A saúde e segurança do teletrabalhador à luz da reforma trabalhista
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
Telework began to gain its own chapter after the enactment of Law 13.467 /
2017 known as the Labor Reform, which implied the regulation of the most relevant aspects of
this type of work. It turns out that, when walking through points such as the teleworker's
journey, the responsibility for infrastructure costs and occupational safety and medicine, the
legislator was unhappy, since the new dictates requested nebulous writings and that give rise to
a collision with constitutional norms, infraconstitutional and international and, when not
interpreted in a holistic way, lead to the possible psychological and physical illness of the
As for the technical bias, the bibliographic research method will be processed, interposed
through materials already published, such as books, articles, periodicals and jurisprudence that
discuss the main points of telework before and after the Reform and how its conclusions in the
factual context of the Brazil.
The approach to the problem will be done through a qualitative research, as it will seek the
understanding and evaluation of the aforementioned research object, through the interpretation
of national and international legislation as well as the position and doctrines and jurisprudence
that are related to the theme.
Teletrabalho, Reforma trabalhista, Normas de medicina e segurança do trabalho, Telework, Labor reform, Medicine and safety standards