Direito social fundamental à moradia para a população em situação de rua: análise fática a partir da realidade de Salvador-BA
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Universidade Catolica de Salvador
The lack of housing has become a problem common to large Brazilian
cities, and the city of Salvador does not escape this reality. Walking around the Bahia
capital and finding people and even entire families in a street situation has become
part of the historical landscape. It is recurrent to witness the miserability of human
beings who live wandering under subhuman conditions, in contrapart, with the same
chance that we are faced with people in such a situation, also, we find abandoned
real estate, at the mercy of real estate speculation. Most people are homeless, that
is, individuals who have lost their homes or never possessed them. In spite of such
reality, the Magna Carta covers housing as a fundamental social right and as some
data show there are enough houses to meet all this demand. This work, therefore,
aims to analyze the effectiveness of fundamental rights for street people in the city of
Salvador and, from this analysis seeks to study this social reality in the face of
constitutional and infraconstitutional guarantees that the population in situation of
street has, in addition to the treatment given to the right to property and the
requirement of fulfilling its social function.
População de rua, Direito à moradia, Dignidade da pessoa humana, Imóveis abandonados, Função social da propriedade, Street population, Right to housing, Dignity of human person, Abandoned real estate, Social function of property