Especialização em Logoterapia e Análise Existencial

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    Psicopatologias existenciais: o vazio existencial na contemporaneidade
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-03-11) Sousa, Mari Guimarães; Sá, Lorena Bandeira Melo de;
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    Perdas e lutos: vivência para a autotranscendência e realização de valores segundo a visão da logoterapia e análise existencial
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-02-21) Santos, Leonildes Maria dos; Jesus, Eliane de;
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    História e logoterapia uma interface baseada no livro Em busca de Sentido de Viktor Frankl
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-02-12) Dantas, Martha Luciene Nogueira Barros; Ferriz, José Luís Sepúlveda;; Coelho, Denise Gersen Pinto;
    El objetivo principal de este artículo es analizar el nacimiento de la Logoterapia, entendida como escuela de psicología del significado, a partir de la figura de su fundador Viktor Frankl y dentro del contexto histórico de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y el Holocausto, y cómo se estableció la Logoterapia. como la psicología del significado a mediados de siglo en el que hubo dos guerras, cómo estos hechos históricos fueron fundamentales para la formación y propagación de la psicología del significado y para comprender cómo se fundó la Logoterapia, sabiendo en qué circunstancias logró establecer en sí misma como el único acercamiento que contempla los aspectos biopsicosocio-espirituales de la persona humana, teniendo como marco el concepto de Historia según March Bloch, para comprender cómo incluso frente al caos que sobrevino a la humanidad, nació un libro que No lidiar con arrepentimientos, eso fue revanchista, una disculpa a la venganza o incluso xenófoba, pero que presentó un camino para el ser que sufrió en busca de respuestas. para tus preguntas internas en uno de los periodos históricos más sangrientos, “Buscando sentido: un psicólogo en el campo de concentración” es un libro de esperanza y este artículo se encarga de entender esta teoría que trata sobre el sentido de la vida, en qué consiste esta teoría, cuáles son los principales conceptos de la Logoterapia, cómo funciona actualmente y el resultado de su aplicación.
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    A visão da logoterapia sobre o esporte como catalisador de capacidades noéticas em pessoas com deficiência: um estudo introdutório
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-02-20) Santos, David Moisés Barreto dos;
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    Análise de filmes na perspectiva da logoterapia e análise existencial
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-02-20) Souza, Fábio Adriano Antunes de; Santos, David Moisés Barreto dos;; Coelho, Denise Gersen Pinto;
    This study aimed to expand reflections and analysis around films from the perspective of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis. The chosen films were: "Eat, pray and love", "Lighthouse of the orcas", "Power beyond life", "Seven years in Tibet" and "Descendants". The work was developed and the discussion referred to the importance of using films as a resource for actions that guide the encounter with the meaning of life.
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    Filosofia na prática: proposta de intervenção clínica logoterapêutica com adolescentes através dos princípios da filosofia estóica
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-02-19) Sousa, Maryana Madeira Borri de Almeida; Bandeira, Lorena;; Coelho, Denise Gersen Pinto;; Souza, Mônica Patrícia de;
    Through this article, a proposal for clinical intervention with adolescents will be presented, elaborated by using bibliotherapy and considering the undeniable merit and high therapeutic potential of stoic philosophy, and based on Viktor E. Frankl's Logotherapy and Existential Analysis. It is proposed that attitudinal values and the tragic triad be worked on in order to motivate them to perform their creative and experiential values with more confidence in favor of their search for meaning. Despite not having been put into practice until the conclusion of this article, the literature on bibliotherapy indicates a promising therapeutic tendency, and it is hoped that the contact with the stoic philosophy can awaken ideas, questions and reflections in order to contribute to their self-development, bringing them closer to their noetic dimension.
