This research has an exploratory nature, possessing a case study, using as methods a bibliographic and documentary analysis. Therefore, the legal grounds of said administrative process were analyzed, as well as the doctrine and scientific articles related to the subject. The Public Civil Action number 2632-32.2017.4.01.3300, filed by the Federal Public Ministry, in addition to the investigation and administrative process annexed to the Civil Action, was also analyzed. Thereby, the importance of the Faculty of Medicine of Bahia for the historical, artistic and cultural context of Salvador, as well as the necessity of the judicialization, in the case, for the effectiveness of the heritage preservation, can be deduced.



Tombamento, Faculdade de medicina da Bahia, Patrimônio, Preservação, Ação civil pública, Judiciário, Heritage preservation, Faculty of medicine of Bahia, Patrimony, Preservation, Public civil action, Judiciary
