O reconhecimento da perda do tempo vital do consumidor como espécie de dano indenizável
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
This article aims to investigate the legal possibility of recognizing the loss of the
consumer's vital time in the condition of indemnifiable damage, based on the Theory of the
Detour of the Productive Resources of the Consumer. Initially, the topic of the consumer
relationship and its assumptions is addressed, discussing its legal protection in the national law,
both on the general principles that govern it and on the basic rights that are guaranteed to the
consumer. Following this order, the supplier's civil liability institute and its mission in the
consumer relationship are analyzed. Then, an approach to the relationship of consumption in
practice is made available, in order to emphasize the theme of time as a relevant legal asset, so that the legal possibility of recognizing the loss of the consumer's vital time as a discussion is
discussed kind of indemnifiable damage.
Direito do consumidor, Perda do tempo vital, Desvio dos recursos produtivos do consumidor, Responsabilidade civil, Dano indenizável, Consumer law, Loss of the vital time, Detour of consumer productive resources, Civil responsability, Indemnifiable damage