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Item A morte em Martin Heidegger(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-12-12) Pereira, Leandro da Silva; Borghi, Giorgio;; Hillesheim, Valério;; Férriz, Jose Luis Sepúlveda; paper aims to analyze death, as the possibility and the way it occurs in the existence of Dasein, from Martin Heidegger’s work: Being and time. In order to carry out such an analysis it was necessary to define and develop three specific objectives: To demonstrate the temporality and historicity of death, to present the Dasein, to be with and to be in the world, and to interpret the phenomenon and manifestation of death in Heidegger. This analysis initially emphasizes the course proposed by Heidegger in relation to his main research object, the general being, and the method he uses for the interpretation and understanding of modes of being, phenomenology and ontology. However, the second moment aims to clarify death as a constitutive of existence and its condition of possibility. In the third moment, the analysis presented shows how we can live an authenticity in relation to this phenomenon and what it presents by its manifestation. Therefore, for this study to obtain greater clarity and veracity from an article placed or cited, the nature of this research has bibliographic character and is developed following the hermeneutic method.Item A educação como forma para cidade ideal no livro A República de Platão(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-12-12) Silva, Cícero Gionês Bernardo da; Borghi, Giorgio;; Vasconcelos, Paulo Sérgio Dantas;; Cruz, Ricardo Souza; this paper I seek to show education as what will allow the development of virtues in each existing class in the city and in politics. For Platonic thinking, it is education that can give citizens the ability to critically visualize themselves and the world. We study the understanding of education for the Greeks, making a brief historical background and seeking in education how to reach the ideal city and the perfect man. In our work, we aim to show the importance of researching Platonic thinking, with regard to politics and education, for the formation of citizens. Discussed in three chapters, we work on the return to history, the figure of the philosopher king, the forms of education and their practices through gymnastics, mathematics, music, dialectics, astronomy and others. All this to show that it is necessary to study education for better applicability in the search for an ideal city. Aiming at a full organization and life for all citizens who can live in this city.Item A responsabilidade do para-si no exercício da liberdade em Sartre(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-11) Brito, Rodrigo do Nascimento; Hillesheim, Valério;; Póvoas, Jorge Freire;; Férriz, José Luiz Sepúlveda; work aims to analyze the concept of For-itself responsibility in the exercise of freedom in Sartre, from the work Being and Nothingness of Jean Paul-Sartre. Since freedom is understood by Sartre as an ontological reality that characterizes man, this work questions how the author conceives the responsibility of For-itself in the exercise of freedom. The nature of this research has a bibliographic character and was developed following the structural method. In order to carry out such an analysis, it was necessary to define and develop three specific objectives, namely: to examine in an introductory way the difference in the relation of the Sartrian concepts of “being-in-itself” and “being-for-itself” in the construction of the concept of "freedom"; describe the concept of nothingness in the exercise of freedom; and to present the aspects of the evasion of responsibility contained in the concept of “Bad Faith”. This analysis at first takes a brief look at philosophical existentialism, with an emphasis on Sartre's contributions on the subject, and examines in an introductory way the difference in the relationship of Sartrian concepts of “being-in-itself” and “being-for-themselves ”in the construction of the concept of freedom. In the second moment, it intends to describe the concept of nothingness in the exercise of freedom, emphasizing the role of conscience in this process. Finally, it presents some aspects of the escape from responsibility contained in the concept of “Bad Faith”.Item A angústia de Abraão na perspectiva religiosa em Soren Kierkegaard(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-14) Brito, Moiseis da Costa; Cruz, Ricardo Souza;; Férriz, José Luis Sepúlveda;; Hillesheim, Valério; work aims to analyze Abraham's anguish in the religious perspective in Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855). For the development of this work on Abraham's anguish, it was necessary to use Fear and Trembling (1843) as the main work, and The Concept of Anxiety (1844) as a secondary work. Kierkegaardian anguish is understood as a feeling inherent in human existence. Nevertheless, Kierkegaard understands that the relationship between anguish and faith enables a certain human authenticity. Thus, the patriarch Abraham is the representative figure of the authentic individual who realizes the absolute relationship with the Absolute. This is because Abraham is the knight of faith, the one who allows himself to be guided by the infinite, without failing to experience the anguish in his existence. In view of this, Kierkegaardian thought is in full communion with contemporaneity, as it provides the means for contemporary man to relate to anguish and faith based on his subjectivity.Item A ética do desenvolvimento em Amartya Sen: um olhar a partir da obra Desenvolvimento como Liberdade(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-14) Melo, Caíque Sales de; Ferriz, José Luís Sepúlveda;; Hillesheim, Valério;; Carvalho, Alexandre Barreiros de; research analyses the development of the ethical conception supported by Amartya Sen. Such conception goals to get the rapprochement between economics and ethics. Sen understands the human being is not the coadjuvant, but the protagonist in each economical process, because real development should make better the lives of people. In order to be real and effective, the development must promote the expansion of freedoms and human capacity, in which each individual may have conditions to be able to take his role of agent, valuing the lifestyle he has the raisons to that as well. In this way, the aim of this research is to analyse the Armatian Sen’s development ethic, by his book Development as Freedom. It will be made a qualitative study of biographical stamp and exploratory approach as well. This research contributes to re-think development resources more sustainably and humanitarianly, adding ethical values to the economical process.Item O conhecimento do mundo em Santo Tomás de