Uma breve análise doutrinária da súmula 610 do STF à luz do art.14, I do código penal
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Universidade Catolica de Salvador
The robbery qualified by the death result, also known as robbery,
although the law so does not name it, is widely diffused in Brazilian society. Its
consummation causes enormous legal debate, although it has already been
disciplined in Precedent 610 of the Federal Supreme Court for another thirty (30)
years. The present article has as its general objective the controversial relation of
said Precedent with the concept of consummate crime embodied in article 14, item I,
of the Penal Code. Thus, it is prudent to take a technical-juridical analysis with the
position of consecrated authors on the conspiratorial moment of the robbery when
the victim's death occurs, but there is no subtraction of their property. All the authors
surveyed acknowledge failures in the Supreme Court's understanding of the
Supreme Court, some interpreting it as the prevailing interpretation, others defending
the attempted robbery thesis.
Latrocínio, Consumação, Controvérsias, Looting, Consummation, Controversies