Importância da atenção pré-natal na prevenção de complicações na gestação: revisão integrativa

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Universidade Católica de Salvador


Introduction: Prenatal care is a set of clinical and laboratory procedures with the objective of monitoring the pregnant woman by evaluating her evolution with actions to promote and prevent the health of the pregnant woman and the child, as well as reduce maternal and infant morbidity and mortality. Objective: To identify the importance of prenatal care for the prevention of complications during pregnancy. Method: It is an integrative review of the literature, carried out in different databases through original articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish using the descriptors: complications in pregnancy, maternal mortality, prenatal care, pregnancy, with a cut-off from 2014 to 2018. Results: Prenatal care should be performed as recommended by the Ministry of Health, meeting the biopsychosocial and physiological needs of the pregnant woman, providing maternal and child health benefits. The nurse's role in the reception is of great importance and it should be humanized for the pregnant woman to feel welcomed and thus establish a link between the pregnant woman and the health service professional. Final considerations: Studies point to a precarious care despite the increase in prenatal care coverage. Therefore, it is essential to qualify, humanize and adapt prenatal care according to the needs of each pregnant woman



Complicações na gravidez, Mortalidade materna, Pré-natal, Gravidez, Complications in pregnancy, Maternal mortality, Prenatal, Pregnancy

