Análise de condicionantes socioambientais para instalação de parques eólicos: estudo de caso, licenciamento do Complexo Eólico Morrinhos - Campo Formoso - BA

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Universidade Catolica de Salvador


The present dissertation proposes a qualitative analysis of the socioenvironmental conditions related to the licensing of wind farms denominated Winds of Morrinhos, Swifts and Winds of Campo Formoso II, belonging to the same complex and located in Campo Formoso - BA. Through the mechanisms of environmental licensing it is possible to explore a project whose characteristics most impacting the environment are hidden by a green curtain that suggests sustainability, development, generation of clean and renewable energy. The highest potentials recorded for the Bahia State wind farm are located in the semi-arid region, characterized by the scarcity of rainfall. Often, parks are located close to small communities and districts, which are (often) vulnerable areas due to lack of infrastructure, low schooling, and income of residents. Due to the fact that it is a topic that has not yet been approached either by legal provisions or in academic works, this dissertation was based on the scarce existing theoretical references, as well as on the practice of environmental licensing. The methodology used to analyze the effectiveness of the socioenvironmental determinants of the aforementioned wind farms was based on bibliographic research on the main characteristics of the conditions, access to the procedural records published by the environmental agency responsible for the environmental licensing and identification and selection of the social and environmental conditioners of the licenses. The development of this work has even led to the creation of a specific tool to analyze the effectiveness of the environmental conditioners of the license, the conditioning matrix, which is fundamental for the achievement of the general objective. Three main products were generated, being a map of the location of the greatest potential for wind generation in relation to the municipalities of the semi-arid region of Bahia, a matrix to verify the effectiveness of the environmental conditions, and the formulation of the concept of environmental licensing conditions.



Campo Formoso, Condicionantes ambientais, Eficácia das condicionantes, Energia Eólica, Licenciamento ambiental, Morrinhos, Environmental factors, Effectiveness of conditioning factors, Wind power, Environmental licensing