Aquino(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-14) Jesus, Jackson dos Reis de; Vasconcelos, Paulo Sérgio Dantas;; Bindella, Francesco;; Menezes, Jairo de Jesus; human being has an inclination to knowledge. The way knowledge originates is addressed by Saint Thomas Aquinas in his Summa Teológica, the main bibliographic source of this research. The objective of this paper is to interpret and understand the capacity that the Human Being has to know through reason. Through the hermeneutic method and bibliographic research, this study clarifies Saint Thomas perspectives in relation to the way in which the intellect is manifested. The process begins with sensation, aided by external and internal senses, reaching the potency of memory and culminating in intellection. In turn, man is enlightened by the supreme intellect. Through the need for will and freedom, man is able to know what is proposed in his reality. The relevance of this paper is to show the importance of the human intellect. It is possible to perceive, through this theme, the important Thomistic contribution for the Human Being to better understand himself and the world.Item A condição humana: análise das atividades humanas no pensamento de Hannah Arendt(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-15) Porto, Jailton de Jesus; Ferriz, José Luís Sepúlveda;; Fonseca, Alexandre Barreiros de Carvalho;; Cruz, Ricardo Souza; monograph aims to reflect on The human condition: analysis of human activities in the thinking of Hannah Arendt. Through the analysis of human activities, Arendt proposes a reconsideration of the human condition giving rise to contemporary thinking, what we are doing, experienced in political action and based on ethics and morals as the path to human freedom. Arendt's political science proposes reflection in an individual and collective way, understanding public space as socio-political action. Humans are beings conditioned by the world and their own attitudes. Thus, we are invited to reflect on our actions as a means of not being conditioned to have disposable attitudes about human beings. The research is an analytical / bibliographic study, which describes and cites the contributions of Hanna Arendt and some commentators on the subject. Thus, the hermeneutic method was used for the analysis and interpretation of the material used in order to obtain a coherent understanding of the studied subject.Item A concepção da verdade em Jürgen Habermas(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-16) Santos, Wellington Pereira dos; Vasconcelos, Paulo Sérgio Dantas;; Hillesheim, Valério;; Borghi, Giorgio;; Carneiro, Miguel Ivan Mendonça de; trabajo monográfico tiene como objetivo reflejar el concepto de verdad a la luz del pensamiento de Jürgen Habermas. A través de la Verdad. Habermas permite traer una reflexión sobre este tema y la forma en que se trata e interpreta. Ciertamente, la pragmática lingüística de una manera práctica y teórica posibilita una verdad objetiva que toma realidad y referencia, validez y racionalidad que está fuertemente sustentada en la normativa del entendimiento mutuo y de esta manera puede seguir las pretensiones de validez. Esta reflexión nos invita a posicionarnos sobre cómo debemos relacionarnos con el discurso a través de los actos de habla con las condiciones adecuadas de aceptabilidad racional. Y cómo la verdad anterior a eso permite una mejor objetividad. Así, a partir del contexto de las prácticas del mundo de la vida, todos estamos invitados a asumir la acción comunicable del verdadero discurso frente a la libertad y la responsabilidad. Esta investigación es un estudio analítico / bibliográfico, que describe y cita los aportes del autor sobre el tema, junto con algunos comentaristas. Se utilizó el método hermenéutico para analizar e interpretar el material utilizado con el fin de obtener una mayor comprensión del tema.Item A relação entre a busca da verdade e a descoberta da felicidade na perspectiva Agostiniana(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-17) Neri, Marcos da Silva; Vasconcelos, Paulo Sérgio Dantas;; Régis, Franklin Rami Cavalcanti Oliveira;; Menezes, Jairo de Jesus;; Ortega, Edwin Casadiego; la obra Beata Vita de Augustín de Hipona (354-430), el debate sobre la verdad céntrase en una cuestión fundamental: ¿Puede un hombre alcanzar sabiduría y felicidad cuándo busca la verdad o solamente cuándo la encuentra? Sobre esa cuestión, debaten los interlocutores, en ese diálogo. El tema de la discusión “De Beata Vita” o “Sobre la Vida Feliz” es un problema relevante hasta hoy, merecendo un debate serio sobre las cuestiones presentadas. Buscar la verdad para llegar a la felicidad plena no es una tarea banal o superflua, pero necesaria y fundamental. Además, esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar el tema de la felicidad, a partir de la obra de San Agustín titulada De Beata Vita. La metodología empleada en este trabajo fue el estudio de este trabajo y otros que abordan este tema, buscando comprender la base del concepto de felicidad en este filósofo y cuál es su aplicabilidad en la actualidad. El estudio reveló que Agustín no solo revisó, sino que profundizó los temas de la verdad y la felicidad, ya que incluyó nuevos elementos, que dieron un nuevo significado a su propia forma de concebir la vida feliz, haciendo la distinción entre la felicidad terrena y la felicidad verdadera.Item Relação entre memória e conhecimento na filosofia Agostiniana(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-17) Silva, Brunno Ghize Nascimento da; Vasconcelos, Paulo Sérgio Dantas;; Férriz, José Luis Sepulveda;; Régis, Franklin Rami Cavalcanti Oliveira; research explores the theme of the relationship between memory and knowledge in Augustinian philosophy. When writing about memory, Augustine demonstrates how this power is manifested in the life of the human being in the most diverse circumstances. Based on the work Confessions, one of the main Augustinian writings, this research has as main objective to investigate the articulation and relationship between memory and human knowledge. For Augustine, memory is not only linked to a place where the images acquired by the experiences are stored, but it has an active role in the vitality of man, because only through it can questions of the past be elaborated, confronting them with the present, in order to arrive at new ideas. Memory is seen as a spiritual link of human interiority that makes it possible to live the reality of the immediate world, as well as the place where the unfolding of the subjective and objective being of each one happens. The relevance of this research is to express the determinant function of the human being's memory capacity, because Augustine clarifies that the source of knowledge is memory, so, without memory, no generation makes history and neither develops nor improves knowledge.