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    Narrativas que educam para a vida: proposta de grupo biblioterápico com adolescentes a partir do universo literário de Harry Potter
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-02-19) Sousa, Maryana Madeira Borri de Almeida; Bandeira, Lorena;; Coelho, Denise Gersen Pinto;; Souza, Mônica Patrícia de;
    This article will present a proposal of work with teenagers through a bibliotherapeutic group in which the first book of the Harry Potter saga will be used, and also counting with the ideals proposed by Viktor E. Frankl through Logotherapy and Existential Analysis as the theoretical basis for supporting the whole work. It is proposed that the concepts and values of this psychological approach are brought to the debate by excerpts from the book, seeking that the approaching of such a playful universe will promotes important reflections. The application of the pilot project for this proposal was a success with students, families and teachers, suggesting a high therapeutic potential of this proposal. It is hoped that reading and getting closer to the fantastic universe of Harry Potter can awaken ideas, questions and reflections in them so they can develop themselves in a more self-conscious and authentic way.
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    A criança e o adolescente na clínica numa perspectiva da logoterapia
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-02-20) Freitas, Marinalva Gualberto Souza de; Sá, Lorena Bandeira Melo de;
    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar y analizar los posibles aportes teóricos y prácticos de la Logoterapia y el Análisis Existencial desde la clínica de logoterapia en el Universo Infantil y Juvenil. La Logoterapia y análisis existencial, creado por Viktor Frankl, presenta al ser humano, como un ser en busca de sentido, constituido por las dimensiones biopsiconoéticas. Noética es aquello en lo que el hombre encuentra la fuerza para encontrar un sentido a la vida. Dado que el niño es considerado un ser en desarrollo y la adolescencia es una fase de adaptación a la vida adulta, un período de desarrollo y construcción de la personalidad, se buscó información en la literatura para indicar cómo es posible apelar a la dimensión espiritual de estos grupos. La investigación se realizó con un carácter bibliográfico explicativo y pretende mostrar cómo la Logoterapia es capaz de ayudar en la construcción de valores, en el encuentro con el sentido de la vida y en el despertar de la conciencia de niños y adolescentes. Para llegar a esta conclusión se realizó una revisión bibliográfica utilizando los marcadores: Infancia, Desarrollo, Psicología, Psicología del Desarrollo, Logoterapia y Análisis Existencial, Adolescencia, Clínica Psicológica con Niños y Adolescentes.
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    A arte de amar: a Logoterapia como uma resposta à problemática do amor e dos relacionamentos contemporâneos
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-02-20) Souza, Victor Irving Endraos Luquini de Melo; Jesus, Eliane de;; Coelho, Denise Gersen Pinto;
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    É necessário falar de valores para uma vida com sentido
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-02-19) Lima, Brenda Sousa; Ferriz, José Luís Sepúlveda;;
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    A vontade de sentido como condição existencial
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-02-02) Dantas Neto, Aníbal da Costa Pinto; Ferriz, José Luís Sepúlveda;; Pinto, Denise Gersen;
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    Intencionalidade: o poder-ser na liberdade-responsabilidade
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-02-20) Cunha, Lourismar de Sena; Ferriz, José Luís Sepúlveda;; Pinto, Denise Gersen;
    This paper aims to analyze and expose the concept of intentionality in a Heideggerian perspective to existential analytics, the possibility of being open existentially to the power-being in a totality and to discuss freedom-responsibility to the meaning of life since Viktor's logotherapy Frankl. Approached phenomenologically, the research points to the condition of being as an ex-sister. It presents the discussion of being in the dasein and its possibilities of placing itself authentically in the choices, through the intentionality of its values. Considering freedom-responsibility in the conscious and open search for coexistence.
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    As emoções, em tempos de quarentena, pela Pandemia da Covid-19: uma visão logoterapêutica
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-02-13) Dantas, Jeiel Silva; Ferriz, José Luís Sepúlveda;
    This Article deals with the assessment of emotions in times of Pandemic, according to the data collected through research and analysis of the reports obtained in writing, collected through research in digital form, between the months of March 2020 at June 2020, with people of both sexes, from eighteen years old. This analysis is made, based on Logotherapy. The research analyzed the reports, based on the Psychology of Sense, Logotherapy. The article is structured as follows: Concept of Pandemic, What is COVID-19, Implications in emotional areas, Evaluation of data obtained in the light of Logotherapy.
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    Análise logoterapêutica sobre como o trabalhador pode encontrar sentido no trabalho em período de pandemia de covid-19
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-02-22) Reis, Gilma Almeida dos; Guedes, Simone;; Ferriz, José Luis Sepulveda;; Coelho, Denise Gersen Pinto;
    This study intents to analyse how its possible the health workers find meaning at job in the pandemic season of COVID-19. In 2020, unexpectedly, a pandemic infested the world: the new coronavírus. The isolation and social distance changed significantly the worldwide, reaching people’s daily lives. This impact caused a radical transformation in the field of the work. For some laborers the home office became part of the new routine, but for health professionals the work increased considerably. These professionals, even in many cases under precarious conditions, have commit themselves to meet the high demand. Given this, we can investigate how it is possible to find meaning at work despite the pandemic. For this purpose, the theoretical approach of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis was used, a psychotherapy system developed by the austrian psychiatrist Viktor E. Frankl [1905-1997] whose filled in the meaning of life as a main theme of his theory. An exploratory research was carried out, in addition to the literature review about the meaning of work. Health professionals currently represent those who say yes to life, even though everything. Celebrating recoveries, but regretting losses, but remaining persistents to appeal to the patient to suffer as little pain as possible, in addition to the care provided to each person that these professionals touch not only the body, but also the existence with their services and dedication.
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    Crime e Castigo numa análise frankliana: Raskólnikov e Sônia
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-02-19) Cardoso, Elionai Santos; Gersen, Denise;; Ferriz, José Luís Sepúlveda;
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    O manejo da psicoterapia infantil na perspectiva da logoterapia e análise existência
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-02-19) Borges, Carine Maria Cerqueira Santos; Bandeira, Lorena;; Ferriz, José Luis Sepulveda;; Coelho, Denise Gersen;
    This article aims to raise elements concerning the methodology and techniques of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis adopted in child psychotherapy, analyze the intervention processes, and discuss the possibilities of the child's emotional and social development through the awakening of spiritual consciousness. This is a qualitative descriptive study approach, considering that this type of research has currently presented itself as an viable alternative as a modality of scientific investigation; because the qualitative methods present a mixture of rational and intuitive procedures, capable of contributing to a better understanding of the phenomena there are to be studied. The results were obtained from the realization of semi-structured interviews, which allowed the identification and analysis of the information collected relating them to the psychologist's performance in the children's clinic; the techniques of logotherapy in awakening the noetic dimension and conscious of its role. It ends with considerations and analysis on the applicability of logotherapy in the children's clinic, as well as the main challenges facing these professionals today.
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    Formação de professores para uma pedagogia do sentido e dos valores: avaliação de uma experiência com casos de ensino
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-02-20) Santos, Vinícius Cerqueira Bastos dos; Santos, David Moisés Barreto dos;; Coelho, Denise Gersen Pinto;; Costa, Fosé Franklin Silveira;
    This article aims to evaluate a formative experience with teachers using teaching cases. Through the extension course, called Online Training Course for Logoeducators (CFOL) and offered by the State University of Feira de Santana, teachers of basic and higher education participated in a training that promotes online training of teachers on education oriented towards meaning and values, by means of teaching cases (SANTOS; PAZ, 2020). This study was composed of a sample of 20 logoeducators who answered two questionnaires to evaluate the course modules. The questionnaires were the instruments that made it possible to measure how the course contributed to the teacher education of the participants. The content analysis of the answers was performed using the method of Bardin (1977). The results showed that the CFOL was appraised as an experience that contributed to the reflection of teachers about their professional activities and provided a therapeutic effect for some teachers. The article also suggests that CFOL presents itself as a model for the development of a Pedagogy of Meaning and Values applying the methodology of teaching cases.
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    A contribuição da logoeducação para orientação profissional dos adolescentes
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-02-19) Silva, Márcio Costa Pinto da; Santos, David Moisés Barreto dos;; Santos, David Moisés Barreto dos;