A inversão das fases licitatórias na modalidade concorrência: um comparativo entre a lei estadual baiana 9.433/05 e a lei federal 8.666/93, e a proposta do projeto de lei nº 6.814/2017
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Universidade Catolica de Salvador
The present article aims to address the inversion aspects of the bidding phases of the public biddings (qualification and proposal), comparing Federal Law 8,666 / 93 and Bahia State Law 9,433 / 05, as well as the project proposal of Law No. 6.814 / 17, presenting the advantages of this procedural modification. At first, the bidding procedure will be addressed, whose modality is competition from the perspective of the federal bidding law. Next, this aspect will be externalized under the prism of Bahian state law and the advantages gained from this inversion, with the exposition of concrete data, demonstrating, in fact, that it is possible to obtain return and significant stability for collectivity.
Licitação, Modalidade de licitação, Concorrência, Fases da licitação, Bidding, Bidding mode, Competition, Bidding phases