Participação das avós nos cuidados e na educação de netos com paralisia cerebral

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Universidade Católica do Salvador


The present master's study aimed to investigate the participation of grandmothers in the care and education of grandchildren with cerebral palsy, according to the type of care (integral, systematic and sporadic). This research is characterized by being qualitative and exploratory, being a multiple case study. Six grandmothers who, in some way, dedicate care and participate in the education of their grandchildren with Cerebral Palsy who are enrolled in the APAE of the city of Feira de Santana – Bahia, participated in the investigation. They were selected from the care typology comprising integral, systematic and sporadic grandmothers, being chosen two grandmothers of each type. As an instrument, a semi-structured interview script was elaborated by the master student. The recordings of the interviews were transcribed and, shortly thereafter, the research had its data analyzed through a qualitative descriptive analysis. The main results were: integral grandmothers considered to play the role of mother, while systematic and sporadic grandmothers claim to play the role of grandmother. When investigated from the grandmothers' perspective, the implications of a disabled grandchild in her life, all respondents bring significant changes that they see as positive and focused on affective enhancement and, sometimes, on faith.



Relação avó-neto, Paralisia cerebral, Família, Grandmother-Grandchild Relation, Cerebral palsy, Family